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Google NBCs pics of St. Patrick Cathedral and video of Sunsets in NY

on Mon, 09/12/2016 - 16:49
To see St. Pat's check this site from NBC, others to view may come up too after it.
Hearing that 'historic structures in NYC need review or redo's every 7 years due to a brick falling (and killing a man). Have to research which, but some say when we've finished our mission on earth we'll go (some say a certain day and others say with a year or so, if not one way then another.)
I share that idea since it was new to me and I also have heard ideas that we 'choose what kind of person, family, sets of challenges and life path we want to explore the spiritual growth possibilities not only the human here-and-now experience. Hollywood makes money (from moviegoers) whether knocking people off or letting them come back to life in the TV shows or movies.
Then there's the whole batch of ideas of 'what you think, say or do may come on back to you or seed more of in one's life.' We all have heard of accidents when people were just acting or just trying something out even in real life but just for fun...well, let's watch what we are planning or doing (especially off the cuff, and I know that's tough for some especially with skills or bright ideas..and I know I could review a lot in the 'what I say' dept, especially in trying to prevent harm.
Hard not to acknowledge the problems and hope they'll just go away or fade into the sunset, but that's a common mode of living. Seems we may not be aware of which path we're Choosing...and the debate of our intentions versus actions also is up for discussion should anyone be needing a break from 'trivial pursuits'... of course that's got it's place too and is a good reminder we can sit and piece ideas and efforts together, even good guesses.

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