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on Thu, 04/29/2021 - 12:13

Okay that's a Huge Title...but it's kind of a Big Deal, the idea and product offered by David Adelson and his team which there are quite a few testimonials about and basically an amazing kind of technology most can't understand...

At least read about it...and consider the idea I have had (and which I could possibly still be an affiliate for so need to follow up on checking into that today--note to self.) My 'have everything you want' idea I came up with to Afford the System at this time was to get a team together who would share it for a month each to try it out and get the benefit...for a month each for instance. The thing is (isn't there always 'one more thing' to consider...) It's a bit pricey, so they'd have pitch in about $399 for a month...and ten of those would cover $4K so another two people would bring that up to 4800 and that covers it (plus shipping and handling.) People would have to be uber trustworthy and I'm not sure whether it could be insured on some policy or another...

This would be an excellent idea to use in India where there are the COVID numbers or in NYC or another city where the 10K folks could be helped at a time...and then the system moved to help others was My Idea...Ideally one device is set up and runs continuously...and if a lot of people split the cost in a community that would also be a way to offset the investment. It's a computer system programmed with these frequencies, as I understand you plug it in and 'away you go'... to have more flow and ease. It sounds 'other worldly' but in this modern era that's pretty much what's going on more and more...and it's important to have people one can trust and bank on using their skills accordingly...

I have known David and some of his family personally for over 15 years and know Deb Poneman has spoken publicly online about his talents and trusts he's onto something... some may say 'he's on something'...but really those two and many others such as Janet Attwood and other thought leaders studied at Maharishi University... See what Allura Adelson, David's former wife, offers in her book and with tinctures and such on the site as well...Okay best to all and hope this is helpful for those ready to inquire or purchase. Be in touch if you're in my basic NYC/ CT area and want to collaborate too on getting a to all and welcome May in a couple of days!