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A few videos (and pics) from September 11th, 2016 (15 years after 2001) in NYC

on Thu, 09/15/2016 - 03:20

 The following were put together by a google feature from footage I took on my phone around the World Trade Center on 9-11-16.  I will include a video also of Grand Central to help people feel like they arrive in NYC. I may put in more details later, but it's late so hope everyone is doing well mid-September.

Gear up to enjoy and mark the World/ International Peace Day on September 21st each year. All efforts factor into the mix, like the  tougher, bigger experiences that shape us but hopefully the Peace Day efforts will grow a garden of friends and good memories for all. Here are some photos from the day as well:

Grand Central with a peaceful tune being played but other music in the video: (2 min) (2 min),

(45 seconds of one of the reflecting pools at the North and South Tower places)

Night time bagpipers and corner gathering near firehouse and WTC, 1 min:

For inspiration for the Peace Day, here's a free program that happened in NYC this month with African Dance and live drumming and also some Americana, The Salisbury Band playing in front of the newly renovated Scoville Library in Salisbury CT (donations still being accepted for the over a million dollar investment in the nation's first public library).

 With very little understanding I've been able to capture a lot of cool times with a jazzy phone. I learned the next best thing is coming out this I -7 phone I believe, check it out at Apple stores such as near the WTC where I blogged in the comments section from there on 9-11-16. Hugs from here and above...

Every tree and person in the forest of friends counts! See other reflective posts on 9-11 on this blog and online as you find the time. Then journal, draw, dance, sit or rest as you may seem led to see what it all means To You and Yours...hopefully to make the world a kinder place. Give yourself a hug and remind yourself that you are BeYouToFull (and consider that's the message our teen son Kaelan Paton wanted folks to hear and follow before and maybe even after he left suddenly on 6-16-09, our own kind of major transformation day in the tri-corner area of MA/NY CT where the river that normally connects US-All. the HoUSAtonic River sadly claimed his life when he he helped save another who thankfully really was safe and sound after a rope rescue. Much gratitude is extended to all who serve and find ways to promote safety for themselves and caring sisters and brothers, fathers and mothers...

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