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Drumming Up Healing, Connecting and Sharing Tips for 2023. List a few you do.I'll start...

on Mon, 01/02/2023 - 14:04

Here's a way to start your day whether for work or play, before you rise and open your eyes (or any time to make you wise!)

 Before you open your eyes after sleeping at night (or whatever your routine is if a night owl or sleeping during the day to work at night...)

Place your hand on your heart center, and say in your mind "The divine creates and fulfills a new day for me" 4x, slowly and with intent. If you prefer, you can fill in 'a loving, caring force' for divine or some suggest using whatever tradition you have of mother or/and father spirit, guides and such. The initial line is from and he suggests to follow up with knocking your fist on your heart center next (eyes closed still is fine I think...) while saying in one's mind or outloud (I will review these details soon),

" I love my heart and soul, I love humanity, Join hearts and souls together, Peace, Love, Harmony, Peace, Love, Harmony." That awakens the soul-heart center connection and then  repeat that verse "I love my heart and soul..." 4 more times, knocking on one's solar plexus (at the center base of the ribs which serves as a message relay center from the heart center to the top of the body or maybe the rest of it.) Then rolling on one's side, knock again at the sacral area, at the base of the spine where it sits in a 'tea cup' which again conveys the message to the cells and energy of the body, maybe grounding the message. Each of those three knocking parts could be done for 3 minutes ideally.

Then repeated when one  sits up in bed, when one stands up, and again while walking around slowly...eacy for 3 minutes so it could take a good 12-15 minutes to use that method of waking up for a new day (or night if you're a night worker or however...but again worth checking his site, His many teachings are in books and online. I shared about them when I learned of him a few years ago.

There are also balancing numbers to say in Chinese to help one's energy and wherever one is. I spell those out in other posts but basically it's 3-3-9-6-8-1-5 " sahn, sahn, Joe, Lieu, bah, yah, wu" Saying it fast and strong with hands held apart in front of one's heart center or solar plexus is supposed to help steady and balance one, energize and create balance. "Joe" (9) is especially helpful for all the chakras and can be repeated on its own as well. So rather nice "Jo" is part of so many names and words...

I came up with a prayer/ song/ chant long ago which I'll share as well..."Thank you G-d, for my soul, and my body and my whole life..." And a friend has shared a group of helpful sounds..."Ee, Fu, Me, Yo, Ee, Moe, Nah, Yah, Koe-Toe-Moe, Chi, Ro"

hat was a tip from my friend whose memorial site is which includes other resources she published and some of her many talents as an acupuncturist ( 5 element--so wood, fire, water, metal, air which relates to many aspects of our bodily functions and lives so worth learning basics online and from real folks too.) Karen had suggested thinking about one's head when saying "Ee, fu,me" then neck for "Yo, Ee, Mo", then right side of lung area for "Nah" and then Left side for "Yah", and lower back for 'Ko-Toe'-Moe' and then the hara or lower belly area for "Ro".

That can be helpful during pregnancy and managing contractions to stay focused on the energy moving through the body, feeling grounded when sitting cross legged (or in lotus position or legs out straighter but supported under knees if desired..) It can be helpful to have other chanting with one to focus and strengthen the energy of that chant.

Of course there are many traditions around the world from chanting and singing but most people are not tuned into the power of their own voice or find time to exercise that or even breathing...But we can change that since we are all breathing all the time. Other notes about that are on other posts or again, just review on line for a few minutes or more. Focusing on learning one thing can be a great help and serve as a stepping stone to grow a garden of helpful ideas, people and resources to  use and share as is helpful with oth

So in terms of 'drumming in the new year or any season of life', the other idea I wanted to share was for when one is help oneself or a group get centered or have some fun, Clap your hands, pat your lap, pat your arms , pat your back, then knock on your heart, knock on your solar plexus, knock on your sacral area, clap your hands. You could do that for 8 pats and knocks just to get the energy going.You can always take more time and review the above later on with those interested. The series of knocking and focusing energy when waking up, sitting, then standing, then walking for a few minutes each is to help one's blood pressure adjust gently.

The same can be done in the reverse order when settling in for the night, first walking slowly, then standing, then sitting then lying down for a few minutes of knocking. If you have a friend, the knocking on the lower sacral area on the spine could be done by them if it's hard to reach that area and sustain for a few minutes. It could be nice to do each area for each other so one can relax and not have to count or get tired from the tapping. That may be helpful for people who don't get much exercise or who are getting older and want to appreciate each part of the day and how their body can feel more balanced. 

There are sitting forms of energy work as well as standing or moving forms. The Eight Piece of Brocade is a book my friend shared with me over 25 years ago and there's plenty to learn and appreciate. Energy work (chi as in tai chi or chi kung) is one form of 'exercise' but there are inner practices that one needs to be aware can be powerful regarding managing or moving one's energy internally and if not done right may be with many things just because it's natural doesn't mean its not without risks or should be done without checking and guidance whether exploring mushrooms (even touching them or being exposed to pores) or realizing people can have food allergies and much more... Thanks for being safe and smart about learning and living on all fronts and drumming up good things in your life!