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Exciting Important Ideas on New Life Expo Online This Weekend, Feb 6 and 7th, 2021

on Sun, 02/07/2021 - 00:49

I am hearing talks from amazing people from all over the world (and basically other dimensions as well.) Check out New Life Expo that is online. The Unarius Foundation folks are talking about our home planet hero Nikola Tesla. Fabulous ideas about the earth having the Schumann resonance on the inside with an energy vortex. Because of the pandemic, the atmosphere of the earth began to 'clean house' and restabalize.

The kinds of energy we use are out of sync with the earth's resonance. But there are frequencies that can cleanse and heal the air and water...sounding good right? There are ways to cancel out pollutants ...and "Planet Earth could Breath Again!" This is just five minutes of the talk I'm hearing...and China apparently has been using high frequency and coils to do jus this. There are text books from Unarius that shares this info so think Tesla Coil and more...something that was left over from Atlantis. It can step up energy from 60 cycles to a much higher frequency...The Tesla Coil can be combined with crystals and the electricity that can come from it can cleanse the air and water in its field of resonance...

Lots more on these talks, but hopefully more people will tune in and study a bit and share a bit more! Thanks and let's keep good things going, flowing and glowing...The fellows from Unarius have shared a table top of two tesla coils transmitting electricity by induction (without wires connected... to be in good resonance wires need to be coiled..)

Now as humans we have evolved over many lifetimes, with psychic anatomy that can help humans 'cancel out frequencies' of unhealthy forms of cancer etc and imbalance... The big pharma foks don't like the idea of people healing themselves, but more doctors are helping people. Dementia is caused by plaque on brain cells... but with a resonant frequency, the plaque can be cancelled off the nerves. We can understand the energetic body is the motivating force for each person...and we come in with a lot of wonder powers... We are evolving and more people can hone into these info. 800-475-7062 or or 

I have also met someone who developed Tesla Metamorphosis who offers great ideas about healing. Tesla used to live in the New Yorker Hotel, which is where the New Live Expo was held for many years...and which I got to attend a few times round, meeting dozens of these healer folks. Of course, proceed with good company and intentions...and thanks for caring and sharing.