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Chatting up a few topics on a private FB group ...and now with Y'all

on Sat, 11/07/2020 - 01:21
Consider this missive an icebreaker for our next big zoom visit since I got carried away (who, me?)
While waiting... there are free 10 min plays on the site (each will be online for 2 weeks and air every other Friday through April...
Happy to pass along the info and donations are welcome and appreciated. I ushered at this venue (the big theater and the Nancy Marine studio theater) for a decade. It was always great seeing plays at Vassar and I'm lucky to have had a chance to continue seeing many more on a shoestring budget.
One small former company called Aglet did readings. Aglet is the name of the plastic clip at the end of a shoestring because they were on budget even tighter than a shoestring! I once had to 'stop a play from proceeding' since we were in a small venue and a person passed out in the front row. The ambulance had to be called and so there'd be no way to let that show go on...everyone was cool about it..and it all worked out.
The person only had a bit of dehydration... meanwhile when I was much younger and dancing in a show I saved a fellow who was choking who was too shy to get out of his car to get help. I'm sure there are many other 'serious events' that have happened in theaters and even during shows (I think I saw a TV show about that kind of thing.
There's also a theory that the universe delivers what a person feels and in terms of play acting, it might be nice to stick to the nicer parts if there are health concerns.
..I know that Sounds Weird but 'that's Life' (with the "if" in life being explored from time to time...) I did happen to see the show about Lisa Kudrow's relatives from prior generations suffering in a war. I wished that just weren't the case but was amazed at her sharing that 'harsh reality' with the world.
Kind of broke the sound barrier and added a whole new level of knitting hearts together since her TV character is so well known... I realize I weave a bit of the heartache side of life into plenty of what I discuss but with the media owned by 6 entities it's hard to connect dots that need connecting and highlighting...
Now I'm sure they'll be plenty of upbeat things to share tomorrow... and as for more networking, maybe we can just keep plugging along with some time for the gals, the guys and the whatever other groups want to tune in and talk up topics serious or not so serious...
Nice there's this group and kudos to all keeping the energy up and Strong...( a wee shout out to my first dorm, one close to my heart.)
By the way one quick easy way to 'keep in the loop' would be to join a Toastmasters group...  many are a small group with good track record of running timely, friendly meetings. You can even be a guest for no charge so that should be easy enough.
Along those lines too, feel free to see my blog for a bit about BrainTime to help with focus, breath and good sleep (my favorite). I have affiliate links for free trials of that and it's fine to share among a household so that's a good value (29 monthly after the first free month... with affiliate options too so that could give one another free period to test the waters...)
I'd like to see how it works for various kinds of people too so that could be sent along to me as testimonials and for more help with people getting tuned into non-medical for self-care. Thanks for all everyone is doing and here's another Shout Out to those Poll Workers...They each deserve perks for their hard work even with negative press from Trump. Hopefully they can all dash over to the post here on with the links for an intro webinar and free trial of braintime programs and be feeling refreshed sooner rather than later.. and let's hope the votes are tallied likewise so more can enjoy this weekend in the fresh air!