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Dr. Laurie Moore and start 2019 off in refreshing ways with greater gratitude and insight (from oneself, plants, animals and More)

on Thu, 01/03/2019 - 17:37

The title tells it all, or at least gives you an easy way to search out Dr. Laurie Moore on or, her website. Getting time to tune into her messages, as well as others' such as Dianne Sherman,, and many others helping explore the bigger realms of healing and helping us at this unique time in history. Tuning in and being present with our inner energy and suggest any imbalance take us into peacefulness or help guide a journey.

That's one tip from a talk by Dr. Laurie Moore, a trained psychotherapist but also intuitive healer. Delores Cannon, Edgar Cayce, those who have had NDEs, near death experiences, times of connecting with spiritual healers and also with ETs, extra terrestrials such as Steven Greer and many others (all readily still available on can help us have a language to discuss more practical, easy-does-it optiong for organizing our lives and world with more compassion and creativity than most politiicians or experts in mainstream society allow.

I gave a copy of Wisdom Magazine once to a respectable therapist who was paid big bucks to meet with people in conflict situations...he basically tossed it on a chair when he saw it was based on other healing modalities. So wishing all a sense of willingness to hear the help that may be just a breath or thought away...and here's to a healing new year on all levels near and far, and that includes healing of past, present and future snaffews.

Do yourself and many a favor and Look up Legal Caregiver Agreements to be on the ball for your community, state and country about meeting terms to receive fair compensation (at least state minimum wage) in documented ways (whether paid as you earn or from future assets of a person, related or not,) The Legal Caregiver Agreements need to be notarized and dated with terms drawn up clearly (wages, assistance with ADLs, Activities of Daily Living, and many other nuts and bolts, with some examples online.) Ideally one could get help from others to afford a consult (likely about $500 for an hour or two) from an elder law attorney who is familiar with Medicaid spend downs and so on.

Those generally closely review the prior five years of a person's spending who may need help and be paying for help. Again, any help paid for or compensated with a future pay-out needs to be written down Before the care begins. That can be very challenging to arrange so likely more people should have a few scenarios and practice runs, even with sample agreements and research about  legal requirements for workman's compensation insurance and payroll withholdings. Finding out what you need in your 50s (if not sooner to help others) makes good sense. Let's see how many people can enhance their natural networks with practical inputs such as this..."We are all one and together" in terms of energy and information, so let's have that work toward our overall success. A new realm and vision based on quantum physics (which I happen to be listening to as I type so clearly am being influenced by that talk...That's What the Bleep Do We Know on youtube.

Our views of reality shape reality...okay, on that woo-woo inspiring note, I bid you a fair and light! For down to earth moments which I will be checking again online, see the Memorial Service of Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton on youtube and Remembering Kaelan online to let his story and many of my insights about our late teen's life inform your wiser, caring life journey. Though he passed at age 16 saving friends from a dangerous river, he is still part of my heart and many of his friends and community's almost ten years later. He would have turned 26 on January 6th, 2019.

With that being a Sunday, hopefully you can reflect on him and your loved ones in heaven as well as here on earth with a caring heart and open mind to the blessings of being part of the solution on our plan-it heart and in our multiverse. For a sense of activism, consider what they share on and other sites seeking to warn the world of the dangers of not waking up...we've got this people, let's pull together and make a good world happen (not the New World Order which may be packaging more koolaid ideas for us to fall into are many false flag events. ) Thanks for helping others feel valued and connected....peace and the best to each to find rest and safe passage, healing on all levels and friends ready to prevent harm or to help in times of need as is safe to do so...and if it's meant for some greater reason, even if it's not a sure thing...Let's not lose the lessons for the greater audience, US All...and others in whichever realms.

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