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on Thu, 09/08/2016 - 20:23

 I sent a few folks information on Dr. Sha, with an interview on, forwarding a list of offerings for clearings and healings and improving relationships. Someone sent it back with the request to Not Send such items to them. Well, I thought I'd review my note and the list of programs and realized there was a free video of Dr. Sha being interviewed on The Aware Show. He is definitely worth listening too just in case there's something to it. Bringing Source Energy to our emotional, mental, physical bodies and transform our lives and relationships.

Tao energy is what he describes so again, rather an ancient and profound idea that maybe the modern world is ready for and actually really needing. This kind of tuning in and calming down energy can heal us and our plan-it earth or heart.

There is a heart connection among many people and growing numbers of people are considering the positive input human beings can have by tuning into kind, caring energies for themselves and others. Thanks for pondering this whether you are enjoying a few more days beachside or are transitioning into your autumnal routines (or whichever season you happen to be growing in when you connect with this post.) We are on the clock and with the US Presidential Race heating up and impacting the world at large in profound and possibly more harmful ways than necessary.

Let's each take ownership of what we have and can do to promote peace in our circles, communities (online and in person), states and countries. For US-All that would mean electing Hillary Clinton as President for the many years of service and widespread contacts and important roles she has already held. More capable people can work at ensuring continuity of campaign promises and promoting sensible programs as she governs as the first woman President of America.

Thanks for helping spreak the words to put down the swords of despair and confusion. We CAN and MUST do our utmost to bring our A-Game to the Voting Booths and Vote Hillary in so we can reclaim a sense of stability and accountability that is needed more than ever. Please join outreach efforts and do what you can to secure rides, childcare or other kinds of help so people can vote with ease in person or by absentee ballot in a timely manner (and many states require written requests or in person visits to turn in ballots.) Many thanks and let's make November 2016 a landmark turn-out year for Democrats. Respect for appropriate Republican goals can be incorporated and compromises made where appropriate. Overall, people will thrive with basics met, right?

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