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"" One Hand at a Time, very lovely effort, Applause from US-All!

on Sat, 02/18/2017 - 17:56

When someone meets somebuddy doing amazing work (or for a great organization) we can feel lucky to learn of it. We can't be everywhere at once and know all that others are doing to help the next guy. But with the internet, networking (actually using email and FB and blogs and reading others posts,) we can learn much faster or be encouraged to get through our days with a little lift in our hearts and steps.

Not Everybuddy's Interested So In Case You Are... check out No Lies Radio (online) and Ruth Montgomery books

on Sat, 02/18/2017 - 15:01 making "EarthHeart" Steps, for the Heart of the Earth and You Too, Join Me (US-All who Dare to Care and Share!)

on Thu, 02/16/2017 - 14:51

Putting in Friend Requests on Facebook, I found some older women activists, some who have been doing their part for years, even making documentaries on those 'hidden problems' (such as Family Court issues). Anything that Raises the Topics of Concern and How to Improve matters for Children, Women, and Good Guys is Great, along with The Earth and Her Heart.

I woke up this morning thinking of my name, Catherine, as having both Earth and Heart in in it (since those two words have the same letters...One Earth Heart is what we can each take to think on and get inspired by today.

"You"nique magique on Valentine's Day for You and Yours Today and All-Ways

on Tue, 02/14/2017 - 16:21

Salutations this Valentine's Day (which I also call Palentine's Day) or Everybuddy's Good-Hearted Vibes Day. Check out the Yale-NewHaven Hospital site for Smart Heart tips. Give Your Good Self a Hug and maybe another lucky soul (with permission.)

A friendly hello online, on the phone or in person is a treat too. Thanks a bundle and feel the love from above, the love that's here and yet to come to you, yours, your area and wider world...

May there be peace and care abiding in every heart as it beats and does its part for keeping the rhthym of living life in balance and gratitude growing and

What Are You Doing Up Late on Valentine's Eve? I'm Thinking Of You as in Y'All

on Tue, 02/14/2017 - 04:36

Tonight I indulged in listening to a guest on the Jen McLean show that was live (with a replay I can tune into for the second part within 48 hours.) I then zoned in on a live video  at about being a Life Coach. All I need is $2000 but I really think it would be cool to follow through with Eban's teachings, since he's been in the biz for 25 years (that's roughly half my lifetime.) Let me know if you'd like to help fund any such venture.
