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The Big News of the First Debate: Hillary Trumping Trump with Measured Intelligence and Depth of Experience

on Tue, 09/27/2016 - 02:45

 When the debates began, Hillary stated there was a critical choice to make between the two of them who offer different ideas about how to address problems. Clearly there are different approaches as well in language and comprehension of issues. Hillary speaks very intelligently and clearly.

Trump, not so much. He uses his masculine traits of standing tall and using short answers such as "bring Law and Order' to inner cities (repeating the phrase at least 3 but more like 5 to 7 times, without details.

Sharing the Load and Joy, state by state, towns and cities alike...

on Mon, 09/26/2016 - 17:25

The state of CT awarded STEAP grants to small towns including $500K for a transfer station for Salisbury and Sharon. Many towns have received money for upgrades while cities have been deemed deficient in basic school services. How might citizens advocate for a more of a balance with creative solutions that meet the needs of both parties, towns and cities and share the joys and burdens of rearing youth and being community?

That's a lot of ka-ching, now if we could only invite a few hundred kids from under-served areas to attend school here...that would help balance the discrepancies.

What If 9-11-01 Didn't Happen the way the government and media portray it? Setting example of the debate mindset to explore thinking possibilities (that's what many try to learn to do in college, in faith circles, and around the world)

on Thu, 09/22/2016 - 15:28


Always good to see both sides..and consider either way the What IF possibilities...and what motive and people were seeking in any event. Also, I ask what IF other theories could be considered...such as if there are UFOs and alien energies trying to help us survive climate change and nuclear threats... just sayin' there's still some thinking to do and work (hopefully good intentioned and fair). Peace

A few of my poems and songs from over the years..I need to find them but want to remind myself to do so!

on Thu, 09/22/2016 - 04:04

All Your Bright Tomorrows (song, by Catherine Palmer Paton, inspired at a picnic with friends with kite-flying and kids running about trying fo fly said kites in Sharon CT)  


 All Your Bright Tomorrows begin with a single step, a single step. All your bright tomorrows begin today. 
( Verse 1) People sharing a picnic, flying kites on a hill.  Hear the children laughing, their spirits soaring still. (Chorus) 

See the leaves a changin'. Soon the cold winds will blow. Winter's surely coming yet surely it will go! (Chorus)

Gather round the fire, winter, summer or fall.

ABC, CBA That's the Way We Like to Play...and Enjoy the 55th Anniversary Concert of Folk-Legacy Records Oct 1st,2016

on Thu, 09/22/2016 - 03:32

I will listen to an online recording from of the Region One ABC (All Boards Committee) in Falls Village CT, but will share a poem first...feel free to complete. ABC, CBA that's the way we like to play. DEF, FED Once we're fed we're happy as can be. GHI, IHG, G says Hi and Hi to G.... see more on www.livfully.orgwhen I get a minute this week (and find the rest I made up for a new kid on the block whose name starts like the alphabet with A (no suspense, now, Adaline).

All the best to keeping the school doors open wide and free... I'll put some poems and song lyrics from over the
