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"A 120 Billion dollar budget for one war (In Iraq) and 140 Billion another (Afghanistan). A Trillion Dollar deficit, half linked to military.' Just a few insights from 9/11 Truth on No Lies Radio online

on Tue, 09/20/2016 - 02:24

 What would you do if you met some interesting folks who said they made a movie and had a website? Check their site, sure. What if there was another heads-up about 'learning the Truth about 9/11' especially if you cared back in 2001 and ever since about that national tragedy? Check that site, and Listen in on the amazing reports. I had a CD I meant to listen to long ago about a conspiracy theory, but never got around to it the last 15 years. I viewed some of the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth site and

So on this anniversary I didn't want to overlook points I had heard online when I peaked on some online things. It made sense but what more was there to do? These folks had done their homework and so I took an hour to begin to learn more. I heard the program by Robert Palsamo of Pilots for 9/11 Truth. A special offer through 9/30/16 with 9 hours of programming for a small donation is available.

What will you do as a way to honor the lives lost, the thousands more who were harmed by the experience whether due to connections with those lost or who lived in the area and were affected by toxins, pollution and stress? Let's realize we are still 'involved as meaningful players' when this is happening in oh yes, our country, the one we sing anthems and praises about..but which had run hundreds of thousands of people into wars that likely were never justified.

Let's try to do better. There is no way to undo the harm but the healing for our spirits as we live into the future, likely with more problems in the pipeline to devastate more regular people at the expense of someone's very injurious,  costly and lethal agenda. Thanks for taking a moment and asking yourself that most difficult in life, spelled L-IF-E...What IF we are not being told The Truth and are victims of conspiracies?

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