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Inspirational Luminaries at Carnegie Hall mid November 2016, Good start after the Elections (especially if you get the half-off coupon code)

on Sat, 11/05/2016 - 16:07

With the holidaze upon us Plus The Presidential Election, who has time to think about getting Restored and Inspired? Apparently a prestigious group honoring Bob Proctor at Carnegie Hall in NYC on Monday evening on November 14th and have full day of events on Tuesday, November 15th, 2016 in NYC have made plans and for a price folks can obtain tickets. The marketing strategy I've been learning about on some programs is offer something reasonable (for instance an evening event for just under 100 dollars, then offer More, a second day for instance for 350..

.But Then, Give a Discount with a that could cut the Price in Half so you save a bundle. It is something I appreciate likely like a mouse in a maze. But part of me (as would anyone) would have to Budget a Clear Amount of Money (and Even Time plus other key details such as childcare whether bartered or paid or losing time at work etc which are all important factors to consider.) Top that off with transportation to the destination and home again if it's more than 20 bucks each way. Even that is important to have handy, with subway or bus transit cards or money and such to make Connections to get to the Gig

. Now with that little heads up, will I get to go? Will I let myself think it through some more, or will I stick with some Free Offers that came through the grapevine (one weekly livestream with Marianne Williamson happens Tuesday nights and also is produced in NYC. Hopefully there are replays, but maybe there aren't....another 'marketing strategy' or maybe there are replays for free for a day or so then can be purchased. In terms of Getting the Word out, I realize I could plug in many of these strategies with these blog posts and Many Other Ideas.

Likely I need some Coaching (even for my favorite price, free though some say you can pay more than that or offer an array of pricing to find something that resonates. Some say the more people invest the more they will give to a program. One from Ned Hallowell sponsored by Prudential in downtown (you guessed it) NYC, across from UBS (like USB but different yet a nice connection and also the idea of Whose Driving the BUS, that would be All of US, and even keep that in mind when going to and fro to places especially in cars..You are 'driving the bUS' (not the car or bike or bus...)was offered for free and was on ADHD or ADD. See Driven by Distraction and his other two books which deals with assessing in basic ways whether a person (child, woman or man) has ADD and how it presents, natural and social options to try before meds..and then yes, the possibility of medications if it is recommended by an informed, competent doctor. Often concerns are dismissed as other kinds of mental health issues, interpersonal conflicts (relationship problems, divorce or custody matters and financial difficulties, etc.)

Taking time to consider what the True Root Causes could be could save all involved (from the person having the condition to their family, co-workers and kids etc) Time, Money,Worry, Conflict, Difficulty and Danger (again to themselves and Others.) I would hope more people could draw contingent circles outward like ripples on a pond to realize Friends and Others Nearby the Person with an ADD type or other mental health or drug issue are Also In Line for the Problems if not Danger (and even Fatal injuries and 'accidents') to play out. That is WHY we ALL need to Pay Attention to these rather nuanced and confusing dynamics that don't usually light up a chart for intervention (police, medical etc) until big issues come up. PREVENTION is key to helping things Turn Around from a downward spiral or pattern of intermittent challenges 'beyond the norm'.

Okay, that's plenty for now before I indulge in some Permaculture Wisdom at The Commons in Brooklyn on Atlantic Ave, a great value at an affordable price I must say, especially as someone who has taken PC Basics and can attend some of the current programming at a reduced rate (another great reason to pursue that PC Basics if you are on the fence.) Check out and All the best now and Don't Forget to VOTE FOR YOURSELF as a Team Player and Chief Advocate as well as for Hillary for Prez, great! No charge!

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