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Dr. Steven Greer and Linda Moulton Howe disclosing things the US Presidents had not really learned about

on Sat, 10/08/2016 - 15:58

 Dinner parties with The Rockefellers and  in Arlington VA with CIA Director is among a host of meetings Dr. Steven Greer share he had. Why aren't the Presidents informed about space activity (UFOs, alien contact and more). He says there are many things the public and many world leaders are clueless about. One theory he shares is our planet is being used for another set of goals by alien entities and even some here on earth. He feels our country has gone through a 'coup d'etat" (and overthrow of the leadership) but a stealth, silent one. I am putting a few points up here from a few hour documentary.

The redtape..'How can we disclose what we have no access to?" is what the CIA director says. The "Why of secrecry is harder to understand than the How/" There's confidential, secret and top secret with compartments which determine what is allowed for others to learn. Edward Snowden was involved with disclosing the secret compartments. Some compartments are 'not disclosable' and therefore not accesible.

So many disconnects are planned. In the film Sirius, the day before 9/11 Donald Rumsfeld The Dept of Defense has  2.3 billion of unaccounted funds. Donald Rumsfeld is filmed saying that. Likely a couple billion dollars are going into an Unacknowledged Government Special Access project.

 Well, turn to the report to find more about 'the world he has been exposed to since 1993." The secrecy is maintained in the Super Black World with threats of death. They deal with UFOs and aliens and is costing us billions, all without us knowing about it. TIme to Rethink Everything. Eisenhower on his watch, Dr, Steven Greer, lost track of things between the late 1950s and felt badly about it.

That is dangerous and illegal...and without oversight. Termination with extreme Prejudice (TWEP, tweep)... is the terms used for taking someone out who is trying to convey the truth or use their power to do inquiries. Hillary stopped a briefing on aliens once he says. Several hundred trillion dollars of economic activity is linked to these secret projects.

The Weber Smith document from Canada in the 1950s...describes the pursuit of alternative technologies (EMF propulsion systems that allow one to drop out of one dimension and go to another... anti-gravity and so forth, he describes). October 1954 gravity control was achieved, Dr. Greer says. We have not needed any kind of oil or roads for at least 60 years. Free energy from Tesla type info. That would ruin the economy as it has happened. Please take time to review..the "petro dollar interests' are driving the world scene.

The governments are playing to Petro-Oligarchs,,,,yikes he says, our democracy was highjacked years ago. I hope we can take time to ponder this and say a little prayer for forgiveness for our collective slumber and fear. We need to relight out inner flame of intuition. care and concern for the plan-it and one another. Let's see what we can allow in terms of healing and helping one another to give us a chance to think out loud as it is safe to do so to address this bigger craziness. 

Okay, this is plenty for a Saturdy morning in October 2016. Let's hope we can find ways to address solutions or more peaceful 'acceptance of things we cannot change. and trust that spiritually there may be another game altogether where we can still be on a positive wavelength.

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