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An important way to Take A Closer Look at the Events and Tales of 9-11-01 on

on Mon, 09/11/2017 - 14:03

Last year a few straggly hippie types were standing near the Oculus that looks like something out of a Star Wars set but is a huge towering ribbed building...whose ribbing who is the question these folks were asking with a few photos and an insistence we were not being told the truth of 9-11.

How could it be different from 'what we all saw' I wondered along with many others over the years who placently took for truth what we saw unfold on television over and over again, repeatedly for days. And stories which may have been confusing but so was that scope of the emergency.

Who could sit and do research and take timely notes 'after the fact' of what happened. Everyone was stunned. But the professionals and intelligent people at ask important questions and give more evidence than in the Official 9/11 Report, so let's take note.

Our lives and way of understanding the world may be at stake if we don't...Ongoing inquiry is a way to remember the lives lost on American soil and the hundreds of thousands who perished do to our immediate war-driven response. Many question if that was for interests in Iraq and Afghanistan for oil, opium and other such hidden causes.

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