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Latest Urgent News from We're Getting Hotter, and that's Not a Good Thing!

on Tue, 08/10/2021 - 00:37

I am passing along an email I got from Good to share far and wide...and donate as you can (even asking others to pitch in and you send their way, maybe.) Here's to Living Fully and Showing We Want In On A Sustainable, Enjoyable 'fasten your seatbelts and read on..." Best, Catherine Paton, blogger on



A couple of weeks ago, I emailed you about a leaked version of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report.

Today, the final version of that report was released, and it confirms what we already know: the Earth’s climate is getting worse more rapidly than predicted, and the window to limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels is quickly closing.

Catherine, I know this is difficult news. I also know that the fossil fuel industry will use this as an opportunity to argue that it's too late to do anything about it. Why? Because they want us to lose hope and give up, so they can continue polluting our planet for profit. Because they want us to think that our fight for a livable planet is unwinnable. Because to them, we pose a real threat.

The truth is, we know a thing or two about "unwinnable" fights — we've taken on such fights before and won.

So let's not give Big Oil what they want. If we stay focused, work hard, and stick together, we WILL shut down their entire industry, and stop them from continuing to ruin our futures. That's why I'm asking:

Will you chip in $3 — or however much you can afford — today? We will use your contribution to fight the fossil fuel industry, which is directly responsible for this bad news, and work towards deploying solutions that will prevent even worse news in the future.

Here's something Big Oil doesn't want you to know, Catherine: there is a lot of good news too.

The first piece of good news is that we already have the technical capacity to limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. This is CRUCIAL, and really important to remember while we're doing this work.

The next step, of course, is to turn this technical possibility into reality, by making 1.5°C a political imperative, by ending all fossil fuel projects, and by deploying the solutions we have at hand to prevent further harm to our communities and our climate.

That brings me to another piece of good news. Our climate movement is incredibly powerful, and it's growing stronger every day. There is no doubt in my mind that if we continue to grow, organize, mobilize and activate our movement around the world to demand immediate climate action, we will take down the fossil fuel industry.

Catherine, I'm not trying to say that this fight won't be difficult, because it will be. And I'm not trying to say that this crisis isn't urgent, because it is. It will take all of us doing everything we can to prevent the worst effects of the climate crisis. But what I am trying to say is this:

I refuse to give in to despair or inaction. I refuse to let corporate greed ruin our home. And I pledge to fight for climate justice. Are you with me?

Chip in today to help us in this fight of our lifetime, to maintain a livable climate.

Thank you for everything you do. And remember: the world isn't ending, but the era of fossil fuels is.

In solidarity,

May Boeve
Executive Director