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livfully's blog

Social Permaculture Anyone? How about Tuition Insurance for College Students (Yes two topics)

on Fri, 08/25/2017 - 19:19 is the link to learn more about a workshop being held at the Brooklyn NY Commons on Atlantic Avenue on Saturday, Aug. 26th, 2017. I hope to go and bring a few friends to see what we can do to create a livelier community in our lovely neighborhoods here. 
It doesn't hurt that 'Everybody Loves Brooklyn" and I am guessing that's mainly because of the people (and improvements that have come over the years with safer communities and more money helping improve the neighborhoods...but the challenges to keep ties and practical resources

Solar Eclipse was a Success (as far as I can tell) for the universe and earthlings and earth energy, See more online about what the Dolphins were saying too..

on Fri, 08/25/2017 - 16:58

Anyone up for thinking of the dreamline quality of the solar eclipse occurring on August 21st, 2017 on our heart planet earth? Google ideas about the dolphin messengers saying this may be ushering in a time of the 'divine feminine' in terms of bringing out planetary awareness to feel out collective humanity, our oneness on earth and be more open to healing ang growing together. I heard that on a talk I got in an email and will aim to track it down, but consider it a dream message that was shared at this remarkable time.

During the eclipse 'for real', the Moon was blocking the sunlight's path

Changing Perspectives on What Is Connected to What (Relationships, Causes of Events, Microcosm and Macrocosm). Think Deepak, Unified Field, Intentions and Steadfast Actions, Laws and Systems in our Society and even Solar Eclipses!

on Fri, 08/18/2017 - 11:59

We all dream at night. Some remember more about their dreams than others, but they are all 'interpretations' by the time one wakes up. Then some can tune Into their Dreams while they are happening. That is called Lucid Dreaming...and can occur more readily even by 'asking or telling oneself to become aware of when one is dreaming.

Over time and with practice 'tuning in', one may see quite a show...and even be able to direct one's dream towards 'landing on one's feet', flying on a magic carpet or eagles wings (a large eagle). Get the picture?

Four Decades Ago I graduated from 8th grade...and almost 3 Decades Ago Became a Parent...thinking of life time lines by the decades...

on Fri, 08/18/2017 - 04:24

Remember playing hide and go seek and counting by 5s to let people hide? We'd call out, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60 (boy the numbers were getting up there...what comes next? Oh yeah..) 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90 (surely, everyone's got a good hiding place by now and it could be hard to know where to start looking since everyone hides so well in our big yard around the house along the woods even with boundaries one couldn't go past..) 95, 100! Anyone Around My Goal Is It!

What if we thought about the numbers as Years of Our Lives, counting by 5s and 10s... It dawned on me that I

WOW! Forum at the Warner Theatre in CT happening Oct. 6, 2017

on Thu, 08/10/2017 - 19:44

 Check out the great offering for women to hear Nancy Butler and enjoy networking sessions at the lovely Warner Theatre venue in Torrington Ct this fall. They have a deal of buying 5 tickets and getting one free, so be in touch with your friends and enjoy it together. I got to attend a couple a long time ago and still feel inspired around the edges. I may splurge to attend and told a few cool leader types about it, we could join together and save a few bucks or gift the ticket to a woman in need...a cool thing indeed! The event is run through the NW Chamber of Commerce.

