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$hopping that Makes You Feel Good (and Does Good for Others Too!) Check out these sites and Plan to Partner with Them for Quality Crafts and More!

on Mon, 12/11/2017 - 01:23

"Give Where You Live" is what the Brooklyn Community Foundation radio ad encouraged, so why not plan to do more of that and support artists whether locally or a bit farther afield. Here are some amazing folks I've met at fairs and local venues to the CT-NY area. Feel free to share your contact info if you do something that helps your artist self or benefits others. Also see for ideas to let other support you in doing your special work and getting credit for it.

I hope to do that soon for some of my projects, getting sponsors to grease the wheels. There's Kickstarter and GoFundMe to learn about (and see Patty Lennon's book on Crowdfunding or other sites to help you $ucceed if you pursue that. Hopalong Andrew of Brooklyn fame, a veritable year-round Cowboy (but Santalike energy) is hoping to close his $10K goal within a day from hope that works out fine and dandy. Every bit counts so check out what Your Pals are doing and other kindred spirits.

Here are some great sites to peruse for gifts for yourself or others. 1. Woodcrafts To Fund Global Education and Community Projects , John Roccanova, a public school teacher for a few decades, can be reached at I saw his lovely handcrafted wooden bowls in Millerton NY but they ship anywhere. can be reached for lovely pottery pieces with wonderful subtle glazing that has a sense of movement and merging..Chris De Wees (definitely has that collaborative 'we energy' in his mugs, bowls, vases and more. His number is 718-541-2942.

From the Lafaytette Presbyterian Church Fair there were other nice artists so check out local events and make contacts. Some were from SONYA, South of the Navy Yard Artists, see more at or reach She creates lovely scarves with gentle lively patterns as well as other handcrafts.Vibrant cards with cozy themes (with some Share the Love messages) can be found at 

For other great gifts check out whose at Bryant Park in NYC. A favorite from past years is or Pink Cloud Gallery of Sharon CT. Terra Cafiero has an endless talent for creating "fun"ctional  foot-high clocks in an array of breeds of dogs and cats and others decked out in singular garb that can make you blink twice while the tail tick-tocks.

Eating at local venues can also show a wise way to keep one's community thriving... Enjoy a quiet spacious corner respite and fine lunch or take-out at Hudson Jane at 360 Myrtle Ave in Brooklyn NY. They're plans are for an "all day cafe, provisions, and wine bar."  They can be reaced at or 347-987-3881.

 For choral music, see the offerings at Lafayette Presbyterian Church or many other community or faith choral groups.  was recommended to me by one of the choral members. Kudos to all putting in the time and talent to enrich our local and wider communities. The Brown Memorial Baptist Church in Brooklyn is doing a play Dec.15, 2017 called "What If You Only Had 24 Hours to Live?"

That night also there is a dance at Brooklyn Contra with a band from Baltimore called Organic Family Band, so that's one option for marking the midpoint of the last month of the year. Check out for their lovely folk music (much of which can be heard on ) Twas On A Night Like This is a group of heartwarming Christmas and seaosonal music, a tradition in our home to enjoy (and yes, I was there at the Folk Legacy home when it was being recorded about 30 years ago, so appreciate it all the more.)

Sending a card of thanks or greeting to Caroline Paton (or even to me, Catherine Palmer Paton for support with my work in many areas which I do freely so far c/o of the same address) whose helped keep Folk Legacy going which her late husband Sandy ( Charles Alexander) Paton and  the late Lee Haggerty formed with her over 55 years ago is a worldwide treasure and example of what a few kindred spirits can do when they pool their time, talent, resources and love for what they do.

The American Mural Project (AMP) in Winsted CT pays tribute to workers from many walks of life with a huge indoor mural which is fundraising furiously to open its doors. While the list may be growing as you read through this post if you choose only one that's fine (the card perhaps which could include a gift as well if desired) to Caroline Paton at PO Box 1148 Sharon CT 06069. She turned 85 a few months back and she's a contemporary of the late Pete Seeger and hundreds of other wonderful folk singers around the country and then some!

One of the short songs shared on the Twas On A Night Like this is as follows  "Oh what a goodly thing, if the people of the earth, could dwell together, in peace.." It's a round and could become part of everyone's tradition to read or share as they may feel moved whether at a service of remembrance (as was done at Sandy Paton's folk singing gathering. That autumnal service was similar to our teen son Kaelan's Memorial  summer service from 2009 which was held at Sharon Center School which he had attended K-8th grade. His paternal grandfather Sandy, age 80 and in poor health with much grief, attended that moving gathering withdozens of  Palmer and Paton family members and hundreds of  friends and other supportive people about a month before his own passing. 

Kaelan's service is on youtube which may bring comfort to others to consider 'none of knows for sure how long we have together on our earthly journey, but we can appreciate that the love can be healing and held in our hearts for our entire lives. Many online and written books speak to the possibilities of Staying Connected (such as a book by Rudolf Steiner and others by Mark Anthony, or Deborah Heneghan (Closer Than You Think) and Bill Phillips and others of wider renown.

These are not the typical gift ideas but for everyone's sense of the possibilities, one may consider studying them more than may happen just by chance. I have found looking at world views far and wide as a comfort and taking time to slow down and think matters through (best as I have been able to with some stretches of working per diem or having longer times to take programs and helping other people through difficult times. We all have loved one on the other side and many in our circles who have struggles. Being there for one another whether holding the space, sharing some kind words or offering to help with some simple things (food, a ride, a bill getting paid with some support for calls and looking for funds on their behalf) can open up new ways of connecting and caring.

Then again there is the idea of 'shopping locally or with care for where products or services come from." Hope you have found some ideas and support for venturing into the realm of sharing and caring in meaningful ways if that was not quite on your radar. A friend who clarified she directed her attention and funds this way to show support for friends and causes she cared about brought the idea to light for me as did many years of being a in 'giving church' which helped youth and others with many small fundraisers (and some larger ones too such as giving to Hope for Haiti.

That is still a tradition with the funds from the Christmas Eve Service at the Sharon Congregational Church in Sharon CT 06069 should someone want to pitch in toward that cause, and specifically helping fund projects at Hopital (hospital) Albert Schweitzer. Whether planing trees, digging wells, funding housing for volunteers or other medical needs, all donations count manifold and are a blessing to the giver as well as those receiving, setting ripples in motion over many lands and years to create communities of care and greater love. Thanks in advance whatever you can do now or in the future as well as for All You Have Done Already! Thanks for being a team player!



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