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From 2019 to D-Day, Back to 2009 then the Present (in one post plus others): Time to Save the World As Citizens of the Planet!

on Thu, 06/13/2019 - 15:44

Nice to see what Designrr is up to with E-Books from websites posts and more (Plus Many Other Topics)--Pace Yourself since I share as I think out loud on most of these posts, some of which go on 'for a bit.'

I will look into the details of this but heard about it a while back and thought it would be a great way to turn some posts (with fine tuning) into E-Books that could then be sold (or given for free for a more handsome appearance.) I believe there is also a way to have pages numbered and a table of contents...But I am just recalling a few details I was wanting to know how to do. See this for a lot more info (and I don't get any kickbacks and hope it's okay to share... which I think it is.)

Good luck taking your Next Steps in thinking out loud whether with crayons and paper, emails, FB, or a blog or site of your own. I also realize I need to prioritize the next stages of this blog to shift to WordPress (which has been knocking at my door for ages and to consider doing more with (at least I recall my address.) I would love a team to take ideas to their next level. I will take Carolin Soldo's program in NYC to do coaching so am looking forward to that venture in October 2019.

That  may be for my End of Life Doula and Life Care Consulting Work to help people ask questions...and get many answers but only 'non-legal, non-medical' from me...

Plenty of work to build up a support team to help someone through challenges in life (there's a doula or support person for just about everything now or should be---how about a car maintenance, bill paying, childcare back up and main planning doula, and of course one for pregnancy, birth and adjusting to being a parent and on a team of caregivers (especially with special circumstances like delivering early, having any medical complications, having twins or triplets, etc, not having things go well or turn our as planned with either parent's mental or physical health and same for the new arrival...knowing someone may be able to help with the What Ifs more than the people immediately involved.)

But for now consider the positive things you'd like to do (and I will do that too for myself..and think about Who Could Help Move that Goal Forward, whether personal or more involved with others helping or collaborating.) It's always nice to know others who are working in the same field or facing similar challenges (such as Singe Parents which I just learned of has a nice Summit Going on for free while it plays live.

I learned about it through Iris Benrubi, another gem of a coach for many about relationships and looking at one's own life experiences and role in how one's life is unfolding. She's from Canada so seems to be breaking all sorts of rules regarding counseling like offering advice and being honest about her own experiences. Very refreshing and she is a coach,so maybe more counselors could look into what she does and see if they can get a side gig or online gig going..though that may breach their professional protocol. 

Many fields seem to Stop Short of helping people get to where they Want or even Need to be going. The other day a young child found an ocatagonal piece of a puzzle. She held it up for me to see and said, "This Means "Stop!" It took me a moment to realize the red puzzle piece did indeed look like a stop sign, No Letters Needed. Chew on that for a minute (the meaning without the words, not the puzzle piece even if it also resembles a cookie.)

Okay, so I will put this post in park and get back to faxing in or texting a picture of some paystubs to an insurance company. They are helping me get recertified for some health insurance. Now That's A Huge Help that even Iris or Paul would likely say is a win-win. The thing is it needs to be send and received in the correct formatting. So thankfully I did that a day ago and am still early enough for tomorrow's due date to send it in again (via text) and again via fax from a place not too far away should it not go through properly. And it can take a half hour for each transition, so I better not sit on the project too long.

In the future it would make sense for each person over 18 to have their own health insurance when possible (especially when recertification is needed) so if some paperwork is not forthcoming from each responsible party, the other person can still have their health insurance be approved. Not an easy thing to figure out, but more coaching about the pros and cons as well as each person knowing how to Upload Documents (which I still drag my feet about yet realize I likely could learn and maybe even make a video of someone teaching me so I could reference it every few months and even help others so I get Better At It. If you get it right, it works fairly easily and is clear you have done what is needed. If you try and it doesn't work, you know that too.

I am doing a fundraiser Remembering Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton's Legacy on FB currently to mark the 10th year since his heroic yet untimely passing at age 16 when helping to save friends. Since D-Day coverage has been in the news recently of the June 6th, 1944 landing of the Allied Troops on the French shores in Normandy,

I realized there were hundreds of heroes born in the span of minutes and hours, sadly many of whom paid the ultimate sacrifice of losing their lives. Many were diving into dangerous waters from the force of the currents as well as the firepower of the Germans. The count I have heard who passed was in the realm of 4400. What Kaelan did out of love and thankfully after saving two others (had the timing been different I realize he wouldn't have been able to save those friends if the one he went in for had needed his help first.) It could have been that there were a few minutes in between Kaelan saving two friends, first one then another who were fighting a strong current that was going upstream back toward the base of a huge waterfall.The water would stop at times in its pattern, but once near the base of the falls, there was hardly a prayer of finding a place to hold onto on a rocky crevice.

Somehow Kaelan's friend got to that after Kaelan had gone in very treacherous waters to reach him and give him a push (according to a psychic) toward shore, but which then sent Kaelan under the water. That phrase for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction is one I recall our minister Terry sharing over the years, whether due to his sailing experiences or in another context

. A friend shared she cut her hand bad enough to need stitches when helping someone move something but got jammed or hurt by a door during the process. 

A lesson for all of us it to double check the work to be done is being done in the safest way (even with gloves to protect hands, a life jacket to wear in dangerous waters and ideally to avoid the edge of danger in general and rethink things with a capable team and possibly get outside help.)  With many people having routines for indoor work, meetings, and planning events, it would make sense to have more care with the smaller projects and be aware that we are basically deluxe water balloons moving through space..and physical reality. 

Back to Kaelan's predicament in seeing his friends in trouble with others around but not near enough or even within shouting distance due to the noise of the Falls...

Much more training about Which Places to Go and With Whom and For What Purposes could guide every state in helping its citizens make safer plans for all involved. That would mean adults taking leadership roles and more youth asking for guidance and ways to be accountable, knowing it can get confusing with the modern world being more complex than when most adults grew up.

This year of 2019 is coming at a time when the world is looking to America to make some critical decisions about leadership in the country and the world. It may as well start with the People of Every State in the United States as well as People In Canada and In Mexico realizing people need to be more capable in making basic decisions with accountability for the long haul. There may be social services and health care in place, yet people need to know how to access those.

There may be other help for housing or transportation, yet again more help and support may be needed. The people who seem to 'have it all' are often reminded to realize they likely had help from people in their immediate circles and from those who share their zip code thus tax base. However it's happened, going forward, trying to be more considerate of the options to play it safe and be more responsible not only with earning or caring or others but feelng more in control and aware of one's own feelings, beliefs, concerns and life experiences would be a big step forward for humanity.

Then many services to do 'damage control' or pick up the pieces from one collision or ill-planned venture or another would be less common. We still could benefit from an array of experiences by watching movies and gong to amusement parks, taking acting and learning some basics sports and sportsmanship to be team players. 

I will wrap this up for now, but of course 'there is always more to consider' in part because we haven't been Allowing Ourselves to Think  Like This..Sometimes out of fear or concern for what others would think of us or about how it would make others feel, or if some protocol were being broken or someone were feeling criticized. All of that adds up to Delay Tactics..and we really can't afford to Stay in Denial Much Longer...

The Washington Post had a headline that the US CIA had hidden a report that the human causes of climate change could be devastating. I was sharing that after I learned it through a Permaculture Basics class in 2008 as well as from and many others who have had time to comprehend the enormity of the implications.

Yet other speakers who share insights about us being primarily spiritual beings could offer a life raft of hope to remind us that 'it may not be over even if the physical world is over and our mortal existence is over.' We may exist in our energy bodies...we may possibly be transformed into other beings.

That is what many say possible alien interactions have been about, "seeding a new kind of being with DNA that can handle higher frequencies." Will we all have computer chips installed and be able to do complex math in our heads? Maybe recite some Shakespeare like the good old days of yore when it was theater in the round, but maybe it will be with holographic actors? The skies are no longer the limit apparently, just other neighborhoods in our galaxy.

Who knows what really happens to our spirits or consciousness when we are sleeping and dreaming? Some say 'correlation does not mean causation necessarily' so whatever we can observe is not necessarily causing something to happen.

That was explored in a talk by Peter Fenwick citing work by a Canadian scientist whose last name is Penfield.I think I will break for now, but I have talked with a friend for an hour or more about all sorts of important ideas that I hoped to summarize.

Sometime I may be able to record a phone conversation using google voice, especially since I have Skype (and my own laptop that I got from Computer Overhauls in NYC) and often have good deals on computers with a month guarantee and can ship anywhere.Let's help others in our circles have the basic digital access whether through computers or at least with good cell phones.. It can take a while but if I managed it (with the help of my kids initially but that shouldn't have been the only way to build confidence, then I'm sure others  50 and up can find their way too.) Best to all in lining up their stars in a fabulous constellation to help their life and team shine!


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