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Grateful to Hear and Learn from During This Time and Beyond!

on Fri, 04/03/2020 - 02:35

Seeing a replay of the live program Jai Dev did today, I appreciated the intro that 'if you have a mind, you have a mission.' That can take the pressure off the 'here and now' and remind us that 'we came to the earth for a reason to experience being in a body, in relationships (with family, friends and more committed people, children and more...) 

That's my reflection. Now Jai Dev shares more about what it is feeling like to be in a serious situation of these times. He reflects on what it was like to realize as a child that death was something that could happen to his parents and himself..and he felt 'his stomach drop.' The question of 'what is the meaning of life if in the end everyone will die?' is one he raises and offers that 'those are the questions of a yogi.' 

He has many profound insights that he shares in the first ten minutes (which I've just heard...) He suggests that we are dealing with an amplification of the stress we usually deal with 'in the background' of our daily lives. That could lead to traumatization. On the other hand, it could also create a huge transformation in our experience. We have the bigger impending climate crisis that is sitting right there. "How can we interact and engage in ways that will be beneficial for ourselves and our world at this time?" He suggests focusing on the energy of the heart, and to connect with what is true and real, love and compassion.

There are 'assets and liabilities' of this situation, the positives and the negatives as complex paradoxical human beings. Being able to 'less easily provoked' and allow our 'self-importance' to diminish so the inner struggle can calm down and become less clumsy. We all have special gifts and are of equal value and importance to the puzzle. We are the 'entire universe in a microcosm'.

We are 'nothing and everything'..That's the joy of the infinity and non-dying. We can then transform our worries and fears to 'deep trust' since we are 'made of love and taken care of by love.' I'll let you listen to the next part and see the yogic practices he offers (Kundalini yoga) in some of the free offerings. Maybe more of the donations to help medical people and caregivers and others could support online programs like this in every state and be shared a bit farther, touching more lives.. Peace and light, namaste.