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Heartbreaking Reports from Tikkun about Palestinians Suffering in Israel...

on Tue, 05/11/2021 - 18:38 is a network of spiritual folks...and here's more info...This is Our Collective Time to use our WIT (What If Thinking, a term I've coined, Catherine Palmer Paton) which can help everyone weigh in on a discussion and observation of what our eyes are seeing which we can believe...and help us find a healing way to peace and harmony.... Let's work together now when the sun is high...and times are not worse than they are. Our children and world are Counting On US All...especially leaders and people of country's with political pull...


Cat Zavis is executive director of the Network of Spiritual Progressives and rabbinic student in the Aleph: Jewish Renewal rabbinical ordination program. She provides online video conference trainings in Prophetic Empathy and Revolutionary Love, teaching skills to help move us from fear to love and more. You can learn more at or email her at