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Dream Teams for Addressing Safety and Support for Care Needs Across the Life Span, young to old and special needs

on Mon, 09/19/2022 - 15:39

Once stigma can fade away from needing help for abuse or other serious concerns, more creative and extensive outreach can be done to help All Children, All Caregivers, Parents, Teachers, Bus Drivers and People in the Legal and Social Work Fields prioritze safety for kids...and other adults. How hard can 'doing the right, decent thing' be for those with positions of power.

Maybe it's hard due to hidden alliances (and obvious ones and legacies of power and control over women and kids...) See more on CA Protective Parents Assoc. speaking about School Shooter Profiles, New book Triggered...

on Mon, 05/02/2022 - 18:33

Sometimes I hear about what's going on in 'the real world' and sadly that may mean learning more about something that has gotten in the headlines as 'another school shooting.' Unlike when I grew up in the 1970s and even 80s, the idea of violence and school would be 'Two Things That Do Not Go Together."

After all, people are going to school mostly voluntarily, taking some optional classes and hopefully seeing friends and doing some activities they enjoy whether sports, music, theater, science, or Socializing (again maybe with a few but that's better than nothing.) Those days were Before Cell

Just in case 'The Truth Matters' As in Science and Physical Evidence Tune into the talks on

on Sun, 05/01/2022 - 22:08

 Here's a bit of what's shared from the site of from 5/1/2022

9/11: An Architect’s Guide – Part 3: The Twin Towers and Extreme Heat
Coming Up Sunday, May 1, 2022
Special New Video Podcast Sunday
4pm Pacific * 7pm Eastern
Course Description:
We at RichardGage911 are dedicated to conducting research and providing education about the complete destruction of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers, our courses give architects the technical knowledge and analytical framework with which to evaluate the most likely cause of those

Let's Make the Most of this 2022 Earth Day and Keep the Energy Growing!

on Fri, 04/22/2022 - 19:45

Helping others is a pleasure overall but can be even more fun and worthwhile when having a Team of Support. Mulitply the numbers of folks who need the earth and the resources on earth having to supply the, housing and clean water for starters...and you see We Have Some Planning to Succeed Together...

Let's all plan to Survive and Thrive with Cooperation not competition....

Okay chime in with a friend about how we can make the world a friendlier place for all, including plants, animals, fish and people...peace and light to one and all and let's shine bright in 2022...There are

Parenting and Child Care Needs and Resources in the 2020s and the Past in NWCT

on Fri, 04/22/2022 - 00:09
I've been talking about parenting and all sorts of important 'under the radar' issues for years ...seeing some live beautifully with many helping them run tidy amazing households (and employing some to do the cleaning, childcare, and lots more...)
I realized 'We all Deserve help, especially the helpers!' We started a nursery school called Morning Song (which was pricey but we pulled it off, with just a few hour day then I'd watch the kids for free while cleaning up...and that was at the Audubon and warmed us up to the idea of applying for a job there when it opened up...Dave had already
