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Info from someone who has done more research early on and had time to share... (not my letter but okay to pass along)

on Thu, 03/19/2020 - 13:49
 According to someone I trust and know has done research, here are some pointers. Of course stay posted with the latest for your state and area, and the site. Many people are thinking things through, but it is important people have things discussed in ways that make sense to them, even in many small conversations over time so each one can make helpful changes and gain an understanding of 'what this is all about.' The more one can visit on the phone or with family, friends and others, the less difficult 'being socially distanced or physically isolated from all or most others' will be. Regular check-in times with emails or calls, FB groups and more could help people feel more secure about a routine and being part of a meaningful network whether local, involving people in one's social, faith, work, education and recreational circles and so on.
Now here's for the shared ideas about  COVID19  in  basic terms...summarizing  recommendations (again not to be taken as a final say, consult with your health practioners if having symptoms or needing more information about any health concern or even mental health matter.)
"If you get it, you should stay home and only seek medical care if you have trouble breathing.
It is 10x deadlier than the flu for most adults over 50, and 150x deadlier than the average flu for people over 70. There is also now more research showing that it can be serious for infants and preschoolers as well.
There is plenty of food in the country, but supply chains are strained. Wait a week or so, there will be food in the stores again. Have a younger person do your shopping for you if you can to limit your exposure.
Turn off the news if that helps you feel more calm. There are plenty of ways to keep ourselves busy at home. Praying for medical workers would be one example.
Not everyone is a carrier, but they will be in about 4-6 weeks without extreme social distancing. That's how fast this will spread unless we all stay home and minimize contact.  Given that half the country isn't doing anything to socially distance, we are likely in for very rough time reaching the capacity of our medical systems, which will lead to higher fatalities. This is why everyone is asking people to practice social distancing, so it spreads more slowly and doesn't overwhelm our healthcare systems as quickly and the people who need care can get it.
Btw, NY state now has a call out for retired medical and healthcare staff to volunteer to help with the surge in serious infections that is coming to the tri-state area in 2-3 weeks. More states are likely to follow suit."