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Happy Spring 2016 with 15 min of Dr.Sha's Live Singing his peace song or see www.nycmedittion, join a faith circle or take a walk and breathe calmly..

on Sun, 03/20/2016 - 13:17


TODAY at 2:30 pm EST (and 11:30a out in Hawaii) Dr. Sha will be leading a lovely 15-minute time of singing his Peace, Love, Harmony Song as part of World Happiness Day. What a lovely idea and action step.

Then there are ways to vote his song for recognition between April 8th and May 8th, 2016. I have one I may enter and will print shortly on this blog. In NY at PS 20, Anna Sliver Public School on 166 Essex St in Manhattan, there will be some free talks on meditation from 12-4p with an hour for lunch at 1:30p. IF you go to one session, you can partake of a series of free classes for the next month twice a week. That was a bonus I learned about after going by chance to the Saturday programs which were enlightening and enjoyable.

All of that is free, (not lunch, but you can bring something or pay the 9 dollars for a nice vegetarian meal.) I will summarize some points as I learn them and want to wish everyone a Lovely Spring 2016. I hope you can take time to join in the healing efforts for oneself and others. The programs from are also inspiring and this being a special time in the Christian year with lent, Palm Sunday (3/20 though it's usually a week or so later in Orthodox Christian programs), and Easter Sunday on 3/27, with Holy Week in between Palm Sunday and Easter, with Maundy Thursday recollecting the Last Supper sometimes with evening services by candlelight as is the Sharon Congregational Church tradition, the stations of the cross and crucifixion of Jesus Christ (which means Messiah, so therein lies much of the conflict in theory between Jews and Christians..who believed Jesus was the Messiah versus just a man guilty of heresy claiming equality with G-d.

Many of the problems in Israel/ Palestine (think of the bible story of Jacob and Esau, the twins and yes, Jacob means Israel and stole his brother's birthright when his father was near his death when Jacob pretended to be Esau if I recall that sad tale but the beginning of hard feelings between the tribes) harken back to the age-old dilemma of the Jews being given the Promised Land of Israel (led out of bondage under Egypt fro 400 years by Moses who had lived with Pharoah as an adopted son) or in that general area, and then losing it over many centuries,

The legacy of the Jews, the Chosen People of G-d, not because they were the biggest or most amazing but that they were dear to Him being dispersed and horribly tortured and killed by the Nazis in modern times of the 1940s  during WWII. When they were granted rights to establish a country again on May 14th (my birthday as well as Mark Zuckerman's and 9 million others by the way.. )1948 (and my Dad had been in WWII so that's my more significant tie to that time..and my parents were married and having kids by then, with my mom being a Maronite Christian who I just learned likely was related in generations past genetically to French and Italian ancestors.) I have always felt a kindred spirit with the people of Lebanon, since my moms parents emigrated from there due to the better opportunities in America.

Again, the many rich historical, religious and academic contributions of the mid East are aspects the world appreciates yet needs to reflect on more regularly. The ABCs did not pop out of nowhere, nor did math or science, or again, religion. We likely have all be saturated with Hollywood's values and views of reality for so long there are few with living memories of anything but Disneyfied hip-hop kind of living, speaking, eating, singing and dancing. 

Okay so let's enjoy this rather sacred season in many traditions and appreciate the continual dialogue as it were of the various faiths and traditions beckoning US-All to Turn Within to that Still Small Voice, to see if there is a Divine Spark of God's LIfe and Love Dwelling Within Each of Us, and a Creative, Caring Community of Kindred Open Hearted People who believe in more than the physical body or personalities we each embody over our lifetime. Could there be reincarnation?

Why is that much different from developing from something as small as a grain of sand (or smaller as I'd tell my kids) to a fully endowed small person, aka a baby, to a growing person (a child), a reproductively able person (a teenager) and ideally more mature and aware person ( an adult but let's face it maybe those are the younger versions of many people who have not been imprinted or disillusioned by the adults and systems in their world.)

See inspiring ideas on And again, enjoy this beYoutoFull day. By the way the Sri Chinmoy (who transitioned from this world physically in 2007) is still the guru of the NYC Meditation group. Some insights I gained about their sect as it were is that members can choose to join at any time with a call toward voluntary celibacy in a spirit not so much as a vow but a free choice. The conversion of youthful life energies from the heart (and other chakras) to the third eye through meditative practices can be a way to enliven their soul with a closer alignment to their divine nature and purpose.

Leaving the worldly and social intimate relationships aside is also a choice they freely make. If people are already married before coming to the practice and program, they may remain such. Vegetarianism is also freely chosen for the spiritual benefits in their line of belief, since a person may be taking on the qualities of the soul of whatever animal is consumed. The soul may evolve from one that is more animalistic to one that is more human, and eating plants helps with the fine-tuning of the human divine qualities.

The various forms of meditation such as breathing, looking at a candle flame, listening to gentle singing or music, and letting go of thoughts as though they were released into a big blue sky and feeling safe in an igloo with thoughts not able to penetrate the walls were shared. The idea of reincarnation was described as seeing one wave and then the next all hit the shore, whereas if viewed from under the water, all were expressions of the ocean and each was able to return to the sea and reform into a new wave.

That also served as an idea for the reason to go under the waves of activity on the surface of life, below the physicality of our being and things and even to quiet the thoughts and realize 'one is a spiritual being having a physical experience' moreso than only being an animated physical being. Okay, need to go to the programs again and maybe catch the Story of Love at the Brooklyn Tabernacle which is also free and happening a few times this week.

Peace to one and all as they explore their day, ideally with a minute of sincere gratitude and a quiet mind at the start of each day, something every tradition says is a helpful way to start one's day. Dr.Sha offers the idea to begin even when still in bed with eyes closed before waking up, to place one's hand over one's heart and say silently four times, "The divine creates and fulfills a new day for me." He says it's fine to specify whichever divine being you feel comfortable with or to hold the general thought. Some may say repeating is not necessary, yet others say we likely benefit from helping our whole body allow and focus on our intention and invitation.

Other ideas from David Adelson on youtube or his have similar guidelines though he also offers silent CDs and DVDs which can assist with creating the shift to a relaxed, healing frequency. I've tried one for a week or more and feel it's been helpful but of course, it's hard to know how it's really working or helping.. Does not seem to be hurting. Same with which I have found helpful and which actually stems from something Eric Pearl was given insights about and had to wrestle with understanding for a few years before he felt compelled to share with the world through his book, website, youtube and programs. 

Today in NYC there are many groups offering things (See for fairs and such year round). The overall idea  of becoming a vessel of light and love, of healing and helping and having clear ethcis and boundaries, as well as practical ways to soothe and heal oneself and others is a resounding new helpful message at a time this world fraught with struggle for our dailiy bread or even clean water and air to breathe.

Maybe we need more time outdoors and camps for people to sleep on the earth (see earthing as yet another timely healing modality, and NLP, neuro linguistic programming..basically think healing thoughts, and no that's not always easy if one is an activist but it's important not to burn out or take on too much at once..

Remember to drink water at room temperature (we're mostly water) and get goo sleep, let your problems be put on hold and in a basket for the night or more..and realize you are Off Duty (doesn't that sound Great? Life just got half as hard or twice as good) OKay, back to wrapping up and you can read the rest of this later if you're trying to Get Out the Door...Hugs and Happy Day Every Day, Give Yourself a Hug from Me and Your Support Team here and above and from the realm of Big Love!

I have had a chance to mention great folks I've bumped into via their works or in person (or both)...Dr. Sha's books seemed to be popping out of the discount shelves in KMart and at the Millerton Public Library. In short order, I looked up his website, and called the 'healing number' 1-800-339-6815 (more on that in another post or on his site, that can help balance various organs, areas or aspects of the body when said in Chinese which sounds like sahn, sahn, Joe, liew, bah, yow, woo.

He has a short video on the healing sounds of numbers and maybe more people will appreciate 'math' as in numbers when it relates to their health. Another lovely site to be aware of is by Terah Cox, again someone I was able to meet at Crystal Wellness in Great Barringtoin MA 01230 (a rather get up and going yet stay-centered kind of zip..code.) See her book and charts on Birth Angels and look them up for you and your family and friends...and yes, even feel the 'feather touch of grace' by looking them up for your loved ones.. and see how their angels relate to their life journey, even the day they passed to see 'which angel was on duty and again, see correlations with other people in one's circle'.

A theory from some holy monks (Buddhist or Tibetan I forget, so my apologies..) but the jist is that a soul reincarnates directly after leaving the body as in within 24 hours..and even immediately if there's an egg hatching so to speak. That whole concept is something I'd been warming up to the possibility of in terms of believing that life did begin at conception, then realizing maybe that meant the person's spirit was there from the get go or very soon after (let's work with that 24 hour concept). Well, then this Buddhist or thereabouts nun I met by chance at Adams' Fairacre Farms in Poughkeepsie near Vassar College where I was visiting to see an art show in memory of my friend from the 1980s who ended his life when a senior there. She said it could be the case that a soul waits 49 Days (7 weeks of 7 days) to reincarnate OR on another cycle of those 49 Days...but generally speaking it's sooner rather than later.

When I asked if my friend could possibly have been my son who ended up passing in a more heroic fashion (thinking on some level this is how karma may balance out), she said it was possible, but usually reincarnation happens much sooner than a decade or two. According to Rudolf Steiner, a person needs to review the time when they were Sleeping in life when their soul was downloading as it were some information and reconnecting with their spiritual side, so that is about a third of however long someone lives. In the case of my son who tranistioned (or translated as the folks call death and rebirth) at age 16 and a half almost, that would mean anyone born after June 2014 could be him on that schedule.. but anyone conceived on the day he died, June 16th, 2009 could be him.

Those little ones likely were born around March 10th, March 10th happens to be the birthdate day and month of  someone close to our son  (and someone born on that date in 2010 someone I've gotten to meet who seems like a gift from heaven and was making me wonder..could this be my son? Finally I've realized it doesn't matter so much Which new person Might be my son or any other relative or friend's the Possibility of that which gets me reviewing my worldview and understanding of the deeper parts of life, religion, spirituality and the like...Seeing the possible connections got me explosring the message  from thr realm of Birth Angels and Cycles of Life and bigger meaning of our spiritual journey and even earthly relationships is that when we seem to lose something maybe we are being given a much greater gift than we can practically even conceive or gain insight about.

For our son to die on a day when all others being conceived and end up 'hatching out' on our son's Dad's birthday, seems like an amazing synchronicity and demonstration that the bigge miracle of life out does the seeming difficulty (and yes this was a Huge Challenge and still hurts on many levels as a mortal being even with a lot of faith and trust that we can sense the beauty and meaning of not only Kaelan having lived as he did for his good young life, but also of other loved ones in heaven and many people we did not even have a chance to know about...every life is precious...that oceanic sense of fellowship and love is the bigger factor in this equation of life which can help us heal on many levels and even survive what we must face as earthlings sharing one planet.)



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