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Jan 6th, 2023--30 years after our son Kaelan was born in 1993 just after midnight...Lots to ponder and to be grateful for...even as he's been in heaven over 13 years

on Fri, 01/06/2023 - 20:09
This is a helpful reminder and checklist for any of us who may be 'in denial or put through a trial' we cannot completely comprehend..
.Not only do 'bad things happen to good people' some good people do bad things to others...and that's an area that needs to be mapped out to help prevent accidents or allow mayhem to rule when someone has a drug or mental health problem.
Those can 'clean house, start 'fires' of police-court-custody-conservatorship or confusion (so pretty much across the life span problems) not to mention cash/financial and planning nightmares...again for 'the one and the many that care about them or are trying to help them..."
So while we need to spell out problems chapter and verse to one another we could 'skip on down to the wading pool...and treat it like an ER waiting room...' and try to sort ourselves out...see more on as I offer to do some of that...but it's the tip of the iceberg of help needed...
This is what I wrote about a post that said don't point out all the problems someone is having (as if they didn't know...but rather offer help and a way out, assure them there are more who care and so on....)
I try to do 'some of each, learn and teach and hope others will join in more freely (for free often) to coach others along. Some say 'Never offer advice' but 'think twice' is something we could all do even about that... too little, too late can be 'a last stop' kind of problem and involve more than the person who may be 'coloring outside the safety and sanity lines'.
So why not 'keep up with a positive outreach to help more of the US and world get in sync with healing and helping strategies and win-win ideas...ready or not... the future and much greater population of humanity and smaller of animals is here (in land and sea) to time to tune in as we can reasonably and see where the shift can lead us...
Thanks for all everyone's done Thus Far...and special kudos to Kaelan our late teen son (1/6/93-6/16/09) whose now part of many hearts for the way he lived as a friend to all and took final courageous skillful actions to save a friend in need after rescuing two others...
There's more to explore and share about many such heroes and people of all walks of life especially when their final actions or gift of donating organs and such helps keep others in the big game of life.
This Jan, 6, 2023 would have been Kaelan's 30th birthday and it's okay to keep celebrating him and sharing 'the good news' of his life and love...some of which was nurtured in our family and as part of many caring loving groups of folks from schools and faith groups to folk music and sporting teams (plus many adventures along the way with boating, snowboarding and tree climbing and biking...)
His memorial service is on and I hope to help one youth get to camp in the Berkshires this summer for a week of outdoor fun and fellowship. Thanks to all who'd like to contribute by being in touch with me. The full amount is $350 and I have a couple of kids in mind so need to see which it will work best for in terms of scheduling...
Hopefully more people can reach out to families they know to see if they have a need or wish they can help fulfill with practical support and information and get more town, faith and other resources.
A little help goes a long way and our kids and family benefitted a great deal from such help over the years. so many thanks and this is one way to pay things forward. I'd like to do much more with a growing team so thanks in advance if you or someone you know would be interested in helping with that!
Who knows where those connections and skills will lead? Hopefully to many wonderful lives and good choices, but trusting we can discover much as we keep in touch to 'see how the story goes' year to year and decade to decade.
Kaelan's family overall is doing well with many branches of the family tree growing and pursuing a lot of important work from real estate programs, keeping the lights on in big buildings, computer programming, landscaping, managing a large cemetery, building and getting heating help and more... to caregiving, helping run a town for a couple decades, do security, do security, military and police work, welcoming babes into the world and helping with women's health, counseling, volunteering, helping in small ways and bigger ways to in the faith and arts and other groups, nursing in many fields and advocacy on a few fronts too, then there are the teacher (econ to yoga) and international worker bees and networkers plus donating time and funds steadfastly for decades to local and wider efforts ... so pretty much have all the bases covered but of course with teams of awesome others from over everyone's life time chiming in and showing a lot of support for each to do their bestest!
I just want to post this to give a shout out to each and every part of the caring communities everyone is fortunate to have as part of their root system and rooting section for the next round of life adventures. We all need 'all the help we can imagine and get...and then some'
Many great business ideas may be 'just around the corner' when we slow down and process in groups what the journey's entailed and what we want it to look like going forward. Thanks for sharing an idea with me or others as you are inspired to do...a resource, a tribute, a crazy idea or even a dream that may hold meaning for our team of humanity! Best to all and Here's to healing and Happy January 6th!
Feel free to message me on my public FB pages, Catherine Paton and Livfully. Thanks for dreaming up ways to help one another, yourself and the wider community in balanced day at a time!