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Another Note from 97 years young

on Wed, 08/12/2015 - 02:22

 In the spirit of interviewing you before you pop too many questions my way, take a moment to reflect on the following and share your responses here or with a friend, maybe even a new one.

When you were young, 4 or 5 years old, who did you play with? If you did get to play with siblings, did children of the same sex play together? Did boys play differently than the girls? Was there more rough-housing and competition among the boys and more congenial games with the girls?

Could all of the children get along or were there times of difficulty? If you were one of many children, how did your birth order affect you? Consider the key role of both parents in each child's life. In what ways were they able to share a special connection with each parent? How did the younger children view the older children?

What kind of role did each child take on, as a helper or leader, a follower or 'black sheep'? Looking back over one's life, it makes sense to assess the beginnings of one's social relationships and family constellation. Some theories weigh heavily on the maternal bonding, as well as the paternal bonding. Explore the possiblities of the daughters resembling their fathers as well as sons resembling their mothers in physical traits, personalities, and behavior.

As a portrait artist and observer of many people over the decades, it seems crucial patterns and groundwork are set up in the earliest years that can either make or break a person's growth and pattern for success in relationships and life. Looking at programs such as Dianetics offers insight about pivotal moments that one may not be aware of.

Therapies that address the overarching patterns in a person's life can help one become more self-aware and move through experiences that they may have been impacted by yet blocked their growth.

While not believing readily in more than one can see such as offered by Dannion Brinkley, the ability to consider and imagine the possiblities even as a mental exercises of "What If" has been something I have allowed some to share with me.

While it seems far-fetched, I hope there's something to it, since it could prove helpful to individuals and wider circles. With so many problems to address, many of which men in power set in motion, we need more women in every aspect to share their views and take action steps to paint a brighter set of options for people in every walk of life.

Let's create our world and visions together, for the next decades and maybe with help from the other side if there's something to that. I'm open to positive suggestions and appreciate ideas from many books such as Blue Zones which promote healthy living with positive social networks, good food and auspicious climate. While living to 100 is a goal I've almost met with joy and success, it's important to live life fully with gratitude and good friends to make the most of whatever time we are given, no matter the final number.

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