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Tennis Anyone? How About Politics as in "The Battle of NY" for the Democratic Presidential Candidate...Bernie or Hillary, Case made for BERNIE SANDERS. Vote TUESDAY, April 19th, 2016 from 6am to 9pm.

on Sat, 04/16/2016 - 17:10

A Special Newspaper Flyer has been printed up to Clarify Key Factors about the Democratic Contest for the Presidential Candidate in the NY Primary on April 19th, 2016. The media has not given fair coverage, The Battle of New York flyer declares. The NY Times is endorsing Hillary Clinton...and so have I in many respects from over the years and in this campaign.

My hope as many have held that Bernie would not throw the election to the Republicans as Ralph Nader's unfortunate run for Presidency may have done.

Mark Anthony in NYC at Edgar Cayce center April 9,2016

on Sat, 04/09/2016 - 05:55

If you are on the fence about going to see Mark Anthony, don't be. He's personable and skillful. His two books Never Letting Go and Evidence of Eternity shed light on important questions like is there life after death (In addition to telling you his answer is"Yes!" Let me mention it's waayy past my bedtime.) Stay tuned but check out this site There are riveting stories including one of a person who miraculously  got out of the Twin Towers after they were struck. Likely many have heard of such miracles which  all of US, especially those in  NY could find some comfort in.

See www naturalnutmeg.Com for health and wealth idea and events!!

on Fri, 04/08/2016 - 21:43

$Don't Delay checking out for a great magazine based in CT yet covering a wider area for health ideas and events including a popular CT Women's Expo in April 2016 and annually. If you attend bring or at least tell a friend about what Inspired you to go or what you discovered. Tell us here too, we not only want to know we care about You!

Help spread the word about the 12thmotherscustodyconference org too in early May 2016!Thanks in advance..Happy Spring,see for a discounted membership in May to Edgar Cayce site and info for health and more...


Kudos to NY Assembly Member Markey (D-Queens) and advocates for Victims of Sexual Abuse..Also How to Share Bad News from the Past, Maybe if It's Safe and You have a TEAM Do It..

on Thu, 03/31/2016 - 17:50

The headline of the NY Daily caught my eye late the other night with a photo of a young boy (who is now 39, named Michael DeSantis, not too far from St. Michael whose sincere believers usually pray to for protection and find inspiration in) with the caption, "OH, YOU WERE RAPED? TOO BAD!" A question that more people could consider in our world is "IF we were violated in any way, do we have a way to know and should we..or might we start healing on all levels to keep that possibility open.

We could realize the people who should have tried to protect us or really help us learn about

Vassar Days in the 1980s, Part One, Two and Three all here but pace yo'self

on Sun, 03/27/2016 - 03:02

This good news about Vassar College in Poughkeepsie in NY being in the NY Times for providing great aid to folks in need and promoting diversity was music to my ears.  I was happy to attend Vassar College (which was co ed by 1970) with a lot of aid back in the 1980s.  The news of more colleges aiming to be inclusive warms my heart as its a dream I have held for a long time, even since the 1980s when I realized Vassar and others were seeking to recruit capable African American students to attend in larger numbers.

Wonderful students showed up and encouraged each other and more besides.One of
