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Don't Shut PBS and other funds down... Join Petition today, link included

on Thu, 02/02/2017 - 14:57 is the link to share to keep PBS from Trump's chopping block. I realize there is much to think though, but doing it al lin the first week in ways that shake people up in every sector of society by actually implementing cuts and bans is not the best way to make your presence known as a team player...Maybe it's all about psyching people out, creating fear and hysteria to 'bring on the big guns' against civilians...and well, think back to Hitler's reign.

Many of his top dogs and himself were on drugs (meth and an array of others). Plenty of citizens were too as they pursued being in top form physically and keepin up the pursuit of a ruling race. The many pitfalls of this transition to a Trump Presidency fill the air waves and many people's 'private and semi-public' conversastions.

Yet others hold that maybe he can gain ground to help avoid a nuclear threat from Iran or thereabouts (which he may not realize was predicted by a time traveller in 1970 to happen in Jan 2018 with poor outcomes for DC and a few other main world cities.

That was on Linda Moulton Howe and as hard as all the details of wrongdoing are, we have had about fifty years of people in the know saying on the one hand we have all the technology we need to live sustainably and decently on the earth (See Steven Greer for updates on that promising theory) and then again, If there is climate change swooping at an uncontollable pace or Magnetic Pole Shifts, well the world is changing faster than even Trump could mix us up. The kind of fury and flurry he is causing is waking many out of a 'slumber at the wheel.

' See and the idea of spiritual guides and yes even a few 'authentic aliens' helping us keep out planet in its orbit and spinning in the right direction. Thanks for tuning in as you can when awake or even in your dreams to make this world a kinder, more livable place for all good folks and hopefully win the warmongers over before they press any wrong buttons...

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