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"Cedar You In the Garden" and With Mulch Fun Around the House... Cedar doesn't attract bugs as much as mulch

on Tue, 03/02/2021 - 01:31

Sharon Garden Club of Sharon CT (which welcomes folks from neighboring towns) is learning about garden tools particularly some jazzy ones available from Lindell's in North Canaan CT. Some have longer comfortable handles, are light weight and often come with warrantees.

That said, look into the options where you are or consider what Ward's in Great Barrington MA offers, Paley's in Sharon, Salisubury Garden Center and other spots from Agway in Millerton NY.

For plants head over to Paley's, Daisi Hill Farm in Millerton, Ward's and Freund's Farm in East Canaan CT among others. Keep an eye open for the Falls Village Flower Farm and the DM Hunt Library Plant Sale also in FVCT as well as the Sharon Garden Club plant sale in May, stay tuned! 

Happy dreaming and tune into the idea of teamwork (along with the dream work of planning and letting more people pitch in with plant ideas, ways to pitch in and learn together. Take tips from The Turtle Garden Permaculture Game too (and Circle of Friends.) Happy Gardening One and All!