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How was your Birthday, President Obama aka Friendship Day?

on Mon, 08/05/2013 - 04:29

 Turns out Aug 4th is both President Obama's Birthday And Friendship Day (according to my calendar from the store, not the one I'm hoping to create to recognize people of every age year by year and even decade by decade Anbd even in this life and beyond). But, I'm getting ahead of my self..

Did anyone see if the President blew out 52 candles on his cake (one for each week of the year?) Did he have 52 actual candles and one to grow on, or a facsimile thereof, say a circle of a candles and two in the middle..or the numbers 5 and 2 (and one candle to grow on just the same?) I'm writing this 20   minutes into Aug 5th, so hope it went well...and IF he's in HW or out West, it's still the 4th for a few hours. For the record the Birth Angels on duty and blessing follks born on fhe 4th (and other correlating days...see ) include Yeratel--propogation of the light for 8/2-6 and Mitrael for internal Reparation (for 8/4). Interesting how that has the sound of 'Israel' in it, no? and yes, much healing is needed in the Middle East.

I have a friend who went to Israel for her cousin's wedding. She shared that she was on a ship at one point and had a photo of  world leaders linked to Jordan and the US and sent prayers that the new leader of Jordan would renew peaceful ways such as existed before Sadat was shot back in 1981...I think that is what she told me..The people prayers are powerful and they can be somber and sincere or more active and even in the realm of advocacy or even celebration

I was dancing in part to celebrate the right we have to do  so in this country, especially as women..and a belly dancer really let loose on the public outdoor dancefloor as part of a community celebration. Likely we'll need extra protection in the future if more danger looms in our country..but for now, perhaps people can dance in their living rooms and send a message of sensible, healthy living and healing life feelings to make this a day of joy and friendship for all people along with the  President and our whole plan-it, including the waters, the earth, the plants and animals and even our solar system.

The more we indulge in such 'fantasies, the more we'll See them Fan out into realities!" hugs and healing to all in need, whether in soul, mind, body or and ye shall find, knock and the door shall be and the world will love you back (maybe not the way you want or maybe not right away, but as you sow, so shall you reap!)

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