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Checklist for a Great School Year, Autumn and Getting Stuff Done (even Voting Nov. 8th, 2016 now that I think of it)

on Sat, 09/17/2016 - 01:53

With the start of another school year and autumn, hope everyone is practicing good self-care and looking out for others. Even walking around one's car is now taught to youth and new drivers before getting in one's car.The idea is to check that the tires and car are safe, no obstacles (or pets) nearby. Also important to not be distracted when please no texting, talking on cell phones and so on.

Too often the momentary distraction can prove injurious or worse whentravelling at fast speeds. Maybe everyone can do some basic physics about 'how long it takes to come to a complete stop' if going 60 mph (say on the highway, not the back roads in CT, but too many people do that or on Rt 7 to Sheffield folks think the 7 stands for "70mph" Newsflash--It does Not!! Plus wild animals and sadly people's pets and even people (as in those walking, riding bikes, or trying to cross a road) are in peril with drivers not being focused on D-R-I-V-I-N-G.

Should it be necessary to go through the list of Don'ts those would include 'Don't drink and Drive (not even a little drinking even if driving just a litte), and Don't be too tired, angry, lonely or hungry (the HALT acronym for in general, staying fueled and focused on easy-does-it living).

Now I think you could each come up with a couple others, such as help kids transition with a ten minute heads up if going out to the bus or be ready to hold their hand so they don't run in the path of anything (including the bus, which little kids and even older ones can tend to do for silly or reckless 'reasons').

Then there's not being out too late. Maybe teens could aim for being home by 8pm if in 8th grade (or younger), then 9pm for freshmen, 10 for sophs, 11 for jrs and midnight for seniors (and college kids).

The idea that Sleep is Important and needs to be Regular and at least 6 hours but more like 8-10 for those who can plan for that needs more yes, you may share this post and peek at to share or read other ideas for living fully (and staying in the game with an open mind and heart and see the world and skies with new eyes.)

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