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From NYC branch... Calling for activism

on Fri, 04/10/2020 - 17:51

 There is a group watching our for the world and particularly matters related to climate change. They organize public forums and demonstrations to bring awareness to concerns that are not acknowledged or addressed in a timely, comprehensive fashion (sounds a bit like how the playing ouf of the COVID19 pandemic caught most leaders and the public offguard.) This is from their site Let's learn and support them in growing numbers...since they are seeking to protect US-All and the world at large.

What's the Past Whirlwind Month Been Like for You and Yours?

on Fri, 04/10/2020 - 14:39


Hello and how are you doing these days? If you are taking note of this Good Friday as a special time recognized by Christians and possibly others for the historical and cultural tradition as the time of the passing of Jesus under difficult circumstances, some more profound than most may have considered, then I am acknowledging that with you as well.

I realize for whatever reason we haven't had ways to discuss the events of not only 2020 years ago (or thereabouts when time was reframed to be since the time of Jesus with AD meaing After Death and BC meaning Before Christ). This is the time

APRIL and Plans for Peace Poems, Feel free to Share! by Catherine Palmer Paton

on Thu, 04/09/2020 - 18:53


Assess Plans & Resources, Implement, Learn


People Living with Agreements and Networking through Schools and Society for

Problem-solving teams, Exploring options, Amicable relationships, Community connections, Expressing respectfully for US-All!

"Let US-All grow in friendships with ourselves and others in balanced, healing ways whether in person or at a distance or in our hearts and minds!"

"Thanks for doing your part on Plan-it Heart aka Earth!"

"Think Big Picture..."

"Rething Everything.

Safe & Together Institute Offering Virtual Academy, Podcasts and Information

on Tue, 04/07/2020 - 14:17

Safe & Together Institute is an incredibly important resource for every country, state, and community to learn about as well as for victims to have hope and learn all they can about patterns of abuse and control, particularly during this increased time of isolation and future challenges along these lines of sudden change and mandates, reduced finances, support or earning opportunities for people and in society at large.

Join in a "Heroic Heart Webcast" with this link from

on Mon, 04/06/2020 - 19:18
This invite was shared Monday, April 6th, 2020 by to the Life Force Academy family with extended option to share with here goes! Join in this cool event!
"Hope you're doing well out there and staying safe! Tonight's a big night for us. It's the full moon experience and Heroic Heart Webcast. This is also an introduction to our 40-Day Challenge that begins on Thursday. If you can't attend live, the replay will be available. You can attend the class on the livestream page inside the Life-Force Academy as usual.
For this special event, we are opening it up to
