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Bike Lanes, Concerns and More...

on Sun, 07/10/2016 - 02:11


This piece can also be viewed on Google Docs. I need to check to see how this would be easy to click on and get there, so this will remind me and maybe it would work even though not highlighted. I am learning computers at a painfully slow pace.. but maybe that's part of my process to encourage others to get on the schtick or the fast lane of acquiring skills...



A  June Summer Solstice Meeting to Turn the Tide of Bike Lane Discussions...or not necessarily for keeps, but to get community input after the Bike Lane Proposal was withdrawn by the group that submitted it  in Clinton Hill Brooklyn Area, 2016 by Catherine Paton..ideas from the meeting and more mixed in to remedy some common woes wherever we wander on plan-it heart.

Questions circling around this and many housing or development issues is ‘Who is making the decisions in reality and on what basis? Is there transparency about what a community and others concerned truly feel and professionals from many disciplines may agree is appropriate in terms of safety and growth or are there secret deals, behind the scenes planning going on with little way to learn ‘the facts’ about funding, interests, investments from the private sector and who does the work?”


One safety professional shared that in her opinion the Brooklyn Bridge is not safe enough for a bike lane due to overcrowding. Other bridges could be used by bikers so that idea could perhaps be voluntarily followed by bicyclists.

All people need to watch for their own safety whether in a car, on a bike, running or walking about their neighborhood. Sadly a tragic accident with one’s pet or child is a reminder that one cannot always save another or that it may cost one their life to do so. Ideally, a person would be more clear mentally and practically about what they would do in an emergency.

Professional rescuers are trained along these lines, thinking and practicing dire situations with each other and actors. Sometimes demos of car accidents are done with wrecked cars and actors to help students see the aftermath of choices to drive under the influence or too fast. While that is another reality to face, more efforts to prevent the choices and adult lack of supervision often needed could go a long way to keep more minors safe. Planning for programs and ways for them to  build skills and interests as well as connect with a community is important. That goes for everyone.


Often ‘saving oneself’ is the key to being Able to save another or more in moments or future days. One NY woman seeking to save her dog from being hit by a truck succumbed to the impact herself. Everyone loves their pets but likely if she had more time to consider that sometimes life unfolds in sudden harsh ways, she could have made another choice and accepted that ‘it wasn’t her fault or her duty to risk or give her own life to save her pet..or even another’. Without a clear assurance and skill, sometimes would-be rescuers can complicate an already difficult situation.


The person needing a save may be panicked and in water for instance, grab onto a person and cause one or both of them to drown. Another rescue may be needed or a choice of who to save should a rescuer be able to reach them. All of these kinds of ‘rare but difficult and important situations can occur when youth or others are taking risks, just horsing around or in groups without much planning and guidance. Even under more calm or planned circumstances, things can go awry.

That’s where every person really tuning into their safety practices of ‘going slower rather than faster’ throughout their day, to be conscious of what one is doing, to try to be centered about staying calm and responding with care rather than reacting with erratic emotions to people, places, things, thoughts and feelings’ deserves everyone’s attention and again practice with online or other resources.

Living may be more of an ‘inside job’ than most realize so learning to breathe, relax and keep track of one’s day and time and one’s energy (such as discussed by Jennifer McLean in free talks or Jarrad Hewett, Edgar Cayce Institute and many others) could help US All prevent stress, hurrying, carelessness and more.


The Enneagram about 9 personality types (such as in the book Wisdom of the Enneagram) and online ideas about personality and health such as on or even or 311 in NYC for assistance with basic living needs can help more people head in a healing direction with a willingness to help others and look out for others in life and on the road.


It all works together to be a conscious capable human being at any age or stage of life, in good times or more difficult ones.I share other ideas on which was through 8-1-16.


Take your time reading through these points which I jotted down ‘all at once’ with a few additions and diversions along the way (to make sure you are still awake and touch on ways to manage conflict and prevent problems whether driving, biking or talking about them informally or at meetings or even walking about town.)


Ideally ‘getting to know one’s neighbors’ such as a Community Day for a group of residents in a certain area can help bridge cultural and economic gaps along with many other perceived or ‘real’ differences that may divide people in various ways.


Personal space and opinions are important, skin pigmentation and ethnicity can be acknowledged as a person may want to share or speak about, but not to denigrate or cause harm to anyone on any level.


We are all learning about ‘people issues’ while the entire world is waking up to many serious concerns about climate we can seek to keep things in perspective and change the climate of our discussions to be more inclusive and reflective of clear, considerate plans.


A willingness to listen to all points of view and information possibly after good advocacies have highlighted key points could keep more people interested and involved when votes or other support are needed.


Without vigilant advocacy, a green light for those in control to do as they see fit with numbers that may be deficient or not representative of a majority . A clarification of a population, an area and numbers of potential voters as well as ready access to surveys and opportunities to voice concerns in a meaningful manner is always appropriate for bigger issues such a bike lanes or other projects that involve roads or buildings that will impact the normal routines of a community.  These key times of Being Informed and Counted could be clearly defined for people to know what numbers they need to have to be counted in significant ways.


I am summarizing the situation voluntarily and as a blogger ( which will be changing soon to another server) and  as someone who cares about the area, newly residing in the area and with training as a mediator and a variety of other programs.


Some of these include mental health, wellness,home care for elderly, disabled or others needing support (even caregivers need that, right?) and childcare, gardening and permaculture (PC) which promotes people having a say in how their communities function on all levels and ways to work together in teams even over many disciplines or areas of skill and sharing resources ideally to help save resources and enhance people, earth, resources..


While one woman asked clearly and a few times if a ‘vote could be taken to see who at this meeting (about the third on such issues where many who spoke indicated they felt the majority from 75-95% or attendees, and likely many not attending in the area, were opposed to the the proposal that had been submitted for a two-lane bike lane to be created on Clinton Ave and make it a one-way street and still allow parking.


Those opposed over the months shared concerns about bicyclists creating more traffic and hazards for pedestrians and cars as well (passing too closely, not following the rules of the road with cars and even other cyclists at times, running red lights and violating other traffic laws already in place.)


Some said it would be too difficult to have ready access for emergency vehicles and even transportation services for those needing more direct service with vans that need to park in one lane in either direction so people would not need to cross the road to their residence.


The overall impact on the 5000 people living in the co-ops was not deemed beneficial by many who voiced their concerns. Surveys were not well circulated and clear. Some who attended a number of DOT (Dept. of Transportation) meetings felt the way they conducted their meetings and proceeded with business dealings was not professional, timely or inclusive of clear representation of their communities. Worse still, some alleged ineptitude and corruption in a general sense.  


That was a concern about dealings echoed in other departments as well and city government in general.Mainly women took matters to heart in terms of spelling out problems, attending meetings and speaking of overall concerns. Likely those attending will be contacted by an volunteer advocacy group which took down many information of many in attendance. I will guess that women were there 2:1 to men, not to say men don’t care as much but sometimes there are other priorities that seem to keep them at bay.


Not that you need as many men to advocate for something as women, but it doesn’t hurt to pay attention to the ‘quiet gender gaps’ and work to collaborate on key issues both can agree on and do so with effective strategies both work to implement with clear guidelines. One such point would be to have volunteers go to DOT meetings and record key information or record it if possible. Notes could then be emailed (maybe with the recording) if someone else is willing to review it and then post it in a common place.


Another person or two could be in charge of a newsletter updating people with a timeline of months and years as appropriate, key players and top issues being discussed. Maybe some of that is happening already but that could be made more clear to the community so people could sign up with a more experienced person to attend a DOT meeting for instance, know what to listen for or how to record information and share it as described.


Sharing the work of any task makes sense when efficiency and clarity is needed. One idea from someone whose looked into the matter is to have the bike lanes put on Clermont Ave if there is agreement to consider having more in the Clinton Hill Area. More actual numbers showing the need, cost in savings and cost in building such lanes would be helpful to have readily accessible going forward.  Petitions on either side were worth noting, yet an official time for each person’s vote as it were to be weighed in early in the decision-making process with pertinent information at hand seemed to be lacking for many and much desired.


Where would Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders weigh in on the important issue about the DOT of NY putting Bike Lanes in without consulting communities in a transparent, consistent manner? While not a typical Presidential debate issue, a few hundred people (or more) have turned up at meetings called ‘workshops’ to learn about proposed installation of a double bike land on Clinton Avenue in Brooklyn NY.


Like going up a steep Hill or hitting Sand on the side of the road, this was not an easy issue for many residents and business people to face or battle to get their concerns heard in the months leading up to a meeting June 21st, 2016 at the Cadman Church Hall where residents heard that the proposal had been Withdrawn.


That was announced early on in the meeting even though I got there 15 minutes late and learned about the timing of events after from advocates on the street after the meeting went on for another half hour to allow people to speak during a ‘workshop session’.


Once the proposal was withdrawn, most thought that meant the issue was rejected and not up for discussion. When the workshop format was announced, people felt they were being sent down the rabbit hole of game playing and booed the notion and said “No!” They had to go along to get along though with the committee’s format and people were allowed to take turns speaking.


Just outside something very ominous happened which the gathered crowd and concerned citizens should be aware of for the sign of caution to all who venture out of their homes need pay attention to for everyone’s benefit, including their own and those they love.


At the intersection of Clinton and Lafayette, right by the Cadman church, traffic was stopped for a red light. The Do Not Walk sign of a red hand had not quite changed, there was a few second delay before the Walk signal of a person in white light came on.


One or two adults from opposite sides of the street almost met their Maker, and headed toward The Light, but thankfully they both happened to pause and wait for the Walk Signal even though traffic was stopped at the red light.


Suddenly a man in a van with music playing drove through the red light not slowing down and using the bike lane to get around the parked traffic.


Would he have been able to stop if one or both people had been in the street, maybe stepping quickly cross if they didn’t know if the light was about to turn green (which at least one person was wondering). After the near miss, the strangers became kindred friends and acknowledged the male driver’s wrongdoing of running a red light.


The woman had almost brought a young infant in a front pack with her so imagine the horror of the neighborhood if such a little one and her grandmother had been victims while trying to attend a meeting on not only the bike lane proposal (being withdrawn or delayed which many feared would actually be the case.)


The bigger message for everyone was to Watch Their Every Step and Move whether on the sidewalk (where cars can end up during an accident, getting out of a car to check for bicyclists and others using that lane on roller blades or skateboards or running.)


A woman from Switzerland told me afterward that she had been hit by a car as a pedestrian. She showed me her damaged lower legs. She said she also bicycled but thought the plan for the Clinton Ave location was dumb.


She took exception to the lack of consistency of the bike lanes being On Only One Side of All Roads so that bicyclists would not be put at greater risk crossing over to use lanes and also so drivers could keep bicyclists in view more readily or always know which side of the road the bike lane was on.


She and others informally advocated for licensing and regulation of bike education and qualification (passing a road test of laws and getting tickets if in violation.) Having ID or a license of the bikes would provide more accountability and assist in enforcing rules.


The behavior and protocol even among bicyclists needs to be streamlined and encouraged. Ideally those in that community could do this voluntarily to prevent needless stress, aggressiveness, conflict, fights and accidents, injuries and the worst outcome  of fatality which generally involves a car or truck hitting a bicyclist.


I met an 11-year old riding an electric Vespa, a small looking motobike, on the sidewalk with his parents. I expressed concern that a fall could be dangerous to the lad’s head since he did not have a helmet on.


The force is 30 times every 10 miles, so is if falling when going ten miles an hour on a bike or a scooter, if one fell and hit one’s head that would be a force of 300 pounds of pressure...I think.


Worth a google, but that’s why a fall is so dangerous in general, it’s the force with which a body hits the pavement or other solid objects not the falling per se that does the damage. An eight year old was riding on the back of that electric bike which did not go very fast, but again, neither had helmets and were riding on the sidewalk.


Might there be more clarification about where such bikes can be ridden and what the penalty would be for both the youth and parents if a child or other person got hurt on one, particularly if riding where it is not ‘legal’ or appropriate.


The idea of youth and others using more motorized scooters and bikes on the sidewalk may pose more challenges for pedestrians, particularly with special needs. Maybe a lane on the sidewalk would be helpful in case people need more ‘assurance’ that no one will be driving behind them in anything but a wheelchair type chair and even they should not overdo their speed.


Rewinding an incident to review in ‘slow motion’’ as I have done with the episode of  the people who thankfully did not step in front of  a driver intent on running a red light (and who maybe would have had the sense to steer up onto the sidewalk and hit a street lamp rather than run people over but again, there could have been others on the sidewalk.


I knew a minister who had two family members get run over while on the sidewalk on the opposite lane from the car when the driver went out of control of his vehicle.


Another man who became a priest was in a car accident which claimed the life of his wife and the mother of his children. He became a Catholic priest and is much appreciated by his community for his heartfelt sermons, some of which touch upon the difficulty he faced in dealing with such a loss and change in his life.


I also share on Remembering Kaelan having to deal with sudden loss and change in my family  in June 2009 with the passing of our teen son when he was trying to save a friend.


One psychic shared with a friend of mine that Kaelan may have perished when pushing his friend to safer water which likely bought the youth precious moments yet also resulted in Kaelan being swept into the waters that did not release his body for a week.


Whether Kaelan knew of the step by step risk or was acting instinctively at every ‘twist and turn’ of his decision to try to help his friend is left for us to reflect upon.

Some would say that he, like all of us, have a few or only a singular option for when (and not necessarily how or exactly when but some say that is the case, such as Marc Anthony. Many faiths from around the world have ideas and some more ‘definite’ teachings worth being aware of. Then there’s the aspect of ‘it may happen as one believes it will or a society or group insists it be.’


Our laws reflect group consciousness. Locking everyone away is not likely something most would agree makes sense especially for non-violent crimes such as drug possession. However until we clarify what we do want and advocate effectively over time for that, we likely will spend huge funds on throwing money and efforts at a broken system.


That’s were can be refreshing with some new ‘survival and sustainable’ ideas for people, the planet and sharing resources.


Likely laws and even relationship terms could get redefined and clarified as well rather than setting people up for lifelong contracts that may be impossible or very costly and difficult to revise or get out of respectfully or at all. Family and civil as well as criminal court are often as jammed and dysfunctional as any traffic jam or danger zone on the roads.


While some would say, ‘None of this is related’, in terms of how conflicted much of our society is, there could be much to learn and even consider the ways that energetically and on a human level that many things are related. People under stress may have more accidents or be in a hurry, have more illness and again be negligent or compromised due to those secondary factors.


See for insight into how costly many unseen problems such as domestic abuse (abuse in families) is and how we might remedy some of that with better prevention efforts.


Earlier intervention in that arena has been shown to save lives and money. Maybe a similar advocacy for safer drivers and bicyclists as well as pedestrians and yes pets too could be made to help people voluntarily if not legally comply with existing and new laws and safety guidelines.


Each person doing a little better in these areas and planning to be a half-hour early (or more) could help decrease disappointment when subways run late or change routes, etc. Expect the Unexpected is a good mantra and is also the name of a book by psychic medium Bill Phillips.


Again our intentions from a spiritual and personal life view perspective may be more important in terms of how we live our daily lives and lead us toward our bigger decisions in terms of relationships, life plans and then the playing out of those factors.


That is where more review of the choices we seem to have consciously made may make sense to explore over time. Do those still ‘hold water’? Do we allow ourselves time and supportive skilled or caring people and friends to help us reflect on Why and How we are living our lives the way we are? Once we step away from the hurry and the worry we can become curious as to why we may have ‘chosen’ to incarnate with our family of origin, our friends from over our life journey and our current circles of family and friends?


What soul lessons are we learning, what skills are we developing in terms of growing our intuition and ability to act in alignment with our personal and spiritual values? Can we have more public discussions on these more illusive topics before ‘the rubber meets the road’ and we are interacting in a high-paced dangerous arena with various agendas, emotions and intentions? Maybe that is the bigger ‘planning meeting’ we need to think of having and it can be online since clearly there’s plenty to think about and much can come to mind in the process.


Regarding the rescue of the youth who our son tried to save, he was saved by a heroic rescuer who broke with protocol and used his tree climbing ropes to battle heavy waterfalls and get the youth in a safety harness and reel him back up to a higher point from which he and Kaelan had been jumping into ‘seemingly safe water but was deceptive with its undertown’.


Most adults in the area do not discuss publicly ways to set better guidelines for youth who are transitioning into having more freedom, using bikes to get places and where they would really be allowed by town and common sense. Most people like the idea of freedom and live and let live, but when people die rather needlessly it’s time to use the freedoms we do have in this country and promote more of around the world, sensible fair-minded ideas to keep people safe from harm and disaster.


These themes could also be developed for people of various age groups, caregivers and towns and areas to have voluntary curfews. A simple idea is to set a curfew based on the grade a student is in such as 8 pm for any youth in 8th grade and younger, although 6 or 7 pm may be best for younger children of those ages and even through age 13 to help them get  fed and settled in for good sleep patterns overall, particularly in the fall and winter when it gets dark earlier. For high school freshmen, in 9th grade, the time would be 9pm.


For sophomores or 10th graders, that would be 10 pm. For juniors or 11th graders, that would be 11pm. For seniors or 12th graders that would be midnight. Many accidents happen after midnight so it’s a good idea for most people to plan to be home at a reasonable hour in general. The ideal bedtime for adults is 9:30pm so one can actually be asleep by 10pm.


Elderly who experience any kind of ‘sundowning effect’ in terms of losing track of how their day is going when it starts to get dark out, can get confused easily and likely need companionship if not support would also benefit from routines and being monitored closely and more than most people,even family, realize. Best to do some research and come alongside someone who has any need before it gets to be too problematic.


That may mean clever interventions in terms of visiting and staying the night, having a friend or two do that and talking things over candidly with each other and more discreetly with the person in concern. Same goes for someone who is still driving and may need to surrender their keys to another who can drive their car for them and likely eventually have the car not in their name or keys available at all if unsafe.


The laws vary in every state but too many people with intermittent times of forgetfulness or other dementia or health symptoms are driving and putting everyone in their path including themselves at risk. Many other drivers may be aggressive or lax in following speed limits or even staying on their side of the road so quick reactions are needed.


Too often an uncertain driver will go slower than ideal, pull out into traffic or have other challenges that can cause problems. One man at the bike meeting practically shouted that a bicyclist male seemed to see how close he could come to his car as he was driving when passing him. While there will never be enough monitors (yet England and other places do instill cameras on almost all street corners and some traffic lights are designed to ‘click a ticket’ for those running a red light or speeding and send it to them,even if out of state.” )


As we can see, when we ‘stop and think about things’ the common sense thing is to move safely in one’s area (and of course even in one’s home when it comes to checking for fall risks or being aware of not lifting heavy things or going up ladders alone or if you or the ladder is not stable, etc.) BUT, too often people are in a rush or feeling rushed by others.


Then one has to make due with the time and options at hand, so it seems. The homeless who often sit for hours remind us that all of our running around is on some level A Choice. So is having or spending money to some extent, because there are a few programs one can piece together to survive (supposedly, but check with those without home or funds and see how they really make ends meet.)


Paper money is in reality Paper with an ‘I-Owe-You’ value compared to gold or other valuable mineral which has inherent value. Ripping up a 20 dollar bill (in half so you can tape it again or even a 1 dollar or 5 dollar bill) can help you remember that Money is  Pieces of Papers (and change are metal coins.) The Value We Attach to those items is something we forget comes from us and it one of many systems in the world of barter and trade. When we realize Big Business and Politics Controls and Creates most of the paper money (and credit card availability) it’s only a few short steps to realize Those With Money Have Power and Make Decisions to Serve their Own Interests. The word ineptitude to describe many city systems (and of course, that’s likely the case for big towns and even smaller ones) was blended with allegations or actual cases of corruption many times even regarding the bike land proposal.


Other concerns were the eviction of not 1, 2 or 3 residents from an affordable housing unit in Prospect Park (if I recall the story correctly) but 123 people, including deaf elderly people and children. One woman took up the cause to investigate and fight for some compensation or other actions and made trips to Albany.


She found a lack of willingness to get involved by others who were even assisting residents. Politics is scary business and even the meeting was peppered with impolite and possibly illegal levels of conflict. Whenever people are saying they feel they are being discriminated against or feel they have been insulted with a racist comment etc, then there could be Other Regulations that would necessitate ending a meeting and having a more personal review of the complaint. If it happens During  a  Public Meeting which could be taped or have witnesses if such direct or indirect actions occur that could be similar to ‘disorderly conduct’ in a courtroom. There were two police outside the meeting by the way.


Every state has its own laws and guidelines. There are many agencies and programs promoting ‘zero tolerance’ of use of language even such as ‘guns, bombs, hurting or killing others or being violent’ for instance in a school setting of youth (elementary, grade school and likely daycares.) With college crime or even the clubhouse tragedy in Orlando, the stage is set to require more ‘preventive measures’ and anti-bullying campaigns to monitor public meetings.


The case of Gabby Giffords shows that a public or political meeting can become a stage of sorts for people to air grievances. While many felt empowered to speak out and used strong voices and chastising words, with a group listening and chiming in that could have been a more conflictual setting.


One man spoke as a cyclist, one of 250 who signed a petition supporting the bike lanes. He was white and said he felt denigrated by others at the meeting as a cyclist. A woman of color said she felt the committee was of another culture and did not take their views into consideration in part due to that perceived difference.


The cyclist proposed that the refusal of the bike lane was valuing cars over people’s lives and notes that a few cyclists have been killed. That was booed by the crowd yet the point merits more consideration since everyone wants safety. As one fellow noted afterwards and I had also realized the Drivers of Cars are Drivers of Weapons, whether they realize that capacity or not.


The larger vehicle most often will harm the smaller, and a car will do a bike in if they collide. The factor we can control for best is the Human Beings Driving Cars or Trucks, Riding Bikes or even Riding in Cars. Passengers could play a more helpful role in watching out for others (co-pilots or riding shotgun which references the Wild West of someone being on the look out if riding on horses..I think).


Well, no one likes a backseat driver, but if a driver can realize and invite collaboration and receive tips to keep driving safe and be open to someone informing him or her of  car or person in one’s blind spot, reminding to signal, stop for a few seconds at a stop sign (yes, count to 3 is a rule in some states like CT so a rolling stop can get you a ticket as can not making a complete stop.) In MA, one is not legally supposed to back out into the road.


Perhaps parking in a safer location or putting a mirror up could assist with dangerous site lines. More on that of course could be discussed in groups as could Any of These Issues. Going to meetings, the DOT or other Community Meetings is important. Having a representative from an area or group go and report back in writing about what happened and keep an online blog or FB page going would help more feel informed as well. Many spoke to the need to ‘see what the big wigs are thinking about and to watch their timing, hold them accountable for getting public input and more.’  A politician, Mr. Mosely read a letter from a Senator who said due process for considering the input of citizens and business people did not seem to be taking place so it should be in the future since that would be indicated by current laws or best practices.


Well, that’s Some of what was covered and I added more about getting proper health and rest on the agenda for everyone so that each person is coming to these kinds of matters with their A Game. Also more women need to organize amongst themselves so they feel aware of the 2500 year gap in having a seat and a voice at the table, and voting power.


One advocate noted that workshops can be a cover for meeting a community requirement but the outcome may really be twisted to sound as though people were in support of a proposal even when they were vocally opposed. The number crunching the committee was basing their proposal on was not playing out in the public sphere of those attending. Those numbers needed to be clearly indicated, along with the funding stream and process.


Too many felt deals were being made in advance without due process for the Lafayette bike lane. The implementation of the lanes were done in a haphazard manner, with things happening without much notice or consideration for those in the area, according to a few I spoke with. Many took issue with the bike lane being put on Clinton.


A person with city planning training who looked into the matter said that Clermont was another street which fit the requirements that Clinton had which is why it was looked at so closely. A large concern by many is that 5000 people live in the Clinton area co-ops (which has only 30 parking spaces and people were not eager to share that space, but might an upper deck work there, and serve as a carport as well?)


When one woman suggested that Vanderbilt be used and residents have permit parking there, the crowd was amenable to that idea. The city planner trained person said the use of the Vanderbilt for buses did not make that idea.


That street along with Washington Ave serve as the major pathways to downtown and already have a great deal of traffic to negotiate. Likely more effort could be made to have truck deliveries and such in the late night hours, after rush hour and  more simple ideas could help. However the overall reality is that many issues are impacting the scene in the city largely as more people move to the city. Affordable housing gives way to those with more money.


Long-term residents can feel they are being crowded out of their neighborhood. Even resident issues arise with few ways to address them readily, such as people stealing another’s package or calling the police for frivolous reasons of complaint.


The actions to take to get results are not clear. Sadly one man admitted to not wanting to call for help for a woman (who has since moved away) who had complained to police about his television or laughing too loud.


Even when she was being beaten and his family expressed concern that he call the building security (not the police directly which helps with reporting since we know police sometimes can hold a caller as alleging falsehoods and more conflict could unfold if someone “rats someone else out” (how old or mature could one be to feel safe and maybe a third party reporter is needed.


Still many agencies are corrupt and take kids into foster care for almost no reason and keep them for a couple of years or adopt them out more often than  almost anyone realizes, and then they don’t check on them unless called. Too often more kids than any imagine land in far worse if not injurious or fatal conditions than in their original families)


That large, competent, otherwise friendly man felt he had no obligation to step in for someone who had disrespected his right to live in his apartment. He felt she was falsely accusing him of wrongdoing and was annoyed enough, that even though his child was hearing the beating ‘in 3-D’ he still chose to do nothing. Thankfully the woman did not die and did divorce him and move out.


But not everyone gets that many chances. Some would hold the bystander somewhat accountable for harm done to the woman or if his son gets involved or worse ever abuses another, feeling ‘he can get away with it.’ Not likely but our culture and media seem to convert about half of the men who are abusers into being so even though raised in decent homes with values.


 Back to getting a good night’s sleep more often than not. With sleep from 10p-to 7am, to wake up for the days we brave particularly if out and about here are some tips.The Chinese medicine theories involve our energetic and physical systems getting a ‘reboot and realignment’ of energies from the stars from 10p to 7am


.(Maybe more work places could allow people to sleep closer to their work place or dare I suggest At their place of work if they want to catch some more Z’s or offer flex time to suit their schedules in general, maybe work from home, on weekends or other ways to allow for more suitable work conditions, reduce rushing to work early and so on. )


I realize some theories vary but if possible, do some research and find ways to try something for a month or more and see what difference it may make. Maybe a few months is needed to feel the affects. Complete darkness and ideally silence is golden as well when it comes to deep sleep and restoration. Doesn’t that sound nice to even think about?


Another time an older woman who was clearly obese had a heart attack while driving herself to the doctor. Unfortunately even people with many friends and family are too often not factoring in the risk and the great benefit of Not Driving in General if not in very good physical condition, well-rested and fed and in a good state of mind.


Stress and worry are emotions that everyone could learn to ‘check at the door’ of their car before getting in so road rage or erratic driving would not be so common. Same goes for distracted driving, biking, walking and even being out in public. It’s a fine art to stay aware of what one is feeling day to day and in general.


Finding ways to ‘get centered’, do ‘one thing at a time’, stay on track of where one is going and what one is doing (and with whom and ensure they are also safe and appropriate) is good strategizing.Letting someone know your plans (family, friend,etc) and reviewing how things went each day or every few days can help you keep track of your patterns, problems or questions that come up and need attention.


Perhaps checking in with family once a week (calling a sibling or friend, seeing how one’s children are doing even if living closeby or in the same home to see if they are feeling they are keeping up with commitments, sleeping well, have any financial or other concerns that need attention, even homework for school, projects or maintaining home, car, bike or other basics like food (including whether they qualify for assistance and know how to keep up with review forms and annual renewals, etc for any assistance such as free or subsidized health insurance.)


Check online with or in NYC 311, and those numbers can be dialed to access information about programs as well. Knowing how to get to a city to use services there or learn about opportunities could be a whole new part of every school’s curriculum.


Since more people likely will need or want to move to a city with public transportation and other helpful services as they age or even if needing to get places and a car is costly to maintain (driving concerns in winter, at night or if driving skills diminishing.)


How to think about transitioning even seasonally or for a trial basis would be helpful and deserves a course or more at every public school. Parents may need this help as well as they chart ways to rear a family or if their situation changes and they become a single parent or have work needs that impact their life.


Being flexible and capable of living in different environments, from camping out in the summer to travelling and seeing friends or taking affordable vacations (rather than one that puts one in debt  often with interest or taps one’s savings or funds without careful forethought all are important. Being aware of people one can visit or call on for temporary housing while taking a class or exploring options or possibly starting out in a new area all deserve more concerted planning and online sample agreements.)


Along these lines, more people could learn about pedestrian safety tips, having assistance perhaps with transporting groceries or other goods, using ‘public carts’ that could be available as some use City Bikes. An idea that came to me about the space used by public bikes and bike racks would be to build and upper deck for people to take a rest or visit on. Also more hooks could be put on the decking to help people store more bikes or other objects as may be reasonable (padded waterproof bags like an  outdoor locker.)


Even in cities where space is tight, using the inner court yards ‘twice’ by putting in a raised deck (about 20 feet up so large objects and supplies and even trees (most of them and leave a clear pathway too when possible on the grass if not the walkway).


We have an ideal setting in some of the Clinton Co Op areas to try something like that. The stairways could be wide and covered to allow protection from snow and rain. Even the deck could have a roof and secure fencing to allow children to play freely but safely (and yes, not too loudly as current guidelines already state.)


Such a micro-climate models could allow for some rooftop gardening above the deck, rainwater catchment and teaching space for other ‘saving energy’ permaculture (PC) strategies. See more ideas on PC on


The hope of helping everybuddy slow down on the planet is to buy us all more time, share our resources more effectively and help plan-it earth and heart survive with better options than what we currently are facing.  


See online resources and check out and the Occupy Wall Street advocacy from the past. Many are clearly hoping to make the world a friendlier, gentler place but that gets lost in the hustle bustle and  regulations that keep too many living on a treadmill.


Health and well-being (not necessarily being in top form, but working to prevent health concerns that the medical industry could be mandated to educate people about (with an adjunct set of sites and outreaches) would help us all enjoy our lives and areas far more than most can envision and hope for. Thanks for taking care of yourself and really looking out for others as well.


Growing community is part of all aspects of PC (permaculture), many towns and faiths, states and countries.  Key efforts support ‘transition town’ ideas where saving energy is not only saving time and money overall but in saving the planet so we have more time to figure out some survival techniques and literally buy US-All more time here on earth as a species.

 While it took me a while to write all of this out, it flowed rather quickly. I realize there are many ideas covered, so feel free to share parts that may be helpful and give some credit as would be reasonable such as mentioned on my blog. Feel free also to post some comments at the end.

A person with extensive professional training shared that in her opinion the Brooklyn Bridge is not safe enough for a bike lane due to overcrowding. Other bridges could be used by bikers so that idea could perhaps be voluntarily followed by bicyclists.


All people need to watch for their own safety whether in a car, on a bike, running or walking about their neighborhood. Sadly a tragic accident with one’s pet or child is a reminder that one cannot always save another or that it may cost one their life to do so. Ideally, a person would be more clear mentally and practically about what they would do in an emergency.


Professional rescuers are trained along these lines, thinking and practicing dire situations with each other and actors. Sometimes demos of car accidents are done with wrecked cars and actors to help students see the aftermath of choices to drive under the influence or too fast. While that is another reality to face, more efforts to prevent the choices and adult lack of supervision often needed could go a long way to keep more minors safe. Planning for programs and ways for them to  build skills and interests as well as connect with a community is important. That goes for everyone.


Often ‘saving oneself’ is the key to being Able to save another or more in moments or future days. One NY woman seeking to save her dog from being hit by a truck succumbed to the impact herself. Everyone loves their pets but likely if she had more time to consider that sometimes life unfolds in sudden harsh ways, she could have made another choice and accepted that ‘it wasn’t her fault or her duty to risk or give her own life to save her pet..or even another’. Without a clear assurance and skill, sometimes would-be rescuers can complicate an already difficult situation.


The person needing a save may be panicked and in water for instance, grab onto a person and cause one or both of them to drown. Another rescue may be needed or a choice of who to save should a rescuer be able to reach them. All of these kinds of ‘rare but difficult and important situations can occur when youth or others are taking risks, just horsing around or in groups without much planning and guidance. Even under more calm or planned circumstances, things can go awry.


That’s where every person really tuning into their safety practices of ‘going slower rather than faster’ throughout their day, to be conscious of what one is doing, to try to be centered about staying calm and responding with care rather than reacting with erratic emotions to people, places, things, thoughts and feelings’ deserves everyone’s attention and again practice with online or other resources.


Living may be more of an ‘inside job’ than most realize so learning to breathe, relax and keep track of one’s day and time and one’s energy (such as discussed by Jennifer McLean in free talks or Jarrad Hewett, Edgar Cayce Institute and many others) could help US All prevent stress, hurrying, carelessness and more.


The Enneagram about 9 personality types (such as in the book Wisdom of the Enneagram) and online ideas about personality and health such as on or even or 311 in NYC for assistance with basic living needs can help more people head in a healing direction with a willingness to help others and look out for others in life and on the road.


It all works together to be a conscious capable human being at any age or stage of life, in good times or more difficult ones.I share other ideas on which was through 8-1-16.


Take your time reading through these points which I jotted down ‘all at once’ with a few additions and diversions along the way (to make sure you are still awake and touch on ways to manage conflict and prevent problems whether driving, biking or talking about them informally or at meetings or even walking about town.)


Ideally ‘getting to know one’s neighbors’ such as a Community Day for a group of residents in a certain area can help bridge cultural and economic gaps along with many other perceived or ‘real’ differences that may divide people in various ways.


Personal space and opinions are important, skin pigmentation and ethnicity can be acknowledged as a person may want to share or speak about, but not to denigrate or cause harm to anyone on any level.


We are all learning about ‘people issues’ while the entire world is waking up to many serious concerns about climate we can seek to keep things in perspective and change the climate of our discussions to be more inclusive and reflective of clear, considerate plans.


A willingness to listen to all points of view and information possibly after good advocacies have highlighted key points could keep more people interested and involved when votes or other support are needed.


Without vigilant advocacy, a green light for those in control to do as they see fit with numbers that may be deficient or not representative of a majority . A clarification of a population, an area and numbers of potential voters as well as ready access to surveys and opportunities to voice concerns in a meaningful manner is always appropriate for bigger issues such a bike lanes or other projects that involve roads or buildings that will impact the normal routines of a community.  These key times of Being Informed and Counted could be clearly defined for people to know what numbers they need to have to be counted in significant ways.


I am summarizing the situation voluntarily and as a blogger ( which will be changing soon to another server) and  as someone who cares about the area, newly residing in the area and with training as a mediator and a variety of other programs.


Some of these include mental health, wellness,home care for elderly, disabled or others needing support (even caregivers need that, right?) and childcare, gardening and permaculture (PC) which promotes people having a say in how their communities function on all levels and ways to work together in teams even over many disciplines or areas of skill and sharing resources ideally to help save resources and enhance people, earth, resources..


While one woman asked clearly and a few times if a ‘vote could be taken to see who at this meeting (about the third on such issues where many who spoke indicated they felt the majority from 75-95% or attendees, and likely many not attending in the area, were opposed to the the proposal that had been submitted for a two-lane bike lane to be created on Clinton Ave and make it a one-way street and still allow parking.


Those opposed over the months shared concerns about bicyclists creating more traffic and hazards for pedestrians and cars as well (passing too closely, not following the rules of the road with cars and even other cyclists at times, running red lights and violating other traffic laws already in place.)


Some said it would be too difficult to have ready access for emergency vehicles and even transportation services for those needing more direct service with vans that need to park in one lane in either direction so people would not need to cross the road to their residence.


The overall impact on the 5000 people living in the co-ops was not deemed beneficial by many who voiced their concerns. Surveys were not well circulated and clear. Some who attended a number of DOT (Dept. of Transportation) meetings felt the way they conducted their meetings and proceeded with business dealings was not professional, timely or inclusive of clear representation of their communities. Worse still, some alleged ineptitude and corruption in a general sense.  


That was a concern about dealings echoed in other departments as well and city government in general.Mainly women took matters to heart in terms of spelling out problems, attending meetings and speaking of overall concerns. Likely those attending will be contacted by an volunteer advocacy group which took down many information of many in attendance. I will guess that women were there 2:1 to men, not to say men don’t care as much but sometimes there are other priorities that seem to keep them at bay.


Not that you need as many men to advocate for something as women, but it doesn’t hurt to pay attention to the ‘quiet gender gaps’ and work to collaborate on key issues both can agree on and do so with effective strategies both work to implement with clear guidelines. One such point would be to have volunteers go to DOT meetings and record key information or record it if possible. Notes could then be emailed (maybe with the recording) if someone else is willing to review it and then post it in a common place.


Another person or two could be in charge of a newsletter updating people with a timeline of months and years as appropriate, key players and top issues being discussed. Maybe some of that is happening already but that could be made more clear to the community so people could sign up with a more experienced person to attend a DOT meeting for instance, know what to listen for or how to record information and share it as described.


Sharing the work of any task makes sense when efficiency and clarity is needed. One idea from someone whose looked into the matter is to have the bike lanes put on Clermont Ave if there is agreement to consider having more in the Clinton Hill Area. More actual numbers showing the need, cost in savings and cost in building such lanes would be helpful to have readily accessible going forward.  Petitions on either side were worth noting, yet an official time for each person’s vote as it were to be weighed in early in the decision-making process with pertinent information at hand seemed to be lacking for many and much desired.


Where would Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders weigh in on the important issue about the DOT of NY putting Bike Lanes in without consulting communities in a transparent, consistent manner? While not a typical Presidential debate issue, a few hundred people (or more) have turned up at meetings called ‘workshops’ to learn about proposed installation of a double bike land on Clinton Avenue in Brooklyn NY.


Like going up a steep Hill or hitting Sand on the side of the road, this was not an easy issue for many residents and business people to face or battle to get their concerns heard in the months leading up to a meeting June 21st, 2016 at the Cadman Church Hall where residents heard that the proposal had been Withdrawn.


That was announced early on in the meeting even though I got there 15 minutes late and learned about the timing of events after from advocates on the street after the meeting went on for another half hour to allow people to speak during a ‘workshop session’.


Once the proposal was withdrawn, most thought that meant the issue was rejected and not up for discussion. When the workshop format was announced, people felt they were being sent down the rabbit hole of game playing and booed the notion and said “No!” They had to go along to get along though with the committee’s format and people were allowed to take turns speaking.


Just outside something very ominous happened which the gathered crowd and concerned citizens should be aware of for the sign of caution to all who venture out of their homes need pay attention to for everyone’s benefit, including their own and those they love.


At the intersection of Clinton and Lafayette, right by the Cadman church, traffic was stopped for a red light. The Do Not Walk sign of a red hand had not quite changed, there was a few second delay before the Walk signal of a person in white light came on.


One or two adults from opposite sides of the street almost met their Maker, and headed toward The Light, but thankfully they both happened to pause and wait for the Walk Signal even though traffic was stopped at the red light.


Suddenly a man in a van with music playing drove through the red light not slowing down and using the bike lane to get around the parked traffic.


Would he have been able to stop if one or both people had been in the street, maybe stepping quickly cross if they didn’t know if the light was about to turn green (which at least one person was wondering). After the near miss, the strangers became kindred friends and acknowledged the male driver’s wrongdoing of running a red light.


The woman had almost brought a young infant in a front pack with her so imagine the horror of the neighborhood if such a little one and her grandmother had been victims while trying to attend a meeting on not only the bike lane proposal (being withdrawn or delayed which many feared would actually be the case.)


The bigger message for everyone was to Watch Their Every Step and Move whether on the sidewalk (where cars can end up during an accident, getting out of a car to check for bicyclists and others using that lane on roller blades or skateboards or running.)


A woman from Switzerland told me afterward that she had been hit by a car as a pedestrian. She showed me her damaged lower legs. She said she also bicycled but thought the plan for the Clinton Ave location was dumb.


She took exception to the lack of consistency of the bike lanes being On Only One Side of All Roads so that bicyclists would not be put at greater risk crossing over to use lanes and also so drivers could keep bicyclists in view more readily or always know which side of the road the bike lane was on.


She and others informally advocated for licensing and regulation of bike education and qualification (passing a road test of laws and getting tickets if in violation.) Having ID or a license of the bikes would provide more accountability and assist in enforcing rules.


The behavior and protocol even among bicyclists needs to be streamlined and encouraged. Ideally those in that community could do this voluntarily to prevent needless stress, aggressiveness, conflict, fights and accidents, injuries and the worst outcome  of fatality which generally involves a car or truck hitting a bicyclist.


I met an 11-year old riding an electric Vespa, a small looking motobike, on the sidewalk with his parents. I expressed concern that a fall could be dangerous to the lad’s head since he did not have a helmet on.


The force is 30 times every 10 miles, so is if falling when going ten miles an hour on a bike or a scooter, if one fell and hit one’s head that would be a force of 300 pounds of pressure...I think.


Worth a google, but that’s why a fall is so dangerous in general, it’s the force with which a body hits the pavement or other solid objects not the falling per se that does the damage. An eight year old was riding on the back of that electric bike which did not go very fast, but again, neither had helmets and were riding on the sidewalk.


Might there be more clarification about where such bikes can be ridden and what the penalty would be for both the youth and parents if a child or other person got hurt on one, particularly if riding where it is not ‘legal’ or appropriate.


The idea of youth and others using more motorized scooters and bikes on the sidewalk may pose more challenges for pedestrians, particularly with special needs. Maybe a lane on the sidewalk would be helpful in case people need more ‘assurance’ that no one will be driving behind them in anything but a wheelchair type chair and even they should not overdo their speed.


Rewinding an incident to review in ‘slow motion’’ as I have done with the episode of  the people who thankfully did not step in front of  a driver intent on running a red light (and who maybe would have had the sense to steer up onto the sidewalk and hit a street lamp rather than run people over but again, there could have been others on the sidewalk.


I knew a minister who had two family members get run over while on the sidewalk on the opposite lane from the car when the driver went out of control of his vehicle.


Another man who became a priest was in a car accident which claimed the life of his wife and the mother of his children. He became a Catholic priest and is much appreciated by his community for his heartfelt sermons, some of which touch upon the difficulty he faced in dealing with such a loss and change in his life.


I also share on Remembering Kaelan having to deal with sudden loss and change in my family  in June 2009 with the passing of our teen son when he was trying to save a friend.


One psychic shared with a friend of mine that Kaelan may have perished when pushing his friend to safer water which likely bought the youth precious moments yet also resulted in Kaelan being swept into the waters that did not release his body for a week.


Whether Kaelan knew of the step by step risk or was acting instinctively at every ‘twist and turn’ of his decision to try to help his friend is left for us to reflect upon.

Some would say that he, like all of us, have a few or only a singular option for when (and not necessarily how or exactly when but some say that is the case, such as Marc Anthony. Many faiths from around the world have ideas and some more ‘definite’ teachings worth being aware of. Then there’s the aspect of ‘it may happen as one believes it will or a society or group insists it be.’


Our laws reflect group consciousness. Locking everyone away is not likely something most would agree makes sense especially for non-violent crimes such as drug possession. However until we clarify what we do want and advocate effectively over time for that, we likely will spend huge funds on throwing money and efforts at a broken system.


That’s were can be refreshing with some new ‘survival and sustainable’ ideas for people, the planet and sharing resources.


Likely laws and even relationship terms could get redefined and clarified as well rather than setting people up for lifelong contracts that may be impossible or very costly and difficult to revise or get out of respectfully or at all. Family and civil as well as criminal court are often as jammed and dysfunctional as any traffic jam or danger zone on the roads.


While some would say, ‘None of this is related’, in terms of how conflicted much of our society is, there could be much to learn and even consider the ways that energetically and on a human level that many things are related. People under stress may have more accidents or be in a hurry, have more illness and again be negligent or compromised due to those secondary factors.


See for insight into how costly many unseen problems such as domestic abuse (abuse in families) is and how we might remedy some of that with better prevention efforts.


Earlier intervention in that arena has been shown to save lives and money. Maybe a similar advocacy for safer drivers and bicyclists as well as pedestrians and yes pets too could be made to help people voluntarily if not legally comply with existing and new laws and safety guidelines.


Each person doing a little better in these areas and planning to be a half-hour early (or more) could help decrease disappointment when subways run late or change routes, etc. Expect the Unexpected is a good mantra and is also the name of a book by psychic medium Bill Phillips.


Again our intentions from a spiritual and personal life view perspective may be more important in terms of how we live our daily lives and lead us toward our bigger decisions in terms of relationships, life plans and then the playing out of those factors.


That is where more review of the choices we seem to have consciously made may make sense to explore over time. Do those still ‘hold water’? Do we allow ourselves time and supportive skilled or caring people and friends to help us reflect on Why and How we are living our lives the way we are? Once we step away from the hurry and the worry we can become curious as to why we may have ‘chosen’ to incarnate with our family of origin, our friends from over our life journey and our current circles of family and friends?


What soul lessons are we learning, what skills are we developing in terms of growing our intuition and ability to act in alignment with our personal and spiritual values? Can we have more public discussions on these more illusive topics before ‘the rubber meets the road’ and we are interacting in a high-paced dangerous arena with various agendas, emotions and intentions? Maybe that is the bigger ‘planning meeting’ we need to think of having and it can be online since clearly there’s plenty to think about and much can come to mind in the process.


Regarding the rescue of the youth who our son tried to save, he was saved by a heroic rescuer who broke with protocol and used his tree climbing ropes to battle heavy waterfalls and get the youth in a safety harness and reel him back up to a higher point from which he and Kaelan had been jumping into ‘seemingly safe water but was deceptive with its undertown’.


Most adults in the area do not discuss publicly ways to set better guidelines for youth who are transitioning into having more freedom, using bikes to get places and where they would really be allowed by town and common sense. Most people like the idea of freedom and live and let live, but when people die rather needlessly it’s time to use the freedoms we do have in this country and promote more of around the world, sensible fair-minded ideas to keep people safe from harm and disaster.


These themes could also be developed for people of various age groups, caregivers and towns and areas to have voluntary curfews. A simple idea is to set a curfew based on the grade a student is in such as 8 pm for any youth in 8th grade and younger, although 6 or 7 pm may be best for younger children of those ages and even through age 13 to help them get  fed and settled in for good sleep patterns overall, particularly in the fall and winter when it gets dark earlier. For high school freshmen, in 9th grade, the time would be 9pm.


For sophomores or 10th graders, that would be 10 pm. For juniors or 11th graders, that would be 11pm. For seniors or 12th graders that would be midnight. Many accidents happen after midnight so it’s a good idea for most people to plan to be home at a reasonable hour in general. The ideal bedtime for adults is 9:30pm so one can actually be asleep by 10pm.


Elderly who experience any kind of ‘sundowning effect’ in terms of losing track of how their day is going when it starts to get dark out, can get confused easily and likely need companionship if not support would also benefit from routines and being monitored closely and more than most people,even family, realize. Best to do some research and come alongside someone who has any need before it gets to be too problematic.


That may mean clever interventions in terms of visiting and staying the night, having a friend or two do that and talking things over candidly with each other and more discreetly with the person in concern. Same goes for someone who is still driving and may need to surrender their keys to another who can drive their car for them and likely eventually have the car not in their name or keys available at all if unsafe.


The laws vary in every state but too many people with intermittent times of forgetfulness or other dementia or health symptoms are driving and putting everyone in their path including themselves at risk. Many other drivers may be aggressive or lax in following speed limits or even staying on their side of the road so quick reactions are needed.


Too often an uncertain driver will go slower than ideal, pull out into traffic or have other challenges that can cause problems. One man at the bike meeting practically shouted that a bicyclist male seemed to see how close he could come to his car as he was driving when passing him. While there will never be enough monitors (yet England and other places do instill cameras on almost all street corners and some traffic lights are designed to ‘click a ticket’ for those running a red light or speeding and send it to them,even if out of state.” )


As we can see, when we ‘stop and think about things’ the common sense thing is to move safely in one’s area (and of course even in one’s home when it comes to checking for fall risks or being aware of not lifting heavy things or going up ladders alone or if you or the ladder is not stable, etc.) BUT, too often people are in a rush or feeling rushed by others.


Then one has to make due with the time and options at hand, so it seems. The homeless who often sit for hours remind us that all of our running around is on some level A Choice. So is having or spending money to some extent, because there are a few programs one can piece together to survive (supposedly, but check with those without home or funds and see how they really make ends meet.)


Paper money is in reality Paper with an ‘I-Owe-You’ value compared to gold or other valuable mineral which has inherent value. Ripping up a 20 dollar bill (in half so you can tape it again or even a 1 dollar or 5 dollar bill) can help you remember that Money is  Pieces of Papers (and change are metal coins.) The Value We Attach to those items is something we forget comes from us and it one of many systems in the world of barter and trade. When we realize Big Business and Politics Controls and Creates most of the paper money (and credit card availability) it’s only a few short steps to realize Those With Money Have Power and Make Decisions to Serve their Own Interests. The word ineptitude to describe many city systems (and of course, that’s likely the case for big towns and even smaller ones) was blended with allegations or actual cases of corruption many times even regarding the bike land proposal.


Other concerns were the eviction of not 1, 2 or 3 residents from an affordable housing unit in Prospect Park (if I recall the story correctly) but 123 people, including deaf elderly people and children. One woman took up the cause to investigate and fight for some compensation or other actions and made trips to Albany.


She found a lack of willingness to get involved by others who were even assisting residents. Politics is scary business and even the meeting was peppered with impolite and possibly illegal levels of conflict. Whenever people are saying they feel they are being discriminated against or feel they have been insulted with a racist comment etc, then there could be Other Regulations that would necessitate ending a meeting and having a more personal review of the complaint. If it happens During  a  Public Meeting which could be taped or have witnesses if such direct or indirect actions occur that could be similar to ‘disorderly conduct’ in a courtroom. There were two police outside the meeting by the way.


Every state has its own laws and guidelines. There are many agencies and programs promoting ‘zero tolerance’ of use of language even such as ‘guns, bombs, hurting or killing others or being violent’ for instance in a school setting of youth (elementary, grade school and likely daycares.) With college crime or even the clubhouse tragedy in Orlando, the stage is set to require more ‘preventive measures’ and anti-bullying campaigns to monitor public meetings.


The case of Gabby Giffords shows that a public or political meeting can become a stage of sorts for people to air grievances. While many felt empowered to speak out and used strong voices and chastising words, with a group listening and chiming in that could have been a more conflictual setting.


One man spoke as a cyclist, one of 250 who signed a petition supporting the bike lanes. He was white and said he felt denigrated by others at the meeting as a cyclist. A woman of color said she felt the committee was of another culture and did not take their views into consideration in part due to that perceived difference.


The cyclist proposed that the refusal of the bike lane was valuing cars over people’s lives and notes that a few cyclists have been killed. That was booed by the crowd yet the point merits more consideration since everyone wants safety. As one fellow noted afterwards and I had also realized the Drivers of Cars are Drivers of Weapons, whether they realize that capacity or not.


The larger vehicle most often will harm the smaller, and a car will do a bike in if they collide. The factor we can control for best is the Human Beings Driving Cars or Trucks, Riding Bikes or even Riding in Cars. Passengers could play a more helpful role in watching out for others (co-pilots or riding shotgun which references the Wild West of someone being on the look out if riding on horses..I think).


Well, no one likes a backseat driver, but if a driver can realize and invite collaboration and receive tips to keep driving safe and be open to someone informing him or her of  car or person in one’s blind spot, reminding to signal, stop for a few seconds at a stop sign (yes, count to 3 is a rule in some states like CT so a rolling stop can get you a ticket as can not making a complete stop.) In MA, one is not legally supposed to back out into the road.


Perhaps parking in a safer location or putting a mirror up could assist with dangerous site lines. More on that of course could be discussed in groups as could Any of These Issues. Going to meetings, the DOT or other Community Meetings is important. Having a representative from an area or group go and report back in writing about what happened and keep an online blog or FB page going would help more feel informed as well. Many spoke to the need to ‘see what the big wigs are thinking about and to watch their timing, hold them accountable for getting public input and more.’  A politician, Mr. Mosely read a letter from a Senator who said due process for considering the input of citizens and business people did not seem to be taking place so it should be in the future since that would be indicated by current laws or best practices.


Well, that’s Some of what was covered and I added more about getting proper health and rest on the agenda for everyone so that each person is coming to these kinds of matters with their A Game. Also more women need to organize amongst themselves so they feel aware of the 2500 year gap in having a seat and a voice at the table, and voting power.


One advocate noted that workshops can be a cover for meeting a community requirement but the outcome may really be twisted to sound as though people were in support of a proposal even when they were vocally opposed. The number crunching the committee was basing their proposal on was not playing out in the public sphere of those attending. Those numbers needed to be clearly indicated, along with the funding stream and process.


Too many felt deals were being made in advance without due process for the Lafayette bike lane. The implementation of the lanes were done in a haphazard manner, with things happening without much notice or consideration for those in the area, according to a few I spoke with. Many took issue with the bike lane being put on Clinton.


A person with city planning training who looked into the matter said that Clermont was another street which fit the requirements that Clinton had which is why it was looked at so closely. A large concern by many is that 5000 people live in the Clinton area co-ops (which has only 30 parking spaces and people were not eager to share that space, but might an upper deck work there, and serve as a carport as well?)


When one woman suggested that Vanderbilt be used and residents have permit parking there, the crowd was amenable to that idea. The city planner trained person said the use of the Vanderbilt for buses did not make that idea.


That street along with Washington Ave serve as the major pathways to downtown and already have a great deal of traffic to negotiate. Likely more effort could be made to have truck deliveries and such in the late night hours, after rush hour and  more simple ideas could help. However the overall reality is that many issues are impacting the scene in the city largely as more people move to the city. Affordable housing gives way to those with more money.


Long-term residents can feel they are being crowded out of their neighborhood. Even resident issues arise with few ways to address them readily, such as people stealing another’s package or calling the police for frivolous reasons of complaint.


The actions to take to get results are not clear. Sadly one man admitted to not wanting to call for help for a woman (who has since moved away) who had complained to police about his television or laughing too loud.


Even when she was being beaten and his family expressed concern that he call the building security (not the police directly which helps with reporting since we know police sometimes can hold a caller as alleging falsehoods and more conflict could unfold if someone “rats someone else out” (how old or mature could one be to feel safe and maybe a third party reporter is needed.


Still many agencies are corrupt and take kids into foster care for almost no reason and keep them for a couple of years or adopt them out more often than  almost anyone realizes, and then they don’t check on them unless called. Too often more kids than any imagine land in far worse if not injurious or fatal conditions than in their original families)


That large, competent, otherwise friendly man felt he had no obligation to step in for someone who had disrespected his right to live in his apartment. He felt she was falsely accusing him of wrongdoing and was annoyed enough, that even though his child was hearing the beating ‘in 3-D’ he still chose to do nothing. Thankfully the woman did not die and did divorce him and move out.


But not everyone gets that many chances. Some would hold the bystander somewhat accountable for harm done to the woman or if his son gets involved or worse ever abuses another, feeling ‘he can get away with it.’ Not likely but our culture and media seem to convert about half of the men who are abusers into being so even though raised in decent homes with values.


 Back to getting a good night’s sleep more often than not. With sleep from 10p-to 7am, to wake up for the days we brave particularly if out and about here are some tips.The Chinese medicine theories involve our energetic and physical systems getting a ‘reboot and realignment’ of energies from the stars from 10p to 7am


.(Maybe more work places could allow people to sleep closer to their work place or dare I suggest At their place of work if they want to catch some more Z’s or offer flex time to suit their schedules in general, maybe work from home, on weekends or other ways to allow for more suitable work conditions, reduce rushing to work early and so on. )


I realize some theories vary but if possible, do some research and find ways to try something for a month or more and see what difference it may make. Maybe a few months is needed to feel the affects. Complete darkness and ideally silence is golden as well when it comes to deep sleep and restoration. Doesn’t that sound nice to even think about?


Another time an older woman who was clearly obese had a heart attack while driving herself to the doctor. Unfortunately even people with many friends and family are too often not factoring in the risk and the great benefit of Not Driving in General if not in very good physical condition, well-rested and fed and in a good state of mind.


Stress and worry are emotions that everyone could learn to ‘check at the door’ of their car before getting in so road rage or erratic driving would not be so common. Same goes for distracted driving, biking, walking and even being out in public. It’s a fine art to stay aware of what one is feeling day to day and in general.


Finding ways to ‘get centered’, do ‘one thing at a time’, stay on track of where one is going and what one is doing (and with whom and ensure they are also safe and appropriate) is good strategizing.Letting someone know your plans (family, friend,etc) and reviewing how things went each day or every few days can help you keep track of your patterns, problems or questions that come up and need attention.


Perhaps checking in with family once a week (calling a sibling or friend, seeing how one’s children are doing even if living closeby or in the same home to see if they are feeling they are keeping up with commitments, sleeping well, have any financial or other concerns that need attention, even homework for school, projects or maintaining home, car, bike or other basics like food (including whether they qualify for assistance and know how to keep up with review forms and annual renewals, etc for any assistance such as free or subsidized health insurance.)


Check online with or in NYC 311, and those numbers can be dialed to access information about programs as well. Knowing how to get to a city to use services there or learn about opportunities could be a whole new part of every school’s curriculum.


Since more people likely will need or want to move to a city with public transportation and other helpful services as they age or even if needing to get places and a car is costly to maintain (driving concerns in winter, at night or if driving skills diminishing.)


How to think about transitioning even seasonally or for a trial basis would be helpful and deserves a course or more at every public school. Parents may need this help as well as they chart ways to rear a family or if their situation changes and they become a single parent or have work needs that impact their life.


Being flexible and capable of living in different environments, from camping out in the summer to travelling and seeing friends or taking affordable vacations (rather than one that puts one in debt  often with interest or taps one’s savings or funds without careful forethought all are important. Being aware of people one can visit or call on for temporary housing while taking a class or exploring options or possibly starting out in a new area all deserve more concerted planning and online sample agreements.)


Along these lines, more people could learn about pedestrian safety tips, having assistance perhaps with transporting groceries or other goods, using ‘public carts’ that could be available as some use City Bikes. An idea that came to me about the space used by public bikes and bike racks would be to build and upper deck for people to take a rest or visit on. Also more hooks could be put on the decking to help people store more bikes or other objects as may be reasonable (padded waterproof bags like an  outdoor locker.)


Even in cities where space is tight, using the inner court yards ‘twice’ by putting in a raised deck (about 20 feet up so large objects and supplies and even trees (most of them and leave a clear pathway too when possible on the grass if not the walkway).


We have an ideal setting in some of the Clinton Co Op areas to try something like that. The stairways could be wide and covered to allow protection from snow and rain. Even the deck could have a roof and secure fencing to allow children to play freely but safely (and yes, not too loudly as current guidelines already state.)


Such a micro-climate models could allow for some rooftop gardening above the deck, rainwater catchment and teaching space for other ‘saving energy’ permaculture (PC) strategies. See more ideas on PC on


The hope of helping everybuddy slow down on the planet is to buy us all more time, share our resources more effectively and help plan-it earth and heart survive with better options than what we currently are facing.  


See online resources and check out and the Occupy Wall Street advocacy from the past. Many are clearly hoping to make the world a friendlier, gentler place but that gets lost in the hustle bustle and  regulations that keep too many living on a treadmill.


Health and well-being (not necessarily being in top form, but working to prevent health concerns that the medical industry could be mandated to educate people about (with an adjunct set of sites and outreaches) would help us all enjoy our lives and areas far more than most can envision and hope for. Thanks for taking care of yourself and really looking out for others as well.


Growing community is part of all aspects of PC (permaculture), many towns and faiths, states and countries.  Key efforts support ‘transition town’ ideas where saving energy is not only saving time and money overall but in saving the planet so we have more time to figure out some survival techniques and literally buy US-All more time here on earth as a species.  While it took me a while to write all of this out, it flowed rather quickly. I realize there are many ideas covered, so feel free to share parts that may be helpful and give some credit as would be reasonable such as mentioned on my blog. Feel free also to post some comments at the end.

A  June Summer Solstice Meeting to Turn the Tide of Bike Lane Discussions...or not necessarily for keeps, but to get community input after the Bike Lane Proposal was withdrawn by the group that submitted it  in Clinton Hill Brooklyn Area, 2016 by Catherine Paton..ideas from the meeting and more mixed in to remedy some common woes wherever we wander on plan-it heart.


Questions circling around this and many housing or development issues is ‘Who is making the decisions in reality and on what basis? Is there transparency about what a community and others concerned truly feel and professionals from many disciplines may agree is appropriate in terms of safety and growth or are there secret deals, behind the scenes planning going on with little way to learn ‘the facts’ about funding, interests, investments from the private sector and who does the work?”


One safety professional shared that in her opinion the Brooklyn Bridge is not safe enough for a bike lane due to overcrowding. Other bridges could be used by bikers so that idea could perhaps be voluntarily followed by bicyclists.


All people need to watch for their own safety whether in a car, on a bike, running or walking about their neighborhood. Sadly a tragic accident with one’s pet or child is a reminder that one cannot always save another or that it may cost one their life to do so. Ideally, a person would be more clear mentally and practically about what they would do in an emergency.


Professional rescuers are trained along these lines, thinking and practicing dire situations with each other and actors. Sometimes demos of car accidents are done with wrecked cars and actors to help students see the aftermath of choices to drive under the influence or too fast. While that is another reality to face, more efforts to prevent the choices and adult lack of supervision often needed could go a long way to keep more minors safe. Planning for programs and ways for them to  build skills and interests as well as connect with a community is important. That goes for everyone.


Often ‘saving oneself’ is the key to being Able to save another or more in moments or future days. One NY woman seeking to save her dog from being hit by a truck succumbed to the impact herself. Everyone loves their pets but likely if she had more time to consider that sometimes life unfolds in sudden harsh ways, she could have made another choice and accepted that ‘it wasn’t her fault or her duty to risk or give her own life to save her pet..or even another’. Without a clear assurance and skill, sometimes would-be rescuers can complicate an already difficult situation.


The person needing a save may be panicked and in water for instance, grab onto a person and cause one or both of them to drown. Another rescue may be needed or a choice of who to save should a rescuer be able to reach them. All of these kinds of ‘rare but difficult and important situations can occur when youth or others are taking risks, just horsing around or in groups without much planning and guidance. Even under more calm or planned circumstances, things can go awry.


That’s where every person really tuning into their safety practices of ‘going slower rather than faster’ throughout their day, to be conscious of what one is doing, to try to be centered about staying calm and responding with care rather than reacting with erratic emotions to people, places, things, thoughts and feelings’ deserves everyone’s attention and again practice with online or other resources.


Living may be more of an ‘inside job’ than most realize so learning to breathe, relax and keep track of one’s day and time and one’s energy (such as discussed by Jennifer McLean in free talks or Jarrad Hewett, Edgar Cayce Institute and many others) could help US All prevent stress, hurrying, carelessness and more.


The Enneagram about 9 personality types (such as in the book Wisdom of the Enneagram) and online ideas about personality and health such as on or even or 311 in NYC for assistance with basic living needs can help more people head in a healing direction with a willingness to help others and look out for others in life and on the road.


It all works together to be a conscious capable human being at any age or stage of life, in good times or more difficult ones.I share other ideas on which was through 8-1-16.


Take your time reading through these points which I jotted down ‘all at once’ with a few additions and diversions along the way (to make sure you are still awake and touch on ways to manage conflict and prevent problems whether driving, biking or talking about them informally or at meetings or even walking about town.)


Ideally ‘getting to know one’s neighbors’ such as a Community Day for a group of residents in a certain area can help bridge cultural and economic gaps along with many other perceived or ‘real’ differences that may divide people in various ways.


Personal space and opinions are important, skin pigmentation and ethnicity can be acknowledged as a person may want to share or speak about, but not to denigrate or cause harm to anyone on any level.


We are all learning about ‘people issues’ while the entire world is waking up to many serious concerns about climate we can seek to keep things in perspective and change the climate of our discussions to be more inclusive and reflective of clear, considerate plans.


A willingness to listen to all points of view and information possibly after good advocacies have highlighted key points could keep more people interested and involved when votes or other support are needed.


Without vigilant advocacy, a green light for those in control to do as they see fit with numbers that may be deficient or not representative of a majority . A clarification of a population, an area and numbers of potential voters as well as ready access to surveys and opportunities to voice concerns in a meaningful manner is always appropriate for bigger issues such a bike lanes or other projects that involve roads or buildings that will impact the normal routines of a community.  These key times of Being Informed and Counted could be clearly defined for people to know what numbers they need to have to be counted in significant ways.


I am summarizing the situation voluntarily and as a blogger ( which will be changing soon to another server) and  as someone who cares about the area, newly residing in the area and with training as a mediator and a variety of other programs.


Some of these include mental health, wellness,home care for elderly, disabled or others needing support (even caregivers need that, right?) and childcare, gardening and permaculture (PC) which promotes people having a say in how their communities function on all levels and ways to work together in teams even over many disciplines or areas of skill and sharing resources ideally to help save resources and enhance people, earth, resources..


While one woman asked clearly and a few times if a ‘vote could be taken to see who at this meeting (about the third on such issues where many who spoke indicated they felt the majority from 75-95% or attendees, and likely many not attending in the area, were opposed to the the proposal that had been submitted for a two-lane bike lane to be created on Clinton Ave and make it a one-way street and still allow parking.


Those opposed over the months shared concerns about bicyclists creating more traffic and hazards for pedestrians and cars as well (passing too closely, not following the rules of the road with cars and even other cyclists at times, running red lights and violating other traffic laws already in place.)


Some said it would be too difficult to have ready access for emergency vehicles and even transportation services for those needing more direct service with vans that need to park in one lane in either direction so people would not need to cross the road to their residence.


The overall impact on the 5000 people living in the co-ops was not deemed beneficial by many who voiced their concerns. Surveys were not well circulated and clear. Some who attended a number of DOT (Dept. of Transportation) meetings felt the way they conducted their meetings and proceeded with business dealings was not professional, timely or inclusive of clear representation of their communities. Worse still, some alleged ineptitude and corruption in a general sense.  


That was a concern about dealings echoed in other departments as well and city government in general.Mainly women took matters to heart in terms of spelling out problems, attending meetings and speaking of overall concerns. Likely those attending will be contacted by an volunteer advocacy group which took down many information of many in attendance. I will guess that women were there 2:1 to men, not to say men don’t care as much but sometimes there are other priorities that seem to keep them at bay.


Not that you need as many men to advocate for something as women, but it doesn’t hurt to pay attention to the ‘quiet gender gaps’ and work to collaborate on key issues both can agree on and do so with effective strategies both work to implement with clear guidelines. One such point would be to have volunteers go to DOT meetings and record key information or record it if possible. Notes could then be emailed (maybe with the recording) if someone else is willing to review it and then post it in a common place.


Another person or two could be in charge of a newsletter updating people with a timeline of months and years as appropriate, key players and top issues being discussed. Maybe some of that is happening already but that could be made more clear to the community so people could sign up with a more experienced person to attend a DOT meeting for instance, know what to listen for or how to record information and share it as described.


Sharing the work of any task makes sense when efficiency and clarity is needed. One idea from someone whose looked into the matter is to have the bike lanes put on Clermont Ave if there is agreement to consider having more in the Clinton Hill Area. More actual numbers showing the need, cost in savings and cost in building such lanes would be helpful to have readily accessible going forward.  Petitions on either side were worth noting, yet an official time for each person’s vote as it were to be weighed in early in the decision-making process with pertinent information at hand seemed to be lacking for many and much desired.


Where would Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders weigh in on the important issue about the DOT of NY putting Bike Lanes in without consulting communities in a transparent, consistent manner? While not a typical Presidential debate issue, a few hundred people (or more) have turned up at meetings called ‘workshops’ to learn about proposed installation of a double bike land on Clinton Avenue in Brooklyn NY.


Like going up a steep Hill or hitting Sand on the side of the road, this was not an easy issue for many residents and business people to face or battle to get their concerns heard in the months leading up to a meeting June 21st, 2016 at the Cadman Church Hall where residents heard that the proposal had been Withdrawn.


That was announced early on in the meeting even though I got there 15 minutes late and learned about the timing of events after from advocates on the street after the meeting went on for another half hour to allow people to speak during a ‘workshop session’.


Once the proposal was withdrawn, most thought that meant the issue was rejected and not up for discussion. When the workshop format was announced, people felt they were being sent down the rabbit hole of game playing and booed the notion and said “No!” They had to go along to get along though with the committee’s format and people were allowed to take turns speaking.


Just outside something very ominous happened which the gathered crowd and concerned citizens should be aware of for the sign of caution to all who venture out of their homes need pay attention to for everyone’s benefit, including their own and those they love.


At the intersection of Clinton and Lafayette, right by the Cadman church, traffic was stopped for a red light. The Do Not Walk sign of a red hand had not quite changed, there was a few second delay before the Walk signal of a person in white light came on.


One or two adults from opposite sides of the street almost met their Maker, and headed toward The Light, but thankfully they both happened to pause and wait for the Walk Signal even though traffic was stopped at the red light.


Suddenly a man in a van with music playing drove through the red light not slowing down and using the bike lane to get around the parked traffic.


Would he have been able to stop if one or both people had been in the street, maybe stepping quickly cross if they didn’t know if the light was about to turn green (which at least one person was wondering). After the near miss, the strangers became kindred friends and acknowledged the male driver’s wrongdoing of running a red light.


The woman had almost brought a young infant in a front pack with her so imagine the horror of the neighborhood if such a little one and her grandmother had been victims while trying to attend a meeting on not only the bike lane proposal (being withdrawn or delayed which many feared would actually be the case.)


The bigger message for everyone was to Watch Their Every Step and Move whether on the sidewalk (where cars can end up during an accident, getting out of a car to check for bicyclists and others using that lane on roller blades or skateboards or running.)


A woman from Switzerland told me afterward that she had been hit by a car as a pedestrian. She showed me her damaged lower legs. She said she also bicycled but thought the plan for the Clinton Ave location was dumb.


She took exception to the lack of consistency of the bike lanes being On Only One Side of All Roads so that bicyclists would not be put at greater risk crossing over to use lanes and also so drivers could keep bicyclists in view more readily or always know which side of the road the bike lane was on.


She and others informally advocated for licensing and regulation of bike education and qualification (passing a road test of laws and getting tickets if in violation.) Having ID or a license of the bikes would provide more accountability and assist in enforcing rules.


The behavior and protocol even among bicyclists needs to be streamlined and encouraged. Ideally those in that community could do this voluntarily to prevent needless stress, aggressiveness, conflict, fights and accidents, injuries and the worst outcome  of fatality which generally involves a car or truck hitting a bicyclist.


I met an 11-year old riding an electric Vespa, a small looking motobike, on the sidewalk with his parents. I expressed concern that a fall could be dangerous to the lad’s head since he did not have a helmet on.


The force is 30 times every 10 miles, so is if falling when going ten miles an hour on a bike or a scooter, if one fell and hit one’s head that would be a force of 300 pounds of pressure...I think.


Worth a google, but that’s why a fall is so dangerous in general, it’s the force with which a body hits the pavement or other solid objects not the falling per se that does the damage. An eight year old was riding on the back of that electric bike which did not go very fast, but again, neither had helmets and were riding on the sidewalk.


Might there be more clarification about where such bikes can be ridden and what the penalty would be for both the youth and parents if a child or other person got hurt on one, particularly if riding where it is not ‘legal’ or appropriate.


The idea of youth and others using more motorized scooters and bikes on the sidewalk may pose more challenges for pedestrians, particularly with special needs. Maybe a lane on the sidewalk would be helpful in case people need more ‘assurance’ that no one will be driving behind them in anything but a wheelchair type chair and even they should not overdo their speed.


Rewinding an incident to review in ‘slow motion’’ as I have done with the episode of  the people who thankfully did not step in front of  a driver intent on running a red light (and who maybe would have had the sense to steer up onto the sidewalk and hit a street lamp rather than run people over but again, there could have been others on the sidewalk.


I knew a minister who had two family members get run over while on the sidewalk on the opposite lane from the car when the driver went out of control of his vehicle.


Another man who became a priest was in a car accident which claimed the life of his wife and the mother of his children. He became a Catholic priest and is much appreciated by his community for his heartfelt sermons, some of which touch upon the difficulty he faced in dealing with such a loss and change in his life.


I also share on Remembering Kaelan having to deal with sudden loss and change in my family  in June 2009 with the passing of our teen son when he was trying to save a friend.


One psychic shared with a friend of mine that Kaelan may have perished when pushing his friend to safer water which likely bought the youth precious moments yet also resulted in Kaelan being swept into the waters that did not release his body for a week.


Whether Kaelan knew of the step by step risk or was acting instinctively at every ‘twist and turn’ of his decision to try to help his friend is left for us to reflect upon.

Some would say that he, like all of us, have a few or only a singular option for when (and not necessarily how or exactly when but some say that is the case, such as Marc Anthony. Many faiths from around the world have ideas and some more ‘definite’ teachings worth being aware of. Then there’s the aspect of ‘it may happen as one believes it will or a society or group insists it be.’


Our laws reflect group consciousness. Locking everyone away is not likely something most would agree makes sense especially for non-violent crimes such as drug possession. However until we clarify what we do want and advocate effectively over time for that, we likely will spend huge funds on throwing money and efforts at a broken system.


That’s were can be refreshing with some new ‘survival and sustainable’ ideas for people, the planet and sharing resources.


Likely laws and even relationship terms could get redefined and clarified as well rather than setting people up for lifelong contracts that may be impossible or very costly and difficult to revise or get out of respectfully or at all. Family and civil as well as criminal court are often as jammed and dysfunctional as any traffic jam or danger zone on the roads.


While some would say, ‘None of this is related’, in terms of how conflicted much of our society is, there could be much to learn and even consider the ways that energetically and on a human level that many things are related. People under stress may have more accidents or be in a hurry, have more illness and again be negligent or compromised due to those secondary factors.


See for insight into how costly many unseen problems such as domestic abuse (abuse in families) is and how we might remedy some of that with better prevention efforts.


Earlier intervention in that arena has been shown to save lives and money. Maybe a similar advocacy for safer drivers and bicyclists as well as pedestrians and yes pets too could be made to help people voluntarily if not legally comply with existing and new laws and safety guidelines.


Each person doing a little better in these areas and planning to be a half-hour early (or more) could help decrease disappointment when subways run late or change routes, etc. Expect the Unexpected is a good mantra and is also the name of a book by psychic medium Bill Phillips.


Again our intentions from a spiritual and personal life view perspective may be more important in terms of how we live our daily lives and lead us toward our bigger decisions in terms of relationships, life plans and then the playing out of those factors.


That is where more review of the choices we seem to have consciously made may make sense to explore over time. Do those still ‘hold water’? Do we allow ourselves time and supportive skilled or caring people and friends to help us reflect on Why and How we are living our lives the way we are? Once we step away from the hurry and the worry we can become curious as to why we may have ‘chosen’ to incarnate with our family of origin, our friends from over our life journey and our current circles of family and friends?


What soul lessons are we learning, what skills are we developing in terms of growing our intuition and ability to act in alignment with our personal and spiritual values? Can we have more public discussions on these more illusive topics before ‘the rubber meets the road’ and we are interacting in a high-paced dangerous arena with various agendas, emotions and intentions? Maybe that is the bigger ‘planning meeting’ we need to think of having and it can be online since clearly there’s plenty to think about and much can come to mind in the process.


Regarding the rescue of the youth who our son tried to save, he was saved by a heroic rescuer who broke with protocol and used his tree climbing ropes to battle heavy waterfalls and get the youth in a safety harness and reel him back up to a higher point from which he and Kaelan had been jumping into ‘seemingly safe water but was deceptive with its undertown’.


Most adults in the area do not discuss publicly ways to set better guidelines for youth who are transitioning into having more freedom, using bikes to get places and where they would really be allowed by town and common sense. Most people like the idea of freedom and live and let live, but when people die rather needlessly it’s time to use the freedoms we do have in this country and promote more of around the world, sensible fair-minded ideas to keep people safe from harm and disaster.


These themes could also be developed for people of various age groups, caregivers and towns and areas to have voluntary curfews. A simple idea is to set a curfew based on the grade a student is in such as 8 pm for any youth in 8th grade and younger, although 6 or 7 pm may be best for younger children of those ages and even through age 13 to help them get  fed and settled in for good sleep patterns overall, particularly in the fall and winter when it gets dark earlier. For high school freshmen, in 9th grade, the time would be 9pm.


For sophomores or 10th graders, that would be 10 pm. For juniors or 11th graders, that would be 11pm. For seniors or 12th graders that would be midnight. Many accidents happen after midnight so it’s a good idea for most people to plan to be home at a reasonable hour in general. The ideal bedtime for adults is 9:30pm so one can actually be asleep by 10pm.


Elderly who experience any kind of ‘sundowning effect’ in terms of losing track of how their day is going when it starts to get dark out, can get confused easily and likely need companionship if not support would also benefit from routines and being monitored closely and more than most people,even family, realize. Best to do some research and come alongside someone who has any need before it gets to be too problematic.


That may mean clever interventions in terms of visiting and staying the night, having a friend or two do that and talking things over candidly with each other and more discreetly with the person in concern. Same goes for someone who is still driving and may need to surrender their keys to another who can drive their car for them and likely eventually have the car not in their name or keys available at all if unsafe.


The laws vary in every state but too many people with intermittent times of forgetfulness or other dementia or health symptoms are driving and putting everyone in their path including themselves at risk. Many other drivers may be aggressive or lax in following speed limits or even staying on their side of the road so quick reactions are needed.


Too often an uncertain driver will go slower than ideal, pull out into traffic or have other challenges that can cause problems. One man at the bike meeting practically shouted that a bicyclist male seemed to see how close he could come to his car as he was driving when passing him. While there will never be enough monitors (yet England and other places do instill cameras on almost all street corners and some traffic lights are designed to ‘click a ticket’ for those running a red light or speeding and send it to them,even if out of state.” )


As we can see, when we ‘stop and think about things’ the common sense thing is to move safely in one’s area (and of course even in one’s home when it comes to checking for fall risks or being aware of not lifting heavy things or going up ladders alone or if you or the ladder is not stable, etc.) BUT, too often people are in a rush or feeling rushed by others.


Then one has to make due with the time and options at hand, so it seems. The homeless who often sit for hours remind us that all of our running around is on some level A Choice. So is having or spending money to some extent, because there are a few programs one can piece together to survive (supposedly, but check with those without home or funds and see how they really make ends meet.)


Paper money is in reality Paper with an ‘I-Owe-You’ value compared to gold or other valuable mineral which has inherent value. Ripping up a 20 dollar bill (in half so you can tape it again or even a 1 dollar or 5 dollar bill) can help you remember that Money is  Pieces of Papers (and change are metal coins.) The Value We Attach to those items is something we forget comes from us and it one of many systems in the world of barter and trade. When we realize Big Business and Politics Controls and Creates most of the paper money (and credit card availability) it’s only a few short steps to realize Those With Money Have Power and Make Decisions to Serve their Own Interests. The word ineptitude to describe many city systems (and of course, that’s likely the case for big towns and even smaller ones) was blended with allegations or actual cases of corruption many times even regarding the bike land proposal.


Other concerns were the eviction of not 1, 2 or 3 residents from an affordable housing unit in Prospect Park (if I recall the story correctly) but 123 people, including deaf elderly people and children. One woman took up the cause to investigate and fight for some compensation or other actions and made trips to Albany.


She found a lack of willingness to get involved by others who were even assisting residents. Politics is scary business and even the meeting was peppered with impolite and possibly illegal levels of conflict. Whenever people are saying they feel they are being discriminated against or feel they have been insulted with a racist comment etc, then there could be Other Regulations that would necessitate ending a meeting and having a more personal review of the complaint. If it happens During  a  Public Meeting which could be taped or have witnesses if such direct or indirect actions occur that could be similar to ‘disorderly conduct’ in a courtroom. There were two police outside the meeting by the way.


Every state has its own laws and guidelines. There are many agencies and programs promoting ‘zero tolerance’ of use of language even such as ‘guns, bombs, hurting or killing others or being violent’ for instance in a school setting of youth (elementary, grade school and likely daycares.) With college crime or even the clubhouse tragedy in Orlando, the stage is set to require more ‘preventive measures’ and anti-bullying campaigns to monitor public meetings.


The case of Gabby Giffords shows that a public or political meeting can become a stage of sorts for people to air grievances. While many felt empowered to speak out and used strong voices and chastising words, with a group listening and chiming in that could have been a more conflictual setting.


One man spoke as a cyclist, one of 250 who signed a petition supporting the bike lanes. He was white and said he felt denigrated by others at the meeting as a cyclist. A woman of color said she felt the committee was of another culture and did not take their views into consideration in part due to that perceived difference.


The cyclist proposed that the refusal of the bike lane was valuing cars over people’s lives and notes that a few cyclists have been killed. That was booed by the crowd yet the point merits more consideration since everyone wants safety. As one fellow noted afterwards and I had also realized the Drivers of Cars are Drivers of Weapons, whether they realize that capacity or not.


The larger vehicle most often will harm the smaller, and a car will do a bike in if they collide. The factor we can control for best is the Human Beings Driving Cars or Trucks, Riding Bikes or even Riding in Cars. Passengers could play a more helpful role in watching out for others (co-pilots or riding shotgun which references the Wild West of someone being on the look out if riding on horses..I think).


Well, no one likes a backseat driver, but if a driver can realize and invite collaboration and receive tips to keep driving safe and be open to someone informing him or her of  car or person in one’s blind spot, reminding to signal, stop for a few seconds at a stop sign (yes, count to 3 is a rule in some states like CT so a rolling stop can get you a ticket as can not making a complete stop.) In MA, one is not legally supposed to back out into the road.


Perhaps parking in a safer location or putting a mirror up could assist with dangerous site lines. More on that of course could be discussed in groups as could Any of These Issues. Going to meetings, the DOT or other Community Meetings is important. Having a representative from an area or group go and report back in writing about what happened and keep an online blog or FB page going would help more feel informed as well. Many spoke to the need to ‘see what the big wigs are thinking about and to watch their timing, hold them accountable for getting public input and more.’  A politician, Mr. Mosely read a letter from a Senator who said due process for considering the input of citizens and business people did not seem to be taking place so it should be in the future since that would be indicated by current laws or best practices.


Well, that’s Some of what was covered and I added more about getting proper health and rest on the agenda for everyone so that each person is coming to these kinds of matters with their A Game. Also more women need to organize amongst themselves so they feel aware of the 2500 year gap in having a seat and a voice at the table, and voting power.


One advocate noted that workshops can be a cover for meeting a community requirement but the outcome may really be twisted to sound as though people were in support of a proposal even when they were vocally opposed. The number crunching the committee was basing their proposal on was not playing out in the public sphere of those attending. Those numbers needed to be clearly indicated, along with the funding stream and process.


Too many felt deals were being made in advance without due process for the Lafayette bike lane. The implementation of the lanes were done in a haphazard manner, with things happening without much notice or consideration for those in the area, according to a few I spoke with. Many took issue with the bike lane being put on Clinton.


A person with city planning training who looked into the matter said that Clermont was another street which fit the requirements that Clinton had which is why it was looked at so closely. A large concern by many is that 5000 people live in the Clinton area co-ops (which has only 30 parking spaces and people were not eager to share that space, but might an upper deck work there, and serve as a carport as well?)


When one woman suggested that Vanderbilt be used and residents have permit parking there, the crowd was amenable to that idea. The city planner trained person said the use of the Vanderbilt for buses did not make that idea.


That street along with Washington Ave serve as the major pathways to downtown and already have a great deal of traffic to negotiate. Likely more effort could be made to have truck deliveries and such in the late night hours, after rush hour and  more simple ideas could help. However the overall reality is that many issues are impacting the scene in the city largely as more people move to the city. Affordable housing gives way to those with more money.


Long-term residents can feel they are being crowded out of their neighborhood. Even resident issues arise with few ways to address them readily, such as people stealing another’s package or calling the police for frivolous reasons of complaint.


The actions to take to get results are not clear. Sadly one man admitted to not wanting to call for help for a woman (who has since moved away) who had complained to police about his television or laughing too loud.


Even when she was being beaten and his family expressed concern that he call the building security (not the police directly which helps with reporting since we know police sometimes can hold a caller as alleging falsehoods and more conflict could unfold if someone “rats someone else out” (how old or mature could one be to feel safe and maybe a third party reporter is needed.


Still many agencies are corrupt and take kids into foster care for almost no reason and keep them for a couple of years or adopt them out more often than  almost anyone realizes, and then they don’t check on them unless called. Too often more kids than any imagine land in far worse if not injurious or fatal conditions than in their original families)


That large, competent, otherwise friendly man felt he had no obligation to step in for someone who had disrespected his right to live in his apartment. He felt she was falsely accusing him of wrongdoing and was annoyed enough, that even though his child was hearing the beating ‘in 3-D’ he still chose to do nothing. Thankfully the woman did not die and did divorce him and move out.


But not everyone gets that many chances. Some would hold the bystander somewhat accountable for harm done to the woman or if his son gets involved or worse ever abuses another, feeling ‘he can get away with it.’ Not likely but our culture and media seem to convert about half of the men who are abusers into being so even though raised in decent homes with values.


 Back to getting a good night’s sleep more often than not. With sleep from 10p-to 7am, to wake up for the days we brave particularly if out and about here are some tips.The Chinese medicine theories involve our energetic and physical systems getting a ‘reboot and realignment’ of energies from the stars from 10p to 7am


.(Maybe more work places could allow people to sleep closer to their work place or dare I suggest At their place of work if they want to catch some more Z’s or offer flex time to suit their schedules in general, maybe work from home, on weekends or other ways to allow for more suitable work conditions, reduce rushing to work early and so on. )


I realize some theories vary but if possible, do some research and find ways to try something for a month or more and see what difference it may make. Maybe a few months is needed to feel the affects. Complete darkness and ideally silence is golden as well when it comes to deep sleep and restoration. Doesn’t that sound nice to even think about?


Another time an older woman who was clearly obese had a heart attack while driving herself to the doctor. Unfortunately even people with many friends and family are too often not factoring in the risk and the great benefit of Not Driving in General if not in very good physical condition, well-rested and fed and in a good state of mind.


Stress and worry are emotions that everyone could learn to ‘check at the door’ of their car before getting in so road rage or erratic driving would not be so common. Same goes for distracted driving, biking, walking and even being out in public. It’s a fine art to stay aware of what one is feeling day to day and in general.


Finding ways to ‘get centered’, do ‘one thing at a time’, stay on track of where one is going and what one is doing (and with whom and ensure they are also safe and appropriate) is good strategizing.Letting someone know your plans (family, friend,etc) and reviewing how things went each day or every few days can help you keep track of your patterns, problems or questions that come up and need attention.


Perhaps checking in with family once a week (calling a sibling or friend, seeing how one’s children are doing even if living closeby or in the same home to see if they are feeling they are keeping up with commitments, sleeping well, have any financial or other concerns that need attention, even homework for school, projects or maintaining home, car, bike or other basics like food (including whether they qualify for assistance and know how to keep up with review forms and annual renewals, etc for any assistance such as free or subsidized health insurance.)


Check online with or in NYC 311, and those numbers can be dialed to access information about programs as well. Knowing how to get to a city to use services there or learn about opportunities could be a whole new part of every school’s curriculum.


Since more people likely will need or want to move to a city with public transportation and other helpful services as they age or even if needing to get places and a car is costly to maintain (driving concerns in winter, at night or if driving skills diminishing.)


How to think about transitioning even seasonally or for a trial basis would be helpful and deserves a course or more at every public school. Parents may need this help as well as they chart ways to rear a family or if their situation changes and they become a single parent or have work needs that impact their life.


Being flexible and capable of living in different environments, from camping out in the summer to travelling and seeing friends or taking affordable vacations (rather than one that puts one in debt  often with interest or taps one’s savings or funds without careful forethought all are important. Being aware of people one can visit or call on for temporary housing while taking a class or exploring options or possibly starting out in a new area all deserve more concerted planning and online sample agreements.)


Along these lines, more people could learn about pedestrian safety tips, having assistance perhaps with transporting groceries or other goods, using ‘public carts’ that could be available as some use City Bikes. An idea that came to me about the space used by public bikes and bike racks would be to build and upper deck for people to take a rest or visit on. Also more hooks could be put on the decking to help people store more bikes or other objects as may be reasonable (padded waterproof bags like an  outdoor locker.)


Even in cities where space is tight, using the inner court yards ‘twice’ by putting in a raised deck (about 20 feet up so large objects and supplies and even trees (most of them and leave a clear pathway too when possible on the grass if not the walkway).


We have an ideal setting in some of the Clinton Co Op areas to try something like that. The stairways could be wide and covered to allow protection from snow and rain. Even the deck could have a roof and secure fencing to allow children to play freely but safely (and yes, not too loudly as current guidelines already state.)


Such a micro-climate models could allow for some rooftop gardening above the deck, rainwater catchment and teaching space for other ‘saving energy’ permaculture (PC) strategies. See more ideas on PC on


The hope of helping everybuddy slow down on the planet is to buy us all more time, share our resources more effectively and help plan-it earth and heart survive with better options than what we currently are facing.  


See online resources and check out and the Occupy Wall Street advocacy from the past. Many are clearly hoping to make the world a friendlier, gentler place but that gets lost in the hustle bustle and  regulations that keep too many living on a treadmill.


Health and well-being (not necessarily being in top form, but working to prevent health concerns that the medical industry could be mandated to educate people about (with an adjunct set of sites and outreaches) would help us all enjoy our lives and areas far more than most can envision and hope for. Thanks for taking care of yourself and really looking out for others as well.


Growing community is part of all aspects of PC (permaculture), many towns and faiths, states and countries.  Key efforts support ‘transition town’ ideas where saving energy is not only saving time and money overall but in saving the planet so we have more time to figure out some survival techniques and literally buy US-All more time here on earth as a species.  While it took me a while to write all of this out, it flowed rather quickly. I realize there are many ideas covered, so feel free to share parts that may be helpful and give some credit as would be reasonable such as mentioned on my blog. Feel free also to post some comments at the end.

Questions circling around this and many housing or development issues is ‘Who is making the decisions in reality and on what basis? Is there transparency about what a community and others concerned truly feel and professionals from many disciplines may agree is appropriate in terms of safety and growth or are there secret deals, behind the scenes planning going on with little way to learn ‘the facts’ about funding, interests, investments from the private sector and who does the work?”


One safety professional shared that in her opinion the Brooklyn Bridge is not safe enough for a bike lane due to overcrowding. Other bridges could be used by bikers so that idea could perhaps be voluntarily followed by bicyclists.


All people need to watch for their own safety whether in a car, on a bike, running or walking about their neighborhood. Sadly a tragic accident with one’s pet or child is a reminder that one cannot always save another or that it may cost one their life to do so. Ideally, a person would be more clear mentally and practically about what they would do in an emergency.


Professional rescuers are trained along these lines, thinking and practicing dire situations with each other and actors. Sometimes demos of car accidents are done with wrecked cars and actors to help students see the aftermath of choices to drive under the influence or too fast. While that is another reality to face, more efforts to prevent the choices and adult lack of supervision often needed could go a long way to keep more minors safe. Planning for programs and ways for them to  build skills and interests as well as connect with a community is important. That goes for everyone.


Often ‘saving oneself’ is the key to being Able to save another or more in moments or future days. One NY woman seeking to save her dog from being hit by a truck succumbed to the impact herself. Everyone loves their pets but likely if she had more time to consider that sometimes life unfolds in sudden harsh ways, she could have made another choice and accepted that ‘it wasn’t her fault or her duty to risk or give her own life to save her pet..or even another’. Without a clear assurance and skill, sometimes would-be rescuers can complicate an already difficult situation.


The person needing a save may be panicked and in water for instance, grab onto a person and cause one or both of them to drown. Another rescue may be needed or a choice of who to save should a rescuer be able to reach them. All of these kinds of ‘rare but difficult and important situations can occur when youth or others are taking risks, just horsing around or in groups without much planning and guidance. Even under more calm or planned circumstances, things can go awry.


That’s where every person really tuning into their safety practices of ‘going slower rather than faster’ throughout their day, to be conscious of what one is doing, to try to be centered about staying calm and responding with care rather than reacting with erratic emotions to people, places, things, thoughts and feelings’ deserves everyone’s attention and again practice with online or other resources.


Living may be more of an ‘inside job’ than most realize so learning to breathe, relax and keep track of one’s day and time and one’s energy (such as discussed by Jennifer McLean in free talks or Jarrad Hewett, Edgar Cayce Institute and many others) could help US All prevent stress, hurrying, carelessness and more.


The Enneagram about 9 personality types (such as in the book Wisdom of the Enneagram) and online ideas about personality and health such as on or even or 311 in NYC for assistance with basic living needs can help more people head in a healing direction with a willingness to help others and look out for others in life and on the road.


It all works together to be a conscious capable human being at any age or stage of life, in good times or more difficult ones.I share other ideas on which was through 8-1-16.


Take your time reading through these points which I jotted down ‘all at once’ with a few additions and diversions along the way (to make sure you are still awake and touch on ways to manage conflict and prevent problems whether driving, biking or talking about them informally or at meetings or even walking about town.)


Ideally ‘getting to know one’s neighbors’ such as a Community Day for a group of residents in a certain area can help bridge cultural and economic gaps along with many other perceived or ‘real’ differences that may divide people in various ways.


Personal space and opinions are important, skin pigmentation and ethnicity can be acknowledged as a person may want to share or speak about, but not to denigrate or cause harm to anyone on any level.


We are all learning about ‘people issues’ while the entire world is waking up to many serious concerns about climate we can seek to keep things in perspective and change the climate of our discussions to be more inclusive and reflective of clear, considerate plans.


A willingness to listen to all points of view and information possibly after good advocacies have highlighted key points could keep more people interested and involved when votes or other support are needed.


Without vigilant advocacy, a green light for those in control to do as they see fit with numbers that may be deficient or not representative of a majority . A clarification of a population, an area and numbers of potential voters as well as ready access to surveys and opportunities to voice concerns in a meaningful manner is always appropriate for bigger issues such a bike lanes or other projects that involve roads or buildings that will impact the normal routines of a community.  These key times of Being Informed and Counted could be clearly defined for people to know what numbers they need to have to be counted in significant ways.


I am summarizing the situation voluntarily and as a blogger ( which will be changing soon to another server) and  as someone who cares about the area, newly residing in the area and with training as a mediator and a variety of other programs.


Some of these include mental health, wellness,home care for elderly, disabled or others needing support (even caregivers need that, right?) and childcare, gardening and permaculture (PC) which promotes people having a say in how their communities function on all levels and ways to work together in teams even over many disciplines or areas of skill and sharing resources ideally to help save resources and enhance people, earth, resources..


While one woman asked clearly and a few times if a ‘vote could be taken to see who at this meeting (about the third on such issues where many who spoke indicated they felt the majority from 75-95% or attendees, and likely many not attending in the area, were opposed to the the proposal that had been submitted for a two-lane bike lane to be created on Clinton Ave and make it a one-way street and still allow parking.


Those opposed over the months shared concerns about bicyclists creating more traffic and hazards for pedestrians and cars as well (passing too closely, not following the rules of the road with cars and even other cyclists at times, running red lights and violating other traffic laws already in place.)


Some said it would be too difficult to have ready access for emergency vehicles and even transportation services for those needing more direct service with vans that need to park in one lane in either direction so people would not need to cross the road to their residence.


The overall impact on the 5000 people living in the co-ops was not deemed beneficial by many who voiced their concerns. Surveys were not well circulated and clear. Some who attended a number of DOT (Dept. of Transportation) meetings felt the way they conducted their meetings and proceeded with business dealings was not professional, timely or inclusive of clear representation of their communities. Worse still, some alleged ineptitude and corruption in a general sense.  


That was a concern about dealings echoed in other departments as well and city government in general.Mainly women took matters to heart in terms of spelling out problems, attending meetings and speaking of overall concerns. Likely those attending will be contacted by an volunteer advocacy group which took down many information of many in attendance. I will guess that women were there 2:1 to men, not to say men don’t care as much but sometimes there are other priorities that seem to keep them at bay.


Not that you need as many men to advocate for something as women, but it doesn’t hurt to pay attention to the ‘quiet gender gaps’ and work to collaborate on key issues both can agree on and do so with effective strategies both work to implement with clear guidelines. One such point would be to have volunteers go to DOT meetings and record key information or record it if possible. Notes could then be emailed (maybe with the recording) if someone else is willing to review it and then post it in a common place.


Another person or two could be in charge of a newsletter updating people with a timeline of months and years as appropriate, key players and top issues being discussed. Maybe some of that is happening already but that could be made more clear to the community so people could sign up with a more experienced person to attend a DOT meeting for instance, know what to listen for or how to record information and share it as described.


Sharing the work of any task makes sense when efficiency and clarity is needed. One idea from someone whose looked into the matter is to have the bike lanes put on Clermont Ave if there is agreement to consider having more in the Clinton Hill Area. More actual numbers showing the need, cost in savings and cost in building such lanes would be helpful to have readily accessible going forward.  Petitions on either side were worth noting, yet an official time for each person’s vote as it were to be weighed in early in the decision-making process with pertinent information at hand seemed to be lacking for many and much desired.


Where would Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders weigh in on the important issue about the DOT of NY putting Bike Lanes in without consulting communities in a transparent, consistent manner? While not a typical Presidential debate issue, a few hundred people (or more) have turned up at meetings called ‘workshops’ to learn about proposed installation of a double bike land on Clinton Avenue in Brooklyn NY.


Like going up a steep Hill or hitting Sand on the side of the road, this was not an easy issue for many residents and business people to face or battle to get their concerns heard in the months leading up to a meeting June 21st, 2016 at the Cadman Church Hall where residents heard that the proposal had been Withdrawn.


That was announced early on in the meeting even though I got there 15 minutes late and learned about the timing of events after from advocates on the street after the meeting went on for another half hour to allow people to speak during a ‘workshop session’.


Once the proposal was withdrawn, most thought that meant the issue was rejected and not up for discussion. When the workshop format was announced, people felt they were being sent down the rabbit hole of game playing and booed the notion and said “No!” They had to go along to get along though with the committee’s format and people were allowed to take turns speaking.


Just outside something very ominous happened which the gathered crowd and concerned citizens should be aware of for the sign of caution to all who venture out of their homes need pay attention to for everyone’s benefit, including their own and those they love.


At the intersection of Clinton and Lafayette, right by the Cadman church, traffic was stopped for a red light. The Do Not Walk sign of a red hand had not quite changed, there was a few second delay before the Walk signal of a person in white light came on.


One or two adults from opposite sides of the street almost met their Maker, and headed toward The Light, but thankfully they both happened to pause and wait for the Walk Signal even though traffic was stopped at the red light.


Suddenly a man in a van with music playing drove through the red light not slowing down and using the bike lane to get around the parked traffic.


Would he have been able to stop if one or both people had been in the street, maybe stepping quickly cross if they didn’t know if the light was about to turn green (which at least one person was wondering). After the near miss, the strangers became kindred friends and acknowledged the male driver’s wrongdoing of running a red light.


The woman had almost brought a young infant in a front pack with her so imagine the horror of the neighborhood if such a little one and her grandmother had been victims while trying to attend a meeting on not only the bike lane proposal (being withdrawn or delayed which many feared would actually be the case.)


The bigger message for everyone was to Watch Their Every Step and Move whether on the sidewalk (where cars can end up during an accident, getting out of a car to check for bicyclists and others using that lane on roller blades or skateboards or running.)


A woman from Switzerland told me afterward that she had been hit by a car as a pedestrian. She showed me her damaged lower legs. She said she also bicycled but thought the plan for the Clinton Ave location was dumb.


She took exception to the lack of consistency of the bike lanes being On Only One Side of All Roads so that bicyclists would not be put at greater risk crossing over to use lanes and also so drivers could keep bicyclists in view more readily or always know which side of the road the bike lane was on.


She and others informally advocated for licensing and regulation of bike education and qualification (passing a road test of laws and getting tickets if in violation.) Having ID or a license of the bikes would provide more accountability and assist in enforcing rules.


The behavior and protocol even among bicyclists needs to be streamlined and encouraged. Ideally those in that community could do this voluntarily to prevent needless stress, aggressiveness, conflict, fights and accidents, injuries and the worst outcome  of fatality which generally involves a car or truck hitting a bicyclist.


I met an 11-year old riding an electric Vespa, a small looking motobike, on the sidewalk with his parents. I expressed concern that a fall could be dangerous to the lad’s head since he did not have a helmet on.


The force is 30 times every 10 miles, so is if falling when going ten miles an hour on a bike or a scooter, if one fell and hit one’s head that would be a force of 300 pounds of pressure...I think.


Worth a google, but that’s why a fall is so dangerous in general, it’s the force with which a body hits the pavement or other solid objects not the falling per se that does the damage. An eight year old was riding on the back of that electric bike which did not go very fast, but again, neither had helmets and were riding on the sidewalk.


Might there be more clarification about where such bikes can be ridden and what the penalty would be for both the youth and parents if a child or other person got hurt on one, particularly if riding where it is not ‘legal’ or appropriate.


The idea of youth and others using more motorized scooters and bikes on the sidewalk may pose more challenges for pedestrians, particularly with special needs. Maybe a lane on the sidewalk would be helpful in case people need more ‘assurance’ that no one will be driving behind them in anything but a wheelchair type chair and even they should not overdo their speed.


Rewinding an incident to review in ‘slow motion’’ as I have done with the episode of  the people who thankfully did not step in front of  a driver intent on running a red light (and who maybe would have had the sense to steer up onto the sidewalk and hit a street lamp rather than run people over but again, there could have been others on the sidewalk.


I knew a minister who had two family members get run over while on the sidewalk on the opposite lane from the car when the driver went out of control of his vehicle.


Another man who became a priest was in a car accident which claimed the life of his wife and the mother of his children. He became a Catholic priest and is much appreciated by his community for his heartfelt sermons, some of which touch upon the difficulty he faced in dealing with such a loss and change in his life.


I also share on Remembering Kaelan having to deal with sudden loss and change in my family  in June 2009 with the passing of our teen son when he was trying to save a friend.


One psychic shared with a friend of mine that Kaelan may have perished when pushing his friend to safer water which likely bought the youth precious moments yet also resulted in Kaelan being swept into the waters that did not release his body for a week.


Whether Kaelan knew of the step by step risk or was acting instinctively at every ‘twist and turn’ of his decision to try to help his friend is left for us to reflect upon.

Some would say that he, like all of us, have a few or only a singular option for when (and not necessarily how or exactly when but some say that is the case, such as Marc Anthony. Many faiths from around the world have ideas and some more ‘definite’ teachings worth being aware of. Then there’s the aspect of ‘it may happen as one believes it will or a society or group insists it be.’


Our laws reflect group consciousness. Locking everyone away is not likely something most would agree makes sense especially for non-violent crimes such as drug possession. However until we clarify what we do want and advocate effectively over time for that, we likely will spend huge funds on throwing money and efforts at a broken system.


That’s were can be refreshing with some new ‘survival and sustainable’ ideas for people, the planet and sharing resources.


Likely laws and even relationship terms could get redefined and clarified as well rather than setting people up for lifelong contracts that may be impossible or very costly and difficult to revise or get out of respectfully or at all. Family and civil as well as criminal court are often as jammed and dysfunctional as any traffic jam or danger zone on the roads.


While some would say, ‘None of this is related’, in terms of how conflicted much of our society is, there could be much to learn and even consider the ways that energetically and on a human level that many things are related. People under stress may have more accidents or be in a hurry, have more illness and again be negligent or compromised due to those secondary factors.


See for insight into how costly many unseen problems such as domestic abuse (abuse in families) is and how we might remedy some of that with better prevention efforts.


Earlier intervention in that arena has been shown to save lives and money. Maybe a similar advocacy for safer drivers and bicyclists as well as pedestrians and yes pets too could be made to help people voluntarily if not legally comply with existing and new laws and safety guidelines.


Each person doing a little better in these areas and planning to be a half-hour early (or more) could help decrease disappointment when subways run late or change routes, etc. Expect the Unexpected is a good mantra and is also the name of a book by psychic medium Bill Phillips.


Again our intentions from a spiritual and personal life view perspective may be more important in terms of how we live our daily lives and lead us toward our bigger decisions in terms of relationships, life plans and then the playing out of those factors.


That is where more review of the choices we seem to have consciously made may make sense to explore over time. Do those still ‘hold water’? Do we allow ourselves time and supportive skilled or caring people and friends to help us reflect on Why and How we are living our lives the way we are? Once we step away from the hurry and the worry we can become curious as to why we may have ‘chosen’ to incarnate with our family of origin, our friends from over our life journey and our current circles of family and friends?


What soul lessons are we learning, what skills are we developing in terms of growing our intuition and ability to act in alignment with our personal and spiritual values? Can we have more public discussions on these more illusive topics before ‘the rubber meets the road’ and we are interacting in a high-paced dangerous arena with various agendas, emotions and intentions? Maybe that is the bigger ‘planning meeting’ we need to think of having and it can be online since clearly there’s plenty to think about and much can come to mind in the process.


Regarding the rescue of the youth who our son tried to save, he was saved by a heroic rescuer who broke with protocol and used his tree climbing ropes to battle heavy waterfalls and get the youth in a safety harness and reel him back up to a higher point from which he and Kaelan had been jumping into ‘seemingly safe water but was deceptive with its undertown’.


Most adults in the area do not discuss publicly ways to set better guidelines for youth who are transitioning into having more freedom, using bikes to get places and where they would really be allowed by town and common sense. Most people like the idea of freedom and live and let live, but when people die rather needlessly it’s time to use the freedoms we do have in this country and promote more of around the world, sensible fair-minded ideas to keep people safe from harm and disaster.


These themes could also be developed for people of various age groups, caregivers and towns and areas to have voluntary curfews. A simple idea is to set a curfew based on the grade a student is in such as 8 pm for any youth in 8th grade and younger, although 6 or 7 pm may be best for younger children of those ages and even through age 13 to help them get  fed and settled in for good sleep patterns overall, particularly in the fall and winter when it gets dark earlier. For high school freshmen, in 9th grade, the time would be 9pm.


For sophomores or 10th graders, that would be 10 pm. For juniors or 11th graders, that would be 11pm. For seniors or 12th graders that would be midnight. Many accidents happen after midnight so it’s a good idea for most people to plan to be home at a reasonable hour in general. The ideal bedtime for adults is 9:30pm so one can actually be asleep by 10pm.


Elderly who experience any kind of ‘sundowning effect’ in terms of losing track of how their day is going when it starts to get dark out, can get confused easily and likely need companionship if not support would also benefit from routines and being monitored closely and more than most people,even family, realize. Best to do some research and come alongside someone who has any need before it gets to be too problematic.


That may mean clever interventions in terms of visiting and staying the night, having a friend or two do that and talking things over candidly with each other and more discreetly with the person in concern. Same goes for someone who is still driving and may need to surrender their keys to another who can drive their car for them and likely eventually have the car not in their name or keys available at all if unsafe.


The laws vary in every state but too many people with intermittent times of forgetfulness or other dementia or health symptoms are driving and putting everyone in their path including themselves at risk. Many other drivers may be aggressive or lax in following speed limits or even staying on their side of the road so quick reactions are needed.


Too often an uncertain driver will go slower than ideal, pull out into traffic or have other challenges that can cause problems. One man at the bike meeting practically shouted that a bicyclist male seemed to see how close he could come to his car as he was driving when passing him. While there will never be enough monitors (yet England and other places do instill cameras on almost all street corners and some traffic lights are designed to ‘click a ticket’ for those running a red light or speeding and send it to them,even if out of state.” )


As we can see, when we ‘stop and think about things’ the common sense thing is to move safely in one’s area (and of course even in one’s home when it comes to checking for fall risks or being aware of not lifting heavy things or going up ladders alone or if you or the ladder is not stable, etc.) BUT, too often people are in a rush or feeling rushed by others.


Then one has to make due with the time and options at hand, so it seems. The homeless who often sit for hours remind us that all of our running around is on some level A Choice. So is having or spending money to some extent, because there are a few programs one can piece together to survive (supposedly, but check with those without home or funds and see how they really make ends meet.)


Paper money is in reality Paper with an ‘I-Owe-You’ value compared to gold or other valuable mineral which has inherent value. Ripping up a 20 dollar bill (in half so you can tape it again or even a 1 dollar or 5 dollar bill) can help you remember that Money is  Pieces of Papers (and change are metal coins.) The Value We Attach to those items is something we forget comes from us and it one of many systems in the world of barter and trade. When we realize Big Business and Politics Controls and Creates most of the paper money (and credit card availability) it’s only a few short steps to realize Those With Money Have Power and Make Decisions to Serve their Own Interests. The word ineptitude to describe many city systems (and of course, that’s likely the case for big towns and even smaller ones) was blended with allegations or actual cases of corruption many times even regarding the bike land proposal.


Other concerns were the eviction of not 1, 2 or 3 residents from an affordable housing unit in Prospect Park (if I recall the story correctly) but 123 people, including deaf elderly people and children. One woman took up the cause to investigate and fight for some compensation or other actions and made trips to Albany.


She found a lack of willingness to get involved by others who were even assisting residents. Politics is scary business and even the meeting was peppered with impolite and possibly illegal levels of conflict. Whenever people are saying they feel they are being discriminated against or feel they have been insulted with a racist comment etc, then there could be Other Regulations that would necessitate ending a meeting and having a more personal review of the complaint. If it happens During  a  Public Meeting which could be taped or have witnesses if such direct or indirect actions occur that could be similar to ‘disorderly conduct’ in a courtroom. There were two police outside the meeting by the way.


Every state has its own laws and guidelines. There are many agencies and programs promoting ‘zero tolerance’ of use of language even such as ‘guns, bombs, hurting or killing others or being violent’ for instance in a school setting of youth (elementary, grade school and likely daycares.) With college crime or even the clubhouse tragedy in Orlando, the stage is set to require more ‘preventive measures’ and anti-bullying campaigns to monitor public meetings.


The case of Gabby Giffords shows that a public or political meeting can become a stage of sorts for people to air grievances. While many felt empowered to speak out and used strong voices and chastising words, with a group listening and chiming in that could have been a more conflictual setting.


One man spoke as a cyclist, one of 250 who signed a petition supporting the bike lanes. He was white and said he felt denigrated by others at the meeting as a cyclist. A woman of color said she felt the committee was of another culture and did not take their views into consideration in part due to that perceived difference.


The cyclist proposed that the refusal of the bike lane was valuing cars over people’s lives and notes that a few cyclists have been killed. That was booed by the crowd yet the point merits more consideration since everyone wants safety. As one fellow noted afterwards and I had also realized the Drivers of Cars are Drivers of Weapons, whether they realize that capacity or not.


The larger vehicle most often will harm the smaller, and a car will do a bike in if they collide. The factor we can control for best is the Human Beings Driving Cars or Trucks, Riding Bikes or even Riding in Cars. Passengers could play a more helpful role in watching out for others (co-pilots or riding shotgun which references the Wild West of someone being on the look out if riding on horses..I think).


Well, no one likes a backseat driver, but if a driver can realize and invite collaboration and receive tips to keep driving safe and be open to someone informing him or her of  car or person in one’s blind spot, reminding to signal, stop for a few seconds at a stop sign (yes, count to 3 is a rule in some states like CT so a rolling stop can get you a ticket as can not making a complete stop.) In MA, one is not legally supposed to back out into the road.


Perhaps parking in a safer location or putting a mirror up could assist with dangerous site lines. More on that of course could be discussed in groups as could Any of These Issues. Going to meetings, the DOT or other Community Meetings is important. Having a representative from an area or group go and report back in writing about what happened and keep an online blog or FB page going would help more feel informed as well. Many spoke to the need to ‘see what the big wigs are thinking about and to watch their timing, hold them accountable for getting public input and more.’  A politician, Mr. Mosely read a letter from a Senator who said due process for considering the input of citizens and business people did not seem to be taking place so it should be in the future since that would be indicated by current laws or best practices.


Well, that’s Some of what was covered and I added more about getting proper health and rest on the agenda for everyone so that each person is coming to these kinds of matters with their A Game. Also more women need to organize amongst themselves so they feel aware of the 2500 year gap in having a seat and a voice at the table, and voting power.


One advocate noted that workshops can be a cover for meeting a community requirement but the outcome may really be twisted to sound as though people were in support of a proposal even when they were vocally opposed. The number crunching the committee was basing their proposal on was not playing out in the public sphere of those attending. Those numbers needed to be clearly indicated, along with the funding stream and process.


Too many felt deals were being made in advance without due process for the Lafayette bike lane. The implementation of the lanes were done in a haphazard manner, with things happening without much notice or consideration for those in the area, according to a few I spoke with. Many took issue with the bike lane being put on Clinton.


A person with city planning training who looked into the matter said that Clermont was another street which fit the requirements that Clinton had which is why it was looked at so closely. A large concern by many is that 5000 people live in the Clinton area co-ops (which has only 30 parking spaces and people were not eager to share that space, but might an upper deck work there, and serve as a carport as well?)


When one woman suggested that Vanderbilt be used and residents have permit parking there, the crowd was amenable to that idea. The city planner trained person said the use of the Vanderbilt for buses did not make that idea.


That street along with Washington Ave serve as the major pathways to downtown and already have a great deal of traffic to negotiate. Likely more effort could be made to have truck deliveries and such in the late night hours, after rush hour and  more simple ideas could help. However the overall reality is that many issues are impacting the scene in the city largely as more people move to the city. Affordable housing gives way to those with more money.


Long-term residents can feel they are being crowded out of their neighborhood. Even resident issues arise with few ways to address them readily, such as people stealing another’s package or calling the police for frivolous reasons of complaint.


The actions to take to get results are not clear. Sadly one man admitted to not wanting to call for help for a woman (who has since moved away) who had complained to police about his television or laughing too loud.


Even when she was being beaten and his family expressed concern that he call the building security (not the police directly which helps with reporting since we know police sometimes can hold a caller as alleging falsehoods and more conflict could unfold if someone “rats someone else out” (how old or mature could one be to feel safe and maybe a third party reporter is needed.


Still many agencies are corrupt and take kids into foster care for almost no reason and keep them for a couple of years or adopt them out more often than  almost anyone realizes, and then they don’t check on them unless called. Too often more kids than any imagine land in far worse if not injurious or fatal conditions than in their original families)


That large, competent, otherwise friendly man felt he had no obligation to step in for someone who had disrespected his right to live in his apartment. He felt she was falsely accusing him of wrongdoing and was annoyed enough, that even though his child was hearing the beating ‘in 3-D’ he still chose to do nothing. Thankfully the woman did not die and did divorce him and move out.


But not everyone gets that many chances. Some would hold the bystander somewhat accountable for harm done to the woman or if his son gets involved or worse ever abuses another, feeling ‘he can get away with it.’ Not likely but our culture and media seem to convert about half of the men who are abusers into being so even though raised in decent homes with values.


 Back to getting a good night’s sleep more often than not. With sleep from 10p-to 7am, to wake up for the days we brave particularly if out and about here are some tips.The Chinese medicine theories involve our energetic and physical systems getting a ‘reboot and realignment’ of energies from the stars from 10p to 7am


.(Maybe more work places could allow people to sleep closer to their work place or dare I suggest At their place of work if they want to catch some more Z’s or offer flex time to suit their schedules in general, maybe work from home, on weekends or other ways to allow for more suitable work conditions, reduce rushing to work early and so on. )


I realize some theories vary but if possible, do some research and find ways to try something for a month or more and see what difference it may make. Maybe a few months is needed to feel the affects. Complete darkness and ideally silence is golden as well when it comes to deep sleep and restoration. Doesn’t that sound nice to even think about?


Another time an older woman who was clearly obese had a heart attack while driving herself to the doctor. Unfortunately even people with many friends and family are too often not factoring in the risk and the great benefit of Not Driving in General if not in very good physical condition, well-rested and fed and in a good state of mind.


Stress and worry are emotions that everyone could learn to ‘check at the door’ of their car before getting in so road rage or erratic driving would not be so common. Same goes for distracted driving, biking, walking and even being out in public. It’s a fine art to stay aware of what one is feeling day to day and in general.


Finding ways to ‘get centered’, do ‘one thing at a time’, stay on track of where one is going and what one is doing (and with whom and ensure they are also safe and appropriate) is good strategizing.Letting someone know your plans (family, friend,etc) and reviewing how things went each day or every few days can help you keep track of your patterns, problems or questions that come up and need attention.


Perhaps checking in with family once a week (calling a sibling or friend, seeing how one’s children are doing even if living closeby or in the same home to see if they are feeling they are keeping up with commitments, sleeping well, have any financial or other concerns that need attention, even homework for school, projects or maintaining home, car, bike or other basics like food (including whether they qualify for assistance and know how to keep up with review forms and annual renewals, etc for any assistance such as free or subsidized health insurance.)


Check online with or in NYC 311, and those numbers can be dialed to access information about programs as well. Knowing how to get to a city to use services there or learn about opportunities could be a whole new part of every school’s curriculum.


Since more people likely will need or want to move to a city with public transportation and other helpful services as they age or even if needing to get places and a car is costly to maintain (driving concerns in winter, at night or if driving skills diminishing.)


How to think about transitioning even seasonally or for a trial basis would be helpful and deserves a course or more at every public school. Parents may need this help as well as they chart ways to rear a family or if their situation changes and they become a single parent or have work needs that impact their life.


Being flexible and capable of living in different environments, from camping out in the summer to travelling and seeing friends or taking affordable vacations (rather than one that puts one in debt  often with interest or taps one’s savings or funds without careful forethought all are important. Being aware of people one can visit or call on for temporary housing while taking a class or exploring options or possibly starting out in a new area all deserve more concerted planning and online sample agreements.)


Along these lines, more people could learn about pedestrian safety tips, having assistance perhaps with transporting groceries or other goods, using ‘public carts’ that could be available as some use City Bikes. An idea that came to me about the space used by public bikes and bike racks would be to build and upper deck for people to take a rest or visit on. Also more hooks could be put on the decking to help people store more bikes or other objects as may be reasonable (padded waterproof bags like an  outdoor locker.)


Even in cities where space is tight, using the inner court yards ‘twice’ by putting in a raised deck (about 20 feet up so large objects and supplies and even trees (most of them and leave a clear pathway too when possible on the grass if not the walkway).


We have an ideal setting in some of the Clinton Co Op areas to try something like that. The stairways could be wide and covered to allow protection from snow and rain. Even the deck could have a roof and secure fencing to allow children to play freely but safely (and yes, not too loudly as current guidelines already state.)


Such a micro-climate models could allow for some rooftop gardening above the deck, rainwater catchment and teaching space for other ‘saving energy’ permaculture (PC) strategies. See more ideas on PC on


The hope of helping everybuddy slow down on the planet is to buy us all more time, share our resources more effectively and help plan-it earth and heart survive with better options than what we currently are facing.  


See online resources and check out and the Occupy Wall Street advocacy from the past. Many are clearly hoping to make the world a friendlier, gentler place but that gets lost in the hustle bustle and  regulations that keep too many living on a treadmill.


Health and well-being (not necessarily being in top form, but working to prevent health concerns that the medical industry could be mandated to educate people about (with an adjunct set of sites and outreaches) would help us all enjoy our lives and areas far more than most can envision and hope for. Thanks for taking care of yourself and really looking out for others as well.

A  June Summer Solstice Meeting to Turn the Tide of Bike Lane Discussions...or not necessarily for keeps, but to get community input after the Bike Lane Proposal was withdrawn by the group that submitted it  in Clinton Hill Brooklyn Area, 2016 by Catherine Paton..ideas from the meeting and more mixed in to remedy some common woes wherever we wander on plan-it heart.


Questions circling around this and many housing or development issues is ‘Who is making the decisions in reality and on what basis? Is there transparency about what a community and others concerned truly feel and professionals from many disciplines may agree is appropriate in terms of safety and growth or are there secret deals, behind the scenes planning going on with little way to learn ‘the facts’ about funding, interests, investments from the private sector and who does the work?”


One safety professional shared that in her opinion the Brooklyn Bridge is not safe enough for a bike lane due to overcrowding. Other bridges could be used by bikers so that idea could perhaps be voluntarily followed by bicyclists.


All people need to watch for their own safety whether in a car, on a bike, running or walking about their neighborhood. Sadly a tragic accident with one’s pet or child is a reminder that one cannot always save another or that it may cost one their life to do so. Ideally, a person would be more clear mentally and practically about what they would do in an emergency.


Professional rescuers are trained along these lines, thinking and practicing dire situations with each other and actors. Sometimes demos of car accidents are done with wrecked cars and actors to help students see the aftermath of choices to drive under the influence or too fast. While that is another reality to face, more efforts to prevent the choices and adult lack of supervision often needed could go a long way to keep more minors safe. Planning for programs and ways for them to  build skills and interests as well as connect with a community is important. That goes for everyone.


Often ‘saving oneself’ is the key to being Able to save another or more in moments or future days. One NY woman seeking to save her dog from being hit by a truck succumbed to the impact herself. Everyone loves their pets but likely if she had more time to consider that sometimes life unfolds in sudden harsh ways, she could have made another choice and accepted that ‘it wasn’t her fault or her duty to risk or give her own life to save her pet..or even another’. Without a clear assurance and skill, sometimes would-be rescuers can complicate an already difficult situation.


The person needing a save may be panicked and in water for instance, grab onto a person and cause one or both of them to drown. Another rescue may be needed or a choice of who to save should a rescuer be able to reach them. All of these kinds of ‘rare but difficult and important situations can occur when youth or others are taking risks, just horsing around or in groups without much planning and guidance. Even under more calm or planned circumstances, things can go awry.


That’s where every person really tuning into their safety practices of ‘going slower rather than faster’ throughout their day, to be conscious of what one is doing, to try to be centered about staying calm and responding with care rather than reacting with erratic emotions to people, places, things, thoughts and feelings’ deserves everyone’s attention and again practice with online or other resources.


Living may be more of an ‘inside job’ than most realize so learning to breathe, relax and keep track of one’s day and time and one’s energy (such as discussed by Jennifer McLean in free talks or Jarrad Hewett, Edgar Cayce Institute and many others) could help US All prevent stress, hurrying, carelessness and more.


The Enneagram about 9 personality types (such as in the book Wisdom of the Enneagram) and online ideas about personality and health such as on or even or 311 in NYC for assistance with basic living needs can help more people head in a healing direction with a willingness to help others and look out for others in life and on the road.


It all works together to be a conscious capable human being at any age or stage of life, in good times or more difficult ones.I share other ideas on which was through 8-1-16.


Take your time reading through these points which I jotted down ‘all at once’ with a few additions and diversions along the way (to make sure you are still awake and touch on ways to manage conflict and prevent problems whether driving, biking or talking about them informally or at meetings or even walking about town.)


Ideally ‘getting to know one’s neighbors’ such as a Community Day for a group of residents in a certain area can help bridge cultural and economic gaps along with many other perceived or ‘real’ differences that may divide people in various ways.


Personal space and opinions are important, skin pigmentation and ethnicity can be acknowledged as a person may want to share or speak about, but not to denigrate or cause harm to anyone on any level.


We are all learning about ‘people issues’ while the entire world is waking up to many serious concerns about climate we can seek to keep things in perspective and change the climate of our discussions to be more inclusive and reflective of clear, considerate plans.


A willingness to listen to all points of view and information possibly after good advocacies have highlighted key points could keep more people interested and involved when votes or other support are needed.


Without vigilant advocacy, a green light for those in control to do as they see fit with numbers that may be deficient or not representative of a majority . A clarification of a population, an area and numbers of potential voters as well as ready access to surveys and opportunities to voice concerns in a meaningful manner is always appropriate for bigger issues such a bike lanes or other projects that involve roads or buildings that will impact the normal routines of a community.  These key times of Being Informed and Counted could be clearly defined for people to know what numbers they need to have to be counted in significant ways.


I am summarizing the situation voluntarily and as a blogger ( which will be changing soon to another server) and  as someone who cares about the area, newly residing in the area and with training as a mediator and a variety of other programs.


Some of these include mental health, wellness,home care for elderly, disabled or others needing support (even caregivers need that, right?) and childcare, gardening and permaculture (PC) which promotes people having a say in how their communities function on all levels and ways to work together in teams even over many disciplines or areas of skill and sharing resources ideally to help save resources and enhance people, earth, resources..


While one woman asked clearly and a few times if a ‘vote could be taken to see who at this meeting (about the third on such issues where many who spoke indicated they felt the majority from 75-95% or attendees, and likely many not attending in the area, were opposed to the the proposal that had been submitted for a two-lane bike lane to be created on Clinton Ave and make it a one-way street and still allow parking.


Those opposed over the months shared concerns about bicyclists creating more traffic and hazards for pedestrians and cars as well (passing too closely, not following the rules of the road with cars and even other cyclists at times, running red lights and violating other traffic laws already in place.)


Some said it would be too difficult to have ready access for emergency vehicles and even transportation services for those needing more direct service with vans that need to park in one lane in either direction so people would not need to cross the road to their residence.


The overall impact on the 5000 people living in the co-ops was not deemed beneficial by many who voiced their concerns. Surveys were not well circulated and clear. Some who attended a number of DOT (Dept. of Transportation) meetings felt the way they conducted their meetings and proceeded with business dealings was not professional, timely or inclusive of clear representation of their communities. Worse still, some alleged ineptitude and corruption in a general sense.  


That was a concern about dealings echoed in other departments as well and city government in general.Mainly women took matters to heart in terms of spelling out problems, attending meetings and speaking of overall concerns. Likely those attending will be contacted by an volunteer advocacy group which took down many information of many in attendance. I will guess that women were there 2:1 to men, not to say men don’t care as much but sometimes there are other priorities that seem to keep them at bay.


Not that you need as many men to advocate for something as women, but it doesn’t hurt to pay attention to the ‘quiet gender gaps’ and work to collaborate on key issues both can agree on and do so with effective strategies both work to implement with clear guidelines. One such point would be to have volunteers go to DOT meetings and record key information or record it if possible. Notes could then be emailed (maybe with the recording) if someone else is willing to review it and then post it in a common place.


Another person or two could be in charge of a newsletter updating people with a timeline of months and years as appropriate, key players and top issues being discussed. Maybe some of that is happening already but that could be made more clear to the community so people could sign up with a more experienced person to attend a DOT meeting for instance, know what to listen for or how to record information and share it as described.


Sharing the work of any task makes sense when efficiency and clarity is needed. One idea from someone whose looked into the matter is to have the bike lanes put on Clermont Ave if there is agreement to consider having more in the Clinton Hill Area. More actual numbers showing the need, cost in savings and cost in building such lanes would be helpful to have readily accessible going forward.  Petitions on either side were worth noting, yet an official time for each person’s vote as it were to be weighed in early in the decision-making process with pertinent information at hand seemed to be lacking for many and much desired.


Where would Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders weigh in on the important issue about the DOT of NY putting Bike Lanes in without consulting communities in a transparent, consistent manner? While not a typical Presidential debate issue, a few hundred people (or more) have turned up at meetings called ‘workshops’ to learn about proposed installation of a double bike land on Clinton Avenue in Brooklyn NY.


Like going up a steep Hill or hitting Sand on the side of the road, this was not an easy issue for many residents and business people to face or battle to get their concerns heard in the months leading up to a meeting June 21st, 2016 at the Cadman Church Hall where residents heard that the proposal had been Withdrawn.


That was announced early on in the meeting even though I got there 15 minutes late and learned about the timing of events after from advocates on the street after the meeting went on for another half hour to allow people to speak during a ‘workshop session’.


Once the proposal was withdrawn, most thought that meant the issue was rejected and not up for discussion. When the workshop format was announced, people felt they were being sent down the rabbit hole of game playing and booed the notion and said “No!” They had to go along to get along though with the committee’s format and people were allowed to take turns speaking.


Just outside something very ominous happened which the gathered crowd and concerned citizens should be aware of for the sign of caution to all who venture out of their homes need pay attention to for everyone’s benefit, including their own and those they love.


At the intersection of Clinton and Lafayette, right by the Cadman church, traffic was stopped for a red light. The Do Not Walk sign of a red hand had not quite changed, there was a few second delay before the Walk signal of a person in white light came on.


One or two adults from opposite sides of the street almost met their Maker, and headed toward The Light, but thankfully they both happened to pause and wait for the Walk Signal even though traffic was stopped at the red light.


Suddenly a man in a van with music playing drove through the red light not slowing down and using the bike lane to get around the parked traffic.


Would he have been able to stop if one or both people had been in the street, maybe stepping quickly cross if they didn’t know if the light was about to turn green (which at least one person was wondering). After the near miss, the strangers became kindred friends and acknowledged the male driver’s wrongdoing of running a red light.


The woman had almost brought a young infant in a front pack with her so imagine the horror of the neighborhood if such a little one and her grandmother had been victims while trying to attend a meeting on not only the bike lane proposal (being withdrawn or delayed which many feared would actually be the case.)


The bigger message for everyone was to Watch Their Every Step and Move whether on the sidewalk (where cars can end up during an accident, getting out of a car to check for bicyclists and others using that lane on roller blades or skateboards or running.)


A woman from Switzerland told me afterward that she had been hit by a car as a pedestrian. She showed me her damaged lower legs. She said she also bicycled but thought the plan for the Clinton Ave location was dumb.


She took exception to the lack of consistency of the bike lanes being On Only One Side of All Roads so that bicyclists would not be put at greater risk crossing over to use lanes and also so drivers could keep bicyclists in view more readily or always know which side of the road the bike lane was on.


She and others informally advocated for licensing and regulation of bike education and qualification (passing a road test of laws and getting tickets if in violation.) Having ID or a license of the bikes would provide more accountability and assist in enforcing rules.


The behavior and protocol even among bicyclists needs to be streamlined and encouraged. Ideally those in that community could do this voluntarily to prevent needless stress, aggressiveness, conflict, fights and accidents, injuries and the worst outcome  of fatality which generally involves a car or truck hitting a bicyclist.


I met an 11-year old riding an electric Vespa, a small looking motobike, on the sidewalk with his parents. I expressed concern that a fall could be dangerous to the lad’s head since he did not have a helmet on.


The force is 30 times every 10 miles, so is if falling when going ten miles an hour on a bike or a scooter, if one fell and hit one’s head that would be a force of 300 pounds of pressure...I think.


Worth a google, but that’s why a fall is so dangerous in general, it’s the force with which a body hits the pavement or other solid objects not the falling per se that does the damage. An eight year old was riding on the back of that electric bike which did not go very fast, but again, neither had helmets and were riding on the sidewalk.


Might there be more clarification about where such bikes can be ridden and what the penalty would be for both the youth and parents if a child or other person got hurt on one, particularly if riding where it is not ‘legal’ or appropriate.


The idea of youth and others using more motorized scooters and bikes on the sidewalk may pose more challenges for pedestrians, particularly with special needs. Maybe a lane on the sidewalk would be helpful in case people need more ‘assurance’ that no one will be driving behind them in anything but a wheelchair type chair and even they should not overdo their speed.


Rewinding an incident to review in ‘slow motion’’ as I have done with the episode of  the people who thankfully did not step in front of  a driver intent on running a red light (and who maybe would have had the sense to steer up onto the sidewalk and hit a street lamp rather than run people over but again, there could have been others on the sidewalk.


I knew a minister who had two family members get run over while on the sidewalk on the opposite lane from the car when the driver went out of control of his vehicle.


Another man who became a priest was in a car accident which claimed the life of his wife and the mother of his children. He became a Catholic priest and is much appreciated by his community for his heartfelt sermons, some of which touch upon the difficulty he faced in dealing with such a loss and change in his life.


I also share on Remembering Kaelan having to deal with sudden loss and change in my family  in June 2009 with the passing of our teen son when he was trying to save a friend.


One psychic shared with a friend of mine that Kaelan may have perished when pushing his friend to safer water which likely bought the youth precious moments yet also resulted in Kaelan being swept into the waters that did not release his body for a week.


Whether Kaelan knew of the step by step risk or was acting instinctively at every ‘twist and turn’ of his decision to try to help his friend is left for us to reflect upon.

Some would say that he, like all of us, have a few or only a singular option for when (and not necessarily how or exactly when but some say that is the case, such as Marc Anthony. Many faiths from around the world have ideas and some more ‘definite’ teachings worth being aware of. Then there’s the aspect of ‘it may happen as one believes it will or a society or group insists it be.’


Our laws reflect group consciousness. Locking everyone away is not likely something most would agree makes sense especially for non-violent crimes such as drug possession. However until we clarify what we do want and advocate effectively over time for that, we likely will spend huge funds on throwing money and efforts at a broken system.


That’s were can be refreshing with some new ‘survival and sustainable’ ideas for people, the planet and sharing resources.


Likely laws and even relationship terms could get redefined and clarified as well rather than setting people up for lifelong contracts that may be impossible or very costly and difficult to revise or get out of respectfully or at all. Family and civil as well as criminal court are often as jammed and dysfunctional as any traffic jam or danger zone on the roads.


While some would say, ‘None of this is related’, in terms of how conflicted much of our society is, there could be much to learn and even consider the ways that energetically and on a human level that many things are related. People under stress may have more accidents or be in a hurry, have more illness and again be negligent or compromised due to those secondary factors.


See for insight into how costly many unseen problems such as domestic abuse (abuse in families) is and how we might remedy some of that with better prevention efforts.


Earlier intervention in that arena has been shown to save lives and money. Maybe a similar advocacy for safer drivers and bicyclists as well as pedestrians and yes pets too could be made to help people voluntarily if not legally comply with existing and new laws and safety guidelines.


Each person doing a little better in these areas and planning to be a half-hour early (or more) could help decrease disappointment when subways run late or change routes, etc. Expect the Unexpected is a good mantra and is also the name of a book by psychic medium Bill Phillips.


Again our intentions from a spiritual and personal life view perspective may be more important in terms of how we live our daily lives and lead us toward our bigger decisions in terms of relationships, life plans and then the playing out of those factors.


That is where more review of the choices we seem to have consciously made may make sense to explore over time. Do those still ‘hold water’? Do we allow ourselves time and supportive skilled or caring people and friends to help us reflect on Why and How we are living our lives the way we are? Once we step away from the hurry and the worry we can become curious as to why we may have ‘chosen’ to incarnate with our family of origin, our friends from over our life journey and our current circles of family and friends?


What soul lessons are we learning, what skills are we developing in terms of growing our intuition and ability to act in alignment with our personal and spiritual values? Can we have more public discussions on these more illusive topics before ‘the rubber meets the road’ and we are interacting in a high-paced dangerous arena with various agendas, emotions and intentions? Maybe that is the bigger ‘planning meeting’ we need to think of having and it can be online since clearly there’s plenty to think about and much can come to mind in the process.


Regarding the rescue of the youth who our son tried to save, he was saved by a heroic rescuer who broke with protocol and used his tree climbing ropes to battle heavy waterfalls and get the youth in a safety harness and reel him back up to a higher point from which he and Kaelan had been jumping into ‘seemingly safe water but was deceptive with its undertown’.


Most adults in the area do not discuss publicly ways to set better guidelines for youth who are transitioning into having more freedom, using bikes to get places and where they would really be allowed by town and common sense. Most people like the idea of freedom and live and let live, but when people die rather needlessly it’s time to use the freedoms we do have in this country and promote more of around the world, sensible fair-minded ideas to keep people safe from harm and disaster.


These themes could also be developed for people of various age groups, caregivers and towns and areas to have voluntary curfews. A simple idea is to set a curfew based on the grade a student is in such as 8 pm for any youth in 8th grade and younger, although 6 or 7 pm may be best for younger children of those ages and even through age 13 to help them get  fed and settled in for good sleep patterns overall, particularly in the fall and winter when it gets dark earlier. For high school freshmen, in 9th grade, the time would be 9pm.


For sophomores or 10th graders, that would be 10 pm. For juniors or 11th graders, that would be 11pm. For seniors or 12th graders that would be midnight. Many accidents happen after midnight so it’s a good idea for most people to plan to be home at a reasonable hour in general. The ideal bedtime for adults is 9:30pm so one can actually be asleep by 10pm.


Elderly who experience any kind of ‘sundowning effect’ in terms of losing track of how their day is going when it starts to get dark out, can get confused easily and likely need companionship if not support would also benefit from routines and being monitored closely and more than most people,even family, realize. Best to do some research and come alongside someone who has any need before it gets to be too problematic.


That may mean clever interventions in terms of visiting and staying the night, having a friend or two do that and talking things over candidly with each other and more discreetly with the person in concern. Same goes for someone who is still driving and may need to surrender their keys to another who can drive their car for them and likely eventually have the car not in their name or keys available at all if unsafe.


The laws vary in every state but too many people with intermittent times of forgetfulness or other dementia or health symptoms are driving and putting everyone in their path including themselves at risk. Many other drivers may be aggressive or lax in following speed limits or even staying on their side of the road so quick reactions are needed.


Too often an uncertain driver will go slower than ideal, pull out into traffic or have other challenges that can cause problems. One man at the bike meeting practically shouted that a bicyclist male seemed to see how close he could come to his car as he was driving when passing him. While there will never be enough monitors (yet England and other places do instill cameras on almost all street corners and some traffic lights are designed to ‘click a ticket’ for those running a red light or speeding and send it to them,even if out of state.” )


As we can see, when we ‘stop and think about things’ the common sense thing is to move safely in one’s area (and of course even in one’s home when it comes to checking for fall risks or being aware of not lifting heavy things or going up ladders alone or if you or the ladder is not stable, etc.) BUT, too often people are in a rush or feeling rushed by others.


Then one has to make due with the time and options at hand, so it seems. The homeless who often sit for hours remind us that all of our running around is on some level A Choice. So is having or spending money to some extent, because there are a few programs one can piece together to survive (supposedly, but check with those without home or funds and see how they really make ends meet.)


Paper money is in reality Paper with an ‘I-Owe-You’ value compared to gold or other valuable mineral which has inherent value. Ripping up a 20 dollar bill (in half so you can tape it again or even a 1 dollar or 5 dollar bill) can help you remember that Money is  Pieces of Papers (and change are metal coins.) The Value We Attach to those items is something we forget comes from us and it one of many systems in the world of barter and trade. When we realize Big Business and Politics Controls and Creates most of the paper money (and credit card availability) it’s only a few short steps to realize Those With Money Have Power and Make Decisions to Serve their Own Interests. The word ineptitude to describe many city systems (and of course, that’s likely the case for big towns and even smaller ones) was blended with allegations or actual cases of corruption many times even regarding the bike land proposal.


Other concerns were the eviction of not 1, 2 or 3 residents from an affordable housing unit in Prospect Park (if I recall the story correctly) but 123 people, including deaf elderly people and children. One woman took up the cause to investigate and fight for some compensation or other actions and made trips to Albany.


She found a lack of willingness to get involved by others who were even assisting residents. Politics is scary business and even the meeting was peppered with impolite and possibly illegal levels of conflict. Whenever people are saying they feel they are being discriminated against or feel they have been insulted with a racist comment etc, then there could be Other Regulations that would necessitate ending a meeting and having a more personal review of the complaint. If it happens During  a  Public Meeting which could be taped or have witnesses if such direct or indirect actions occur that could be similar to ‘disorderly conduct’ in a courtroom. There were two police outside the meeting by the way.


Every state has its own laws and guidelines. There are many agencies and programs promoting ‘zero tolerance’ of use of language even such as ‘guns, bombs, hurting or killing others or being violent’ for instance in a school setting of youth (elementary, grade school and likely daycares.) With college crime or even the clubhouse tragedy in Orlando, the stage is set to require more ‘preventive measures’ and anti-bullying campaigns to monitor public meetings.


The case of Gabby Giffords shows that a public or political meeting can become a stage of sorts for people to air grievances. While many felt empowered to speak out and used strong voices and chastising words, with a group listening and chiming in that could have been a more conflictual setting.


One man spoke as a cyclist, one of 250 who signed a petition supporting the bike lanes. He was white and said he felt denigrated by others at the meeting as a cyclist. A woman of color said she felt the committee was of another culture and did not take their views into consideration in part due to that perceived difference.


The cyclist proposed that the refusal of the bike lane was valuing cars over people’s lives and notes that a few cyclists have been killed. That was booed by the crowd yet the point merits more consideration since everyone wants safety. As one fellow noted afterwards and I had also realized the Drivers of Cars are Drivers of Weapons, whether they realize that capacity or not.


The larger vehicle most often will harm the smaller, and a car will do a bike in if they collide. The factor we can control for best is the Human Beings Driving Cars or Trucks, Riding Bikes or even Riding in Cars. Passengers could play a more helpful role in watching out for others (co-pilots or riding shotgun which references the Wild West of someone being on the look out if riding on horses..I think).


Well, no one likes a backseat driver, but if a driver can realize and invite collaboration and receive tips to keep driving safe and be open to someone informing him or her of  car or person in one’s blind spot, reminding to signal, stop for a few seconds at a stop sign (yes, count to 3 is a rule in some states like CT so a rolling stop can get you a ticket as can not making a complete stop.) In MA, one is not legally supposed to back out into the road.


Perhaps parking in a safer location or putting a mirror up could assist with dangerous site lines. More on that of course could be discussed in groups as could Any of These Issues. Going to meetings, the DOT or other Community Meetings is important. Having a representative from an area or group go and report back in writing about what happened and keep an online blog or FB page going would help more feel informed as well. Many spoke to the need to ‘see what the big wigs are thinking about and to watch their timing, hold them accountable for getting public input and more.’  A politician, Mr. Mosely read a letter from a Senator who said due process for considering the input of citizens and business people did not seem to be taking place so it should be in the future since that would be indicated by current laws or best practices.


Well, that’s Some of what was covered and I added more about getting proper health and rest on the agenda for everyone so that each person is coming to these kinds of matters with their A Game. Also more women need to organize amongst themselves so they feel aware of the 2500 year gap in having a seat and a voice at the table, and voting power.


One advocate noted that workshops can be a cover for meeting a community requirement but the outcome may really be twisted to sound as though people were in support of a proposal even when they were vocally opposed. The number crunching the committee was basing their proposal on was not playing out in the public sphere of those attending. Those numbers needed to be clearly indicated, along with the funding stream and process.


Too many felt deals were being made in advance without due process for the Lafayette bike lane. The implementation of the lanes were done in a haphazard manner, with things happening without much notice or consideration for those in the area, according to a few I spoke with. Many took issue with the bike lane being put on Clinton.


A person with city planning training who looked into the matter said that Clermont was another street which fit the requirements that Clinton had which is why it was looked at so closely. A large concern by many is that 5000 people live in the Clinton area co-ops (which has only 30 parking spaces and people were not eager to share that space, but might an upper deck work there, and serve as a carport as well?)


When one woman suggested that Vanderbilt be used and residents have permit parking there, the crowd was amenable to that idea. The city planner trained person said the use of the Vanderbilt for buses did not make that idea.


That street along with Washington Ave serve as the major pathways to downtown and already have a great deal of traffic to negotiate. Likely more effort could be made to have truck deliveries and such in the late night hours, after rush hour and  more simple ideas could help. However the overall reality is that many issues are impacting the scene in the city largely as more people move to the city. Affordable housing gives way to those with more money.


Long-term residents can feel they are being crowded out of their neighborhood. Even resident issues arise with few ways to address them readily, such as people stealing another’s package or calling the police for frivolous reasons of complaint.


The actions to take to get results are not clear. Sadly one man admitted to not wanting to call for help for a woman (who has since moved away) who had complained to police about his television or laughing too loud.


Even when she was being beaten and his family expressed concern that he call the building security (not the police directly which helps with reporting since we know police sometimes can hold a caller as alleging falsehoods and more conflict could unfold if someone “rats someone else out” (how old or mature could one be to feel safe and maybe a third party reporter is needed.


Still many agencies are corrupt and take kids into foster care for almost no reason and keep them for a couple of years or adopt them out more often than  almost anyone realizes, and then they don’t check on them unless called. Too often more kids than any imagine land in far worse if not injurious or fatal conditions than in their original families)


That large, competent, otherwise friendly man felt he had no obligation to step in for someone who had disrespected his right to live in his apartment. He felt she was falsely accusing him of wrongdoing and was annoyed enough, that even though his child was hearing the beating ‘in 3-D’ he still chose to do nothing. Thankfully the woman did not die and did divorce him and move out.


But not everyone gets that many chances. Some would hold the bystander somewhat accountable for harm done to the woman or if his son gets involved or worse ever abuses another, feeling ‘he can get away with it.’ Not likely but our culture and media seem to convert about half of the men who are abusers into being so even though raised in decent homes with values.


 Back to getting a good night’s sleep more often than not. With sleep from 10p-to 7am, to wake up for the days we brave particularly if out and about here are some tips.The Chinese medicine theories involve our energetic and physical systems getting a ‘reboot and realignment’ of energies from the stars from 10p to 7am


.(Maybe more work places could allow people to sleep closer to their work place or dare I suggest At their place of work if they want to catch some more Z’s or offer flex time to suit their schedules in general, maybe work from home, on weekends or other ways to allow for more suitable work conditions, reduce rushing to work early and so on. )


I realize some theories vary but if possible, do some research and find ways to try something for a month or more and see what difference it may make. Maybe a few months is needed to feel the affects. Complete darkness and ideally silence is golden as well when it comes to deep sleep and restoration. Doesn’t that sound nice to even think about?


Another time an older woman who was clearly obese had a heart attack while driving herself to the doctor. Unfortunately even people with many friends and family are too often not factoring in the risk and the great benefit of Not Driving in General if not in very good physical condition, well-rested and fed and in a good state of mind.


Stress and worry are emotions that everyone could learn to ‘check at the door’ of their car before getting in so road rage or erratic driving would not be so common. Same goes for distracted driving, biking, walking and even being out in public. It’s a fine art to stay aware of what one is feeling day to day and in general.


Finding ways to ‘get centered’, do ‘one thing at a time’, stay on track of where one is going and what one is doing (and with whom and ensure they are also safe and appropriate) is good strategizing.Letting someone know your plans (family, friend,etc) and reviewing how things went each day or every few days can help you keep track of your patterns, problems or questions that come up and need attention.


Perhaps checking in with family once a week (calling a sibling or friend, seeing how one’s children are doing even if living closeby or in the same home to see if they are feeling they are keeping up with commitments, sleeping well, have any financial or other concerns that need attention, even homework for school, projects or maintaining home, car, bike or other basics like food (including whether they qualify for assistance and know how to keep up with review forms and annual renewals, etc for any assistance such as free or subsidized health insurance.)


Check online with or in NYC 311, and those numbers can be dialed to access information about programs as well. Knowing how to get to a city to use services there or learn about opportunities could be a whole new part of every school’s curriculum.


Since more people likely will need or want to move to a city with public transportation and other helpful services as they age or even if needing to get places and a car is costly to maintain (driving concerns in winter, at night or if driving skills diminishing.)


How to think about transitioning even seasonally or for a trial basis would be helpful and deserves a course or more at every public school. Parents may need this help as well as they chart ways to rear a family or if their situation changes and they become a single parent or have work needs that impact their life.


Being flexible and capable of living in different environments, from camping out in the summer to travelling and seeing friends or taking affordable vacations (rather than one that puts one in debt  often with interest or taps one’s savings or funds without careful forethought all are important. Being aware of people one can visit or call on for temporary housing while taking a class or exploring options or possibly starting out in a new area all deserve more concerted planning and online sample agreements.)


Along these lines, more people could learn about pedestrian safety tips, having assistance perhaps with transporting groceries or other goods, using ‘public carts’ that could be available as some use City Bikes. An idea that came to me about the space used by public bikes and bike racks would be to build and upper deck for people to take a rest or visit on. Also more hooks could be put on the decking to help people store more bikes or other objects as may be reasonable (padded waterproof bags like an  outdoor locker.)


Even in cities where space is tight, using the inner court yards ‘twice’ by putting in a raised deck (about 20 feet up so large objects and supplies and even trees (most of them and leave a clear pathway too when possible on the grass if not the walkway).


We have an ideal setting in some of the Clinton Co Op areas to try something like that. The stairways could be wide and covered to allow protection from snow and rain. Even the deck could have a roof and secure fencing to allow children to play freely but safely (and yes, not too loudly as current guidelines already state.)


Such a micro-climate models could allow for some rooftop gardening above the deck, rainwater catchment and teaching space for other ‘saving energy’ permaculture (PC) strategies. See more ideas on PC on


The hope of helping everybuddy slow down on the planet is to buy us all more time, share our resources more effectively and help plan-it earth and heart survive with better options than what we currently are facing.  


See online resources and check out and the Occupy Wall Street advocacy from the past. Many are clearly hoping to make the world a friendlier, gentler place but that gets lost in the hustle bustle and  regulations that keep too many living on a treadmill.


Health and well-being (not necessarily being in top form, but working to prevent health concerns that the medical industry could be mandated to educate people about (with an adjunct set of sites and outreaches) would help us all enjoy our lives and areas far more than most can envision and hope for. Thanks for taking care of yourself and really looking out for others as well.

A  June Summer Solstice Meeting to Turn the Tide of Bike Lane Discussions...or not necessarily for keeps, but to get community input after the Bike Lane Proposal was withdrawn by the group that submitted it  in Clinton Hill Brooklyn Area, 2016 by Catherine Paton..ideas from the meeting and more mixed in to remedy some common woes wherever we wander on plan-it heart.


Questions circling around this and many housing or development issues is ‘Who is making the decisions in reality and on what basis? Is there transparency about what a community and others concerned truly feel and professionals from many disciplines may agree is appropriate in terms of safety and growth or are there secret deals, behind the scenes planning going on with little way to learn ‘the facts’ about funding, interests, investments from the private sector and who does the work?”


One safety professional shared that in her opinion the Brooklyn Bridge is not safe enough for a bike lane due to overcrowding. Other bridges could be used by bikers so that idea could perhaps be voluntarily followed by bicyclists.


All people need to watch for their own safety whether in a car, on a bike, running or walking about their neighborhood. Sadly a tragic accident with one’s pet or child is a reminder that one cannot always save another or that it may cost one their life to do so. Ideally, a person would be more clear mentally and practically about what they would do in an emergency.


Professional rescuers are trained along these lines, thinking and practicing dire situations with each other and actors. Sometimes demos of car accidents are done with wrecked cars and actors to help students see the aftermath of choices to drive under the influence or too fast. While that is another reality to face, more efforts to prevent the choices and adult lack of supervision often needed could go a long way to keep more minors safe. Planning for programs and ways for them to  build skills and interests as well as connect with a community is important. That goes for everyone.


Often ‘saving oneself’ is the key to being Able to save another or more in moments or future days. One NY woman seeking to save her dog from being hit by a truck succumbed to the impact herself. Everyone loves their pets but likely if she had more time to consider that sometimes life unfolds in sudden harsh ways, she could have made another choice and accepted that ‘it wasn’t her fault or her duty to risk or give her own life to save her pet..or even another’. Without a clear assurance and skill, sometimes would-be rescuers can complicate an already difficult situation.


The person needing a save may be panicked and in water for instance, grab onto a person and cause one or both of them to drown. Another rescue may be needed or a choice of who to save should a rescuer be able to reach them. All of these kinds of ‘rare but difficult and important situations can occur when youth or others are taking risks, just horsing around or in groups without much planning and guidance. Even under more calm or planned circumstances, things can go awry.


That’s where every person really tuning into their safety practices of ‘going slower rather than faster’ throughout their day, to be conscious of what one is doing, to try to be centered about staying calm and responding with care rather than reacting with erratic emotions to people, places, things, thoughts and feelings’ deserves everyone’s attention and again practice with online or other resources.


Living may be more of an ‘inside job’ than most realize so learning to breathe, relax and keep track of one’s day and time and one’s energy (such as discussed by Jennifer McLean in free talks or Jarrad Hewett, Edgar Cayce Institute and many others) could help US All prevent stress, hurrying, carelessness and more.


The Enneagram about 9 personality types (such as in the book Wisdom of the Enneagram) and online ideas about personality and health such as on or even or 311 in NYC for assistance with basic living needs can help more people head in a healing direction with a willingness to help others and look out for others in life and on the road.


It all works together to be a conscious capable human being at any age or stage of life, in good times or more difficult ones.I share other ideas on which was through 8-1-16.


Take your time reading through these points which I jotted down ‘all at once’ with a few additions and diversions along the way (to make sure you are still awake and touch on ways to manage conflict and prevent problems whether driving, biking or talking about them informally or at meetings or even walking about town.)


Ideally ‘getting to know one’s neighbors’ such as a Community Day for a group of residents in a certain area can help bridge cultural and economic gaps along with many other perceived or ‘real’ differences that may divide people in various ways.


Personal space and opinions are important, skin pigmentation and ethnicity can be acknowledged as a person may want to share or speak about, but not to denigrate or cause harm to anyone on any level.


We are all learning about ‘people issues’ while the entire world is waking up to many serious concerns about climate we can seek to keep things in perspective and change the climate of our discussions to be more inclusive and reflective of clear, considerate plans.


A willingness to listen to all points of view and information possibly after good advocacies have highlighted key points could keep more people interested and involved when votes or other support are needed.


Without vigilant advocacy, a green light for those in control to do as they see fit with numbers that may be deficient or not representative of a majority . A clarification of a population, an area and numbers of potential voters as well as ready access to surveys and opportunities to voice concerns in a meaningful manner is always appropriate for bigger issues such a bike lanes or other projects that involve roads or buildings that will impact the normal routines of a community.  These key times of Being Informed and Counted could be clearly defined for people to know what numbers they need to have to be counted in significant ways.


I am summarizing the situation voluntarily and as a blogger ( which will be changing soon to another server) and  as someone who cares about the area, newly residing in the area and with training as a mediator and a variety of other programs.


Some of these include mental health, wellness,home care for elderly, disabled or others needing support (even caregivers need that, right?) and childcare, gardening and permaculture (PC) which promotes people having a say in how their communities function on all levels and ways to work together in teams even over many disciplines or areas of skill and sharing resources ideally to help save resources and enhance people, earth, resources..


While one woman asked clearly and a few times if a ‘vote could be taken to see who at this meeting (about the third on such issues where many who spoke indicated they felt the majority from 75-95% or attendees, and likely many not attending in the area, were opposed to the the proposal that had been submitted for a two-lane bike lane to be created on Clinton Ave and make it a one-way street and still allow parking.


Those opposed over the months shared concerns about bicyclists creating more traffic and hazards for pedestrians and cars as well (passing too closely, not following the rules of the road with cars and even other cyclists at times, running red lights and violating other traffic laws already in place.)


Some said it would be too difficult to have ready access for emergency vehicles and even transportation services for those needing more direct service with vans that need to park in one lane in either direction so people would not need to cross the road to their residence.


The overall impact on the 5000 people living in the co-ops was not deemed beneficial by many who voiced their concerns. Surveys were not well circulated and clear. Some who attended a number of DOT (Dept. of Transportation) meetings felt the way they conducted their meetings and proceeded with business dealings was not professional, timely or inclusive of clear representation of their communities. Worse still, some alleged ineptitude and corruption in a general sense.  


That was a concern about dealings echoed in other departments as well and city government in general.Mainly women took matters to heart in terms of spelling out problems, attending meetings and speaking of overall concerns. Likely those attending will be contacted by an volunteer advocacy group which took down many information of many in attendance. I will guess that women were there 2:1 to men, not to say men don’t care as much but sometimes there are other priorities that seem to keep them at bay.


Not that you need as many men to advocate for something as women, but it doesn’t hurt to pay attention to the ‘quiet gender gaps’ and work to collaborate on key issues both can agree on and do so with effective strategies both work to implement with clear guidelines. One such point would be to have volunteers go to DOT meetings and record key information or record it if possible. Notes could then be emailed (maybe with the recording) if someone else is willing to review it and then post it in a common place.


Another person or two could be in charge of a newsletter updating people with a timeline of months and years as appropriate, key players and top issues being discussed. Maybe some of that is happening already but that could be made more clear to the community so people could sign up with a more experienced person to attend a DOT meeting for instance, know what to listen for or how to record information and share it as described.


Sharing the work of any task makes sense when efficiency and clarity is needed. One idea from someone whose looked into the matter is to have the bike lanes put on Clermont Ave if there is agreement to consider having more in the Clinton Hill Area. More actual numbers showing the need, cost in savings and cost in building such lanes would be helpful to have readily accessible going forward.  Petitions on either side were worth noting, yet an official time for each person’s vote as it were to be weighed in early in the decision-making process with pertinent information at hand seemed to be lacking for many and much desired.


Where would Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders weigh in on the important issue about the DOT of NY putting Bike Lanes in without consulting communities in a transparent, consistent manner? While not a typical Presidential debate issue, a few hundred people (or more) have turned up at meetings called ‘workshops’ to learn about proposed installation of a double bike land on Clinton Avenue in Brooklyn NY.


Like going up a steep Hill or hitting Sand on the side of the road, this was not an easy issue for many residents and business people to face or battle to get their concerns heard in the months leading up to a meeting June 21st, 2016 at the Cadman Church Hall where residents heard that the proposal had been Withdrawn.


That was announced early on in the meeting even though I got there 15 minutes late and learned about the timing of events after from advocates on the street after the meeting went on for another half hour to allow people to speak during a ‘workshop session’.


Once the proposal was withdrawn, most thought that meant the issue was rejected and not up for discussion. When the workshop format was announced, people felt they were being sent down the rabbit hole of game playing and booed the notion and said “No!” They had to go along to get along though with the committee’s format and people were allowed to take turns speaking.


Just outside something very ominous happened which the gathered crowd and concerned citizens should be aware of for the sign of caution to all who venture out of their homes need pay attention to for everyone’s benefit, including their own and those they love.


At the intersection of Clinton and Lafayette, right by the Cadman church, traffic was stopped for a red light. The Do Not Walk sign of a red hand had not quite changed, there was a few second delay before the Walk signal of a person in white light came on.


One or two adults from opposite sides of the street almost met their Maker, and headed toward The Light, but thankfully they both happened to pause and wait for the Walk Signal even though traffic was stopped at the red light.


Suddenly a man in a van with music playing drove through the red light not slowing down and using the bike lane to get around the parked traffic.


Would he have been able to stop if one or both people had been in the street, maybe stepping quickly cross if they didn’t know if the light was about to turn green (which at least one person was wondering). After the near miss, the strangers became kindred friends and acknowledged the male driver’s wrongdoing of running a red light.


The woman had almost brought a young infant in a front pack with her so imagine the horror of the neighborhood if such a little one and her grandmother had been victims while trying to attend a meeting on not only the bike lane proposal (being withdrawn or delayed which many feared would actually be the case.)


The bigger message for everyone was to Watch Their Every Step and Move whether on the sidewalk (where cars can end up during an accident, getting out of a car to check for bicyclists and others using that lane on roller blades or skateboards or running.)


A woman from Switzerland told me afterward that she had been hit by a car as a pedestrian. She showed me her damaged lower legs. She said she also bicycled but thought the plan for the Clinton Ave location was dumb.


She took exception to the lack of consistency of the bike lanes being On Only One Side of All Roads so that bicyclists would not be put at greater risk crossing over to use lanes and also so drivers could keep bicyclists in view more readily or always know which side of the road the bike lane was on.


She and others informally advocated for licensing and regulation of bike education and qualification (passing a road test of laws and getting tickets if in violation.) Having ID or a license of the bikes would provide more accountability and assist in enforcing rules.


The behavior and protocol even among bicyclists needs to be streamlined and encouraged. Ideally those in that community could do this voluntarily to prevent needless stress, aggressiveness, conflict, fights and accidents, injuries and the worst outcome  of fatality which generally involves a car or truck hitting a bicyclist.


I met an 11-year old riding an electric Vespa, a small looking motobike, on the sidewalk with his parents. I expressed concern that a fall could be dangerous to the lad’s head since he did not have a helmet on.


The force is 30 times every 10 miles, so is if falling when going ten miles an hour on a bike or a scooter, if one fell and hit one’s head that would be a force of 300 pounds of pressure...I think.


Worth a google, but that’s why a fall is so dangerous in general, it’s the force with which a body hits the pavement or other solid objects not the falling per se that does the damage. An eight year old was riding on the back of that electric bike which did not go very fast, but again, neither had helmets and were riding on the sidewalk.


Might there be more clarification about where such bikes can be ridden and what the penalty would be for both the youth and parents if a child or other person got hurt on one, particularly if riding where it is not ‘legal’ or appropriate.


The idea of youth and others using more motorized scooters and bikes on the sidewalk may pose more challenges for pedestrians, particularly with special needs. Maybe a lane on the sidewalk would be helpful in case people need more ‘assurance’ that no one will be driving behind them in anything but a wheelchair type chair and even they should not overdo their speed.


Rewinding an incident to review in ‘slow motion’’ as I have done with the episode of  the people who thankfully did not step in front of  a driver intent on running a red light (and who maybe would have had the sense to steer up onto the sidewalk and hit a street lamp rather than run people over but again, there could have been others on the sidewalk.


I knew a minister who had two family members get run over while on the sidewalk on the opposite lane from the car when the driver went out of control of his vehicle.


Another man who became a priest was in a car accident which claimed the life of his wife and the mother of his children. He became a Catholic priest and is much appreciated by his community for his heartfelt sermons, some of which touch upon the difficulty he faced in dealing with such a loss and change in his life.


I also share on Remembering Kaelan having to deal with sudden loss and change in my family  in June 2009 with the passing of our teen son when he was trying to save a friend.


One psychic shared with a friend of mine that Kaelan may have perished when pushing his friend to safer water which likely bought the youth precious moments yet also resulted in Kaelan being swept into the waters that did not release his body for a week.


Whether Kaelan knew of the step by step risk or was acting instinctively at every ‘twist and turn’ of his decision to try to help his friend is left for us to reflect upon.

Some would say that he, like all of us, have a few or only a singular option for when (and not necessarily how or exactly when but some say that is the case, such as Marc Anthony. Many faiths from around the world have ideas and some more ‘definite’ teachings worth being aware of. Then there’s the aspect of ‘it may happen as one believes it will or a society or group insists it be.’


Our laws reflect group consciousness. Locking everyone away is not likely something most would agree makes sense especially for non-violent crimes such as drug possession. However until we clarify what we do want and advocate effectively over time for that, we likely will spend huge funds on throwing money and efforts at a broken system.


That’s were can be refreshing with some new ‘survival and sustainable’ ideas for people, the planet and sharing resources.


Likely laws and even relationship terms could get redefined and clarified as well rather than setting people up for lifelong contracts that may be impossible or very costly and difficult to revise or get out of respectfully or at all. Family and civil as well as criminal court are often as jammed and dysfunctional as any traffic jam or danger zone on the roads.


While some would say, ‘None of this is related’, in terms of how conflicted much of our society is, there could be much to learn and even consider the ways that energetically and on a human level that many things are related. People under stress may have more accidents or be in a hurry, have more illness and again be negligent or compromised due to those secondary factors.


See for insight into how costly many unseen problems such as domestic abuse (abuse in families) is and how we might remedy some of that with better prevention efforts.


Earlier intervention in that arena has been shown to save lives and money. Maybe a similar advocacy for safer drivers and bicyclists as well as pedestrians and yes pets too could be made to help people voluntarily if not legally comply with existing and new laws and safety guidelines.


Each person doing a little better in these areas and planning to be a half-hour early (or more) could help decrease disappointment when subways run late or change routes, etc. Expect the Unexpected is a good mantra and is also the name of a book by psychic medium Bill Phillips.


Again our intentions from a spiritual and personal life view perspective may be more important in terms of how we live our daily lives and lead us toward our bigger decisions in terms of relationships, life plans and then the playing out of those factors.


That is where more review of the choices we seem to have consciously made may make sense to explore over time. Do those still ‘hold water’? Do we allow ourselves time and supportive skilled or caring people and friends to help us reflect on Why and How we are living our lives the way we are? Once we step away from the hurry and the worry we can become curious as to why we may have ‘chosen’ to incarnate with our family of origin, our friends from over our life journey and our current circles of family and friends?


What soul lessons are we learning, what skills are we developing in terms of growing our intuition and ability to act in alignment with our personal and spiritual values? Can we have more public discussions on these more illusive topics before ‘the rubber meets the road’ and we are interacting in a high-paced dangerous arena with various agendas, emotions and intentions? Maybe that is the bigger ‘planning meeting’ we need to think of having and it can be online since clearly there’s plenty to think about and much can come to mind in the process.


Regarding the rescue of the youth who our son tried to save, he was saved by a heroic rescuer who broke with protocol and used his tree climbing ropes to battle heavy waterfalls and get the youth in a safety harness and reel him back up to a higher point from which he and Kaelan had been jumping into ‘seemingly safe water but was deceptive with its undertown’.


Most adults in the area do not discuss publicly ways to set better guidelines for youth who are transitioning into having more freedom, using bikes to get places and where they would really be allowed by town and common sense. Most people like the idea of freedom and live and let live, but when people die rather needlessly it’s time to use the freedoms we do have in this country and promote more of around the world, sensible fair-minded ideas to keep people safe from harm and disaster.


These themes could also be developed for people of various age groups, caregivers and towns and areas to have voluntary curfews. A simple idea is to set a curfew based on the grade a student is in such as 8 pm for any youth in 8th grade and younger, although 6 or 7 pm may be best for younger children of those ages and even through age 13 to help them get  fed and settled in for good sleep patterns overall, particularly in the fall and winter when it gets dark earlier. For high school freshmen, in 9th grade, the time would be 9pm.


For sophomores or 10th graders, that would be 10 pm. For juniors or 11th graders, that would be 11pm. For seniors or 12th graders that would be midnight. Many accidents happen after midnight so it’s a good idea for most people to plan to be home at a reasonable hour in general. The ideal bedtime for adults is 9:30pm so one can actually be asleep by 10pm.


Elderly who experience any kind of ‘sundowning effect’ in terms of losing track of how their day is going when it starts to get dark out, can get confused easily and likely need companionship if not support would also benefit from routines and being monitored closely and more than most people,even family, realize. Best to do some research and come alongside someone who has any need before it gets to be too problematic.


That may mean clever interventions in terms of visiting and staying the night, having a friend or two do that and talking things over candidly with each other and more discreetly with the person in concern. Same goes for someone who is still driving and may need to surrender their keys to another who can drive their car for them and likely eventually have the car not in their name or keys available at all if unsafe.


The laws vary in every state but too many people with intermittent times of forgetfulness or other dementia or health symptoms are driving and putting everyone in their path including themselves at risk. Many other drivers may be aggressive or lax in following speed limits or even staying on their side of the road so quick reactions are needed.


Too often an uncertain driver will go slower than ideal, pull out into traffic or have other challenges that can cause problems. One man at the bike meeting practically shouted that a bicyclist male seemed to see how close he could come to his car as he was driving when passing him. While there will never be enough monitors (yet England and other places do instill cameras on almost all street corners and some traffic lights are designed to ‘click a ticket’ for those running a red light or speeding and send it to them,even if out of state.” )


As we can see, when we ‘stop and think about things’ the common sense thing is to move safely in one’s area (and of course even in one’s home when it comes to checking for fall risks or being aware of not lifting heavy things or going up ladders alone or if you or the ladder is not stable, etc.) BUT, too often people are in a rush or feeling rushed by others.


Then one has to make due with the time and options at hand, so it seems. The homeless who often sit for hours remind us that all of our running around is on some level A Choice. So is having or spending money to some extent, because there are a few programs one can piece together to survive (supposedly, but check with those without home or funds and see how they really make ends meet.)


Paper money is in reality Paper with an ‘I-Owe-You’ value compared to gold or other valuable mineral which has inherent value. Ripping up a 20 dollar bill (in half so you can tape it again or even a 1 dollar or 5 dollar bill) can help you remember that Money is  Pieces of Papers (and change are metal coins.) The Value We Attach to those items is something we forget comes from us and it one of many systems in the world of barter and trade. When we realize Big Business and Politics Controls and Creates most of the paper money (and credit card availability) it’s only a few short steps to realize Those With Money Have Power and Make Decisions to Serve their Own Interests. The word ineptitude to describe many city systems (and of course, that’s likely the case for big towns and even smaller ones) was blended with allegations or actual cases of corruption many times even regarding the bike land proposal.


Other concerns were the eviction of not 1, 2 or 3 residents from an affordable housing unit in Prospect Park (if I recall the story correctly) but 123 people, including deaf elderly people and children. One woman took up the cause to investigate and fight for some compensation or other actions and made trips to Albany.


She found a lack of willingness to get involved by others who were even assisting residents. Politics is scary business and even the meeting was peppered with impolite and possibly illegal levels of conflict. Whenever people are saying they feel they are being discriminated against or feel they have been insulted with a racist comment etc, then there could be Other Regulations that would necessitate ending a meeting and having a more personal review of the complaint. If it happens During  a  Public Meeting which could be taped or have witnesses if such direct or indirect actions occur that could be similar to ‘disorderly conduct’ in a courtroom. There were two police outside the meeting by the way.


Every state has its own laws and guidelines. There are many agencies and programs promoting ‘zero tolerance’ of use of language even such as ‘guns, bombs, hurting or killing others or being violent’ for instance in a school setting of youth (elementary, grade school and likely daycares.) With college crime or even the clubhouse tragedy in Orlando, the stage is set to require more ‘preventive measures’ and anti-bullying campaigns to monitor public meetings.


The case of Gabby Giffords shows that a public or political meeting can become a stage of sorts for people to air grievances. While many felt empowered to speak out and used strong voices and chastising words, with a group listening and chiming in that could have been a more conflictual setting.


One man spoke as a cyclist, one of 250 who signed a petition supporting the bike lanes. He was white and said he felt denigrated by others at the meeting as a cyclist. A woman of color said she felt the committee was of another culture and did not take their views into consideration in part due to that perceived difference.


The cyclist proposed that the refusal of the bike lane was valuing cars over people’s lives and notes that a few cyclists have been killed. That was booed by the crowd yet the point merits more consideration since everyone wants safety. As one fellow noted afterwards and I had also realized the Drivers of Cars are Drivers of Weapons, whether they realize that capacity or not.


The larger vehicle most often will harm the smaller, and a car will do a bike in if they collide. The factor we can control for best is the Human Beings Driving Cars or Trucks, Riding Bikes or even Riding in Cars. Passengers could play a more helpful role in watching out for others (co-pilots or riding shotgun which references the Wild West of someone being on the look out if riding on horses..I think).


Well, no one likes a backseat driver, but if a driver can realize and invite collaboration and receive tips to keep driving safe and be open to someone informing him or her of  car or person in one’s blind spot, reminding to signal, stop for a few seconds at a stop sign (yes, count to 3 is a rule in some states like CT so a rolling stop can get you a ticket as can not making a complete stop.) In MA, one is not legally supposed to back out into the road.


Perhaps parking in a safer location or putting a mirror up could assist with dangerous site lines. More on that of course could be discussed in groups as could Any of These Issues. Going to meetings, the DOT or other Community Meetings is important. Having a representative from an area or group go and report back in writing about what happened and keep an online blog or FB page going would help more feel informed as well. Many spoke to the need to ‘see what the big wigs are thinking about and to watch their timing, hold them accountable for getting public input and more.’  A politician, Mr. Mosely read a letter from a Senator who said due process for considering the input of citizens and business people did not seem to be taking place so it should be in the future since that would be indicated by current laws or best practices.


Well, that’s Some of what was covered and I added more about getting proper health and rest on the agenda for everyone so that each person is coming to these kinds of matters with their A Game. Also more women need to organize amongst themselves so they feel aware of the 2500 year gap in having a seat and a voice at the table, and voting power.


One advocate noted that workshops can be a cover for meeting a community requirement but the outcome may really be twisted to sound as though people were in support of a proposal even when they were vocally opposed. The number crunching the committee was basing their proposal on was not playing out in the public sphere of those attending. Those numbers needed to be clearly indicated, along with the funding stream and process.


Too many felt deals were being made in advance without due process for the Lafayette bike lane. The implementation of the lanes were done in a haphazard manner, with things happening without much notice or consideration for those in the area, according to a few I spoke with. Many took issue with the bike lane being put on Clinton.


A person with city planning training who looked into the matter said that Clermont was another street which fit the requirements that Clinton had which is why it was looked at so closely. A large concern by many is that 5000 people live in the Clinton area co-ops (which has only 30 parking spaces and people were not eager to share that space, but might an upper deck work there, and serve as a carport as well?)


When one woman suggested that Vanderbilt be used and residents have permit parking there, the crowd was amenable to that idea. The city planner trained person said the use of the Vanderbilt for buses did not make that idea.


That street along with Washington Ave serve as the major pathways to downtown and already have a great deal of traffic to negotiate. Likely more effort could be made to have truck deliveries and such in the late night hours, after rush hour and  more simple ideas could help. However the overall reality is that many issues are impacting the scene in the city largely as more people move to the city. Affordable housing gives way to those with more money.


Long-term residents can feel they are being crowded out of their neighborhood. Even resident issues arise with few ways to address them readily, such as people stealing another’s package or calling the police for frivolous reasons of complaint.


The actions to take to get results are not clear. Sadly one man admitted to not wanting to call for help for a woman (who has since moved away) who had complained to police about his television or laughing too loud.


Even when she was being beaten and his family expressed concern that he call the building security (not the police directly which helps with reporting since we know police sometimes can hold a caller as alleging falsehoods and more conflict could unfold if someone “rats someone else out” (how old or mature could one be to feel safe and maybe a third party reporter is needed.


Still many agencies are corrupt and take kids into foster care for almost no reason and keep them for a couple of years or adopt them out more often than  almost anyone realizes, and then they don’t check on them unless called. Too often more kids than any imagine land in far worse if not injurious or fatal conditions than in their original families)


That large, competent, otherwise friendly man felt he had no obligation to step in for someone who had disrespected his right to live in his apartment. He felt she was falsely accusing him of wrongdoing and was annoyed enough, that even though his child was hearing the beating ‘in 3-D’ he still chose to do nothing. Thankfully the woman did not die and did divorce him and move out.


But not everyone gets that many chances. Some would hold the bystander somewhat accountable for harm done to the woman or if his son gets involved or worse ever abuses another, feeling ‘he can get away with it.’ Not likely but our culture and media seem to convert about half of the men who are abusers into being so even though raised in decent homes with values.


 Back to getting a good night’s sleep more often than not. With sleep from 10p-to 7am, to wake up for the days we brave particularly if out and about here are some tips.The Chinese medicine theories involve our energetic and physical systems getting a ‘reboot and realignment’ of energies from the stars from 10p to 7am


.(Maybe more work places could allow people to sleep closer to their work place or dare I suggest At their place of work if they want to catch some more Z’s or offer flex time to suit their schedules in general, maybe work from home, on weekends or other ways to allow for more suitable work conditions, reduce rushing to work early and so on. )


I realize some theories vary but if possible, do some research and find ways to try something for a month or more and see what difference it may make. Maybe a few months is needed to feel the affects. Complete darkness and ideally silence is golden as well when it comes to deep sleep and restoration. Doesn’t that sound nice to even think about?


Another time an older woman who was clearly obese had a heart attack while driving herself to the doctor. Unfortunately even people with many friends and family are too often not factoring in the risk and the great benefit of Not Driving in General if not in very good physical condition, well-rested and fed and in a good state of mind.


Stress and worry are emotions that everyone could learn to ‘check at the door’ of their car before getting in so road rage or erratic driving would not be so common. Same goes for distracted driving, biking, walking and even being out in public. It’s a fine art to stay aware of what one is feeling day to day and in general.


Finding ways to ‘get centered’, do ‘one thing at a time’, stay on track of where one is going and what one is doing (and with whom and ensure they are also safe and appropriate) is good strategizing.Letting someone know your plans (family, friend,etc) and reviewing how things went each day or every few days can help you keep track of your patterns, problems or questions that come up and need attention.


Perhaps checking in with family once a week (calling a sibling or friend, seeing how one’s children are doing even if living closeby or in the same home to see if they are feeling they are keeping up with commitments, sleeping well, have any financial or other concerns that need attention, even homework for school, projects or maintaining home, car, bike or other basics like food (including whether they qualify for assistance and know how to keep up with review forms and annual renewals, etc for any assistance such as free or subsidized health insurance.)


Check online with or in NYC 311, and those numbers can be dialed to access information about programs as well. Knowing how to get to a city to use services there or learn about opportunities could be a whole new part of every school’s curriculum.


Since more people likely will need or want to move to a city with public transportation and other helpful services as they age or even if needing to get places and a car is costly to maintain (driving concerns in winter, at night or if driving skills diminishing.)


How to think about transitioning even seasonally or for a trial basis would be helpful and deserves a course or more at every public school. Parents may need this help as well as they chart ways to rear a family or if their situation changes and they become a single parent or have work needs that impact their life.


Being flexible and capable of living in different environments, from camping out in the summer to travelling and seeing friends or taking affordable vacations (rather than one that puts one in debt  often with interest or taps one’s savings or funds without careful forethought all are important. Being aware of people one can visit or call on for temporary housing while taking a class or exploring options or possibly starting out in a new area all deserve more concerted planning and online sample agreements.)


Along these lines, more people could learn about pedestrian safety tips, having assistance perhaps with transporting groceries or other goods, using ‘public carts’ that could be available as some use City Bikes. An idea that came to me about the space used by public bikes and bike racks would be to build and upper deck for people to take a rest or visit on. Also more hooks could be put on the decking to help people store more bikes or other objects as may be reasonable (padded waterproof bags like an  outdoor locker.)


Even in cities where space is tight, using the inner court yards ‘twice’ by putting in a raised deck (about 20 feet up so large objects and supplies and even trees (most of them and leave a clear pathway too when possible on the grass if not the walkway).


We have an ideal setting in some of the Clinton Co Op areas to try something like that. The stairways could be wide and covered to allow protection from snow and rain. Even the deck could have a roof and secure fencing to allow children to play freely but safely (and yes, not too loudly as current guidelines already state.)


Such a micro-climate models could allow for some rooftop gardening above the deck, rainwater catchment and teaching space for other ‘saving energy’ permaculture (PC) strategies. See more ideas on PC on


The hope of helping everybuddy slow down on the planet is to buy us all more time, share our resources more effectively and help plan-it earth and heart survive with better options than what we currently are facing.  


See online resources and check out and the Occupy Wall Street advocacy from the past. Many are clearly hoping to make the world a friendlier, gentler place but that gets lost in the hustle bustle and  regulations that keep too many living on a treadmill.


Health and well-being (not necessarily being in top form, but working to prevent health concerns that the medical industry could be mandated to educate people about (with an adjunct set of sites and outreaches) would help us all enjoy our lives and areas far more than most can envision and hope for. Thanks for taking care of yourself and really looking out for others as well.


Growing community is part of all aspects of PC (permaculture), many towns and faiths, states and countries.  Key efforts support ‘transition town’ ideas where saving energy is not only saving time and money overall but in saving the planet so we have more time to figure out some survival techniques and literally buy US-All more time here on earth as a species.  While it took me a while to write all of this out, it flowed rather quickly. I realize there are many ideas covered, so feel free to share parts that may be helpful and give some credit as would be reasonable such as mentioned on my blog. Feel free also to post some comments at the end.

Growing community is part of all aspects of PC (permaculture), many towns and faiths, states and countries.  Key efforts support ‘transition town’ ideas where saving energy is not only saving time and money overall but in saving the planet so we have more time to figure out some survival techniques and literally buy US-All more time here on earth as a species.  While it took me a while to write all of this out, it flowed rather quickly. I realize there are many ideas covered, so feel free to share parts that may be helpful and give some credit as would be reasonable such as mentioned on my blog. Feel free also to post some comments at the end.

Growing community is part of all aspects of PC (permaculture), many towns and faiths, states and countries.  Key efforts support ‘transition town’ ideas where saving energy is not only saving time and money overall but in saving the planet so we have more time to figure out some survival techniques and literally buy US-All more time here on earth as a species.  While it took me a while to write all of this out, it flowed rather quickly. I realize there are many ideas covered, so feel free to share parts that may be helpful and give some credit as would be reasonable such as mentioned on my blog. Feel free also to post some comments at the end.

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