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Figuring out Stuff from the Past and Focusing on the Future for US-All

on Mon, 09/19/2016 - 22:36

Once upon an encounter with aliens in Sheffield MA, see

What are the messages for US-All about things that have occurred (or even may have happened) in our tri-corner area of the wealthiest and earliest parts of the country? If it happened in our area (in the past or more currently), such things are likely to have happened in other areas, for better or for worse.

Our area has an array of experiences from iron ore days to modern racing times, from a few crimes and situations which transformed the awareness of the public about police interviews (Peter Reilly case) ,and other moving challenges such as someone going missing (who had dementia yet maybe something else could have occurred after he left his home although even after many theories no evidence has turned up.)

In addition to our teen son Kaelan Paton’s heroic but tragic passing, many losses have affected our area and often shared networks. Abuse of substances or relationships is at least on the radar of many with higher hopes for intervention, and even prevention.

Now ideas from 50 years ago, on www.tomreed,info, need our consideration as well. I hope we can find ways to explore the experiences and even the passing of key people who were supporting these experiences, particularly that of Howard Reed. Peace and light.

See more on and as they say in Space Shows, may good things come your way (including forces from any dimension.) Just in from the universe is information from ( I almost wrote Thinks are Changing..and really that is the point.. we need to widen our perspectives, and consider how we process ideas and 'realities').

Okay so hope folks can tune into their Time is Art  Let's tune into these interesting phenomenon with care and respect for each other's histories and current journeys. Easy does it and hopefully the good energies can guide US All to a brighter day.

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