Skip directly to content Timely Info from National Safe Parents Council (NSPC)

on Mon, 02/21/2022 - 14:34
The National Safe Parents Coalition launch brings together 15+ leading organizational members and thousands of individual members, with new members joining daily, united in a nationwide advocacy effort to reform family courts to better protect children.
The momentum is palpable as we continue to watch the world awaken to the realities of our current family court system with Angelina Jolie’s monumental speech last week as the new bipartisan VAWA with Kayden’s Law - which advocates have been building for years - was introduced to the world and overdue media coverage is coming in like a tidal wave.
In the first two weeks since our launch, we have reached over 500K+ people collectively with our message of change and are so grateful for all that is building from here as we stand in solidarity for the safety of children and for the solutions that will get us there. 
Today a powerful new OpEd about family court written by National Safe Parents Coalition member Annie Kenny is published in the Washington Post. Annie writes: "It was easier to get him convicted of his crime [sexual abuse of a minor] than it was to keep him away from my children afterward.” Please read and share
At 1pm ET today NSPC members Annie Kenny, Hera McLeod, and others will be testifying in support of HB561 -  Training for Judges, the bill Annie which mentions in her OpEd. Annie and Hera have been advocating on this and other child safety bills over several legislative sessions in Maryland.
Here is the YouTube link for the MD House Judiciary Committee if you would like to tune in today and see NSPC members being the change we want to see. 
Elsewhere, in Florida two more children were killed by an abusive father and Greyson’s mom and NSPC member Ali Kessler speaks out about the changes we desperately need. 
Ohio NSPC members are working hard to combat a 50/50 presumption bill HB508 which is dangerous for custody cases involving abuse and is moving forward quickly. If you are in Ohio and would like to get involved, including a meeting later today, please reach out to NSPC to learn more.
If you would like to become a NSPC member but haven’t yet, you can join us by signing up here! You can also learn more about Annie's, Hera’s, and Ali’s stories here and how to take action here.
See other important info from and for ways to care and advocate for safety for families.