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Awesome to see well over a hundred Vassar Classmates on a Zoom Reunion

on Tue, 06/09/2020 - 00:38

Thought I'd share the feedback I just shared with Vassar about the June reunion for our Class of 1985 to encourage other people to brave where no reunions have gone before (for the most part.) It's really amazing to have ways to connect with tech and 'just doing it' hope we have more of those for many kinds of groups. I have friends on FB feeling the same way, reconnecting with people from their past and families finding ways to keep in touch with a weekly call.

The local government and such in my area air the programs online ( so kudos to all doing the work of getting online, paying attention. thinking things through and implementing one program or policy after another, making decisions about budgets and funding and much more. We are really all finding our way into the summer like never before..and By the Way...It's still a really good idea to practice 'safe social distancing' even as restrictions lift.

Good luck to everyone with everything their doing and pursuing, dreaming and working on for their own good in balance with the greater good (that's a theme I'm hearing from many wise folks about this time.) Maybe many things are 'easier than we think' like the trip I Wanted to take to Hawaii at the start of 2020..and just did it (without borrowing money but staying with some friends and family along the way which was helpful to afford the stay in the Southwest after the ten days on the Big Island at a glamping air Bnb (with house privileges.)

Renting a car twice was pricey but I'll pass that budgeting wisdom on to you. I'm still paying off my trip and will mention I am actually 'accepting donations' for this blog and many efforts over decades since that's more available to me.. So Thanks a Bundle in Advance should you want to donate at I did get to meet a few hundred folks along my trip, and share more on other posts on the blog here,

Thanks again for sharing a post or encouraging community and kindness in your area and along the way. If we name and claim it we can gain let's trust we will all receive more safety, health, freedom, inner peace and many blessings as we walk on this shared earth at this amazing time on our beautiful earth. It's a bit of a dream, but not unlike the one Dr. Martin Luther King dreamed.

It's along the lines of what our late teen son Kaelan Palmer Paton and so many have promoted... 'living as a part of nature, not apart from it', living simply and sincerely...and Just plain being nice...and yet seeking justice since that is our right as well. Peace and light...and one day at a time with grace and many gifts for all to heal and grow in a shared garden of love, peace and possiblities!

I may have reflected on it on my blog about Vassar over the years in various posts... But it was great to see so many people...and the breakout rooms were impt. I realize people like to celebrate with a drink but with alcohol being a problem for many I thought we could have used those minutes with something else... a moment to remember classmates who were not attending..and even a moment for those in spirit...friends, family, teachers and so on. I realize it's a lot to plan and the time was special seeing everyone..

.Maybe a cheat sheet with some details before hand that people would like to share or even offer to make a few calls for anyone who'd like to visit in advance so we could hit the ground running. 

Somehow encouraging people to share a bit happened but it was hit or miss. Really it was fine and helpful..because of the societal woes too which we touched on in various ways...some were in places for quarantine or could not travel as easily, some had the inside scoop on temp hospitals or even when a vaccine may be available to an initial group..and so on.

 The FB page got hoppin' with pics and such before so it was helpful. I think we'd do well to have monthly 'anyone who wants to connect' zoom meeting hosted by alumni...and maybe some for 'just the gals', 'just the guys' and what have you..maybe some causes particularly to encourage the Black students to have a time to share what their experience is and see who else is finding ways to help these modern challenges... I saw something like that today on which will have part 2 next week, free to sign up... maybe Vassar could mention that somewhere...