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HALT #8in10 in Arkansas at the start of April 2017 (20 States have banned Death Penalty, so not fair for Ark. to do Ten in a Week!)

on Fri, 03/31/2017 - 13:24

Better to avoid headlines of horror (both the plans and all too likely the Ten Executions Done without our advocacy to Halt Them now!) is the site to sign a petition Today or As Soon As Possible to Get the Governor to Halt these Assembly Line Executions. I heard of a mother in Texas who found her little ones killed.

She ran about her home and found the gun or had picked up the gun that was used. When the police arrived, she was there next to her kids with the gun. They put the clothing from the kids and the gun in the same bag. She got thrown in jail with a death penalty conviction. (I saw this episode on television as a documetary type program about 5 years ago, so maybe one could google terms and find it.)

She did not realize she had any recourse. Finally a justice project realized the poor handling of her case. She was given one or two appeals but was not freed. When a more serious effort was made by yet another advocate (finding the case almost by fluke), the courts said there would be no delaying the execution date that was set.

The woman's words and stance were all humble since she had faith in God. She trusted that when she died she would be with her children so was more accepting than most Americans or everyday people in the world would have been.

There have been extensive studies showing the death penalty has been carried out Unjustly and Often against Innocent People. Also the methods have ranged from truly barbaric (electric chair) to malfunctioning. Most have seen the movie on televsion The Green Mile or Twelve Angry Men. Many mothers and fathers who have had their children die (even at older ages) can feel extreme despair and want to 'join their child (or other loved one for any person really) in death. We haven't had time and ways in our society to review that likely 'That's Not how it works', particularly if one takes a self-directed trip to the other side, and particularly if done in anger, despair or revenge.

Lots of ideas by longterm traditions (Tibetan Book of the Dead, The Bible (which may have been tweaked to take out all references to reincarnation and other factors that might make more scientific and moral sense.), and more recent insights from Steven Greer, Eric Pearl, Gigi Young and David Adelson to name a few. Marc Anthony, Bill Phillips and Patti Sinclair along with many other mediums online and elsewhere indicate 'the jury is out on subject of the hereafter.' Why not take time to pause and reflect on many aspects of life (and get inspired by too to care for our planet and all of life on the planet.)

We need to be stopping this set of extreme penalties when about twenty states have banned such possibilities. That alone is reason to Delay if not forever postpone this type of extreme measure. Solitary confinement also has to end along with many other barbaric practices in prisons.

Not easy to think about but likely our shared ethical response-ability..If not us, who to think things through for a more humane world and future...what there might be left of it as many problems mount. Why not check out Steven Greer and others on youtube (Linda Moulton Howe and Gigi Young) who are all speaking 'as though from another planet'...maybe we need to consider better possibilities for everyone so fewer people lose their foothold over generations.

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