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Notes to Others Shared here on

on Thu, 05/14/2020 - 02:56
Excerpts from a letter I shared with some folks around Mother's Day, May 10th, 2020 which took me a minute to get the date clear on and then count up days accordingly in the week. As it turned out when I wished someone well for their grown son's birthday, that parent was caught offguard thinking it was 'tomorrow.' So that's another reason to think out help someone else keep track of special occassions if not just the day and date! 
There was a nice write up last year in Rolling Stone about Folk-Legacy going to the Smithsonian Folkways.

Thinking of Special Ways to Celebrate My Birthday All Things Considered...

on Thu, 05/14/2020 - 01:05

Thanks to everybuddy whose checked out this blog and hopefully been inspired to do something in their lives feeling 'If she can say or do that...I can take a risk try something along the lines of Taking A Break, A Deep Breath, Thinking Kindly Toward Yourself, Being Nice to Someone Else...and all those 'little things' that maybe the voices in one's head says 'there's no need, no time, no point' in doing those kinds of things.'

That said, the prior post was a 'walk down memory lane' for me recounting not only being a mom to lovely grown kids but also of a teen son in spirit and other

Feeling the Bigger Love as the Middle of May comes round and a Fly-Over at 11 AM-ish in Sharon CT on 5/14/20

on Wed, 05/13/2020 - 21:06

"The Connecticut Air National Guard will be honoring healthcare workers on Thursday with a flyover. The 103rd Airlift Wing's Flying Yankees scheduled a “salute to Connecticut healthcare workers” for Thursday. Officials said C-130H Hercules aircraft will be conducting flyovers of hospitals and healthcare facilities throughout the state as part of Operation American Resolve."

Local locations and times include:

Torrington 11:08 a.m.
Sharon 11:13 a.m.
Danbury 11:27 a.m.

The times are estimates and could fluctuate
officials said.

Time for a Tune UP! (For ourselves, our DNA, our planet heart and corner of the galaxy!)

on Tue, 05/12/2020 - 01:51
"What's Next?" many wonder. It's time for a tune up for both people and planet earth. We must use this 'restart'  to 'rethink everything' for our collective survival in the next decades to come.
Many sounding the alarm of Climate Change, such as and the great young activist Greta Thunberg, have said 'We Cannot Survive If We Keep Destroying the Earth's Resources, Using Fossil Fuels. and Eating Meat." 
Recent reports shared on declare that  a large percent of the land and limited fresh water supplies worldwide goes to graze cattle and raise livestock, with

Let's Think Out Loud About All Things COVID19 and Otherwise...a serious bid for more input from regular people

on Mon, 05/11/2020 - 04:47
Here is a post I shared locally with those learning about the passing of 26 people in a nursing home in Litchfield CT. Likely there will be more information about any delays in reporting or getting the people help. You can send some ideas my way or let me know if you are interested in creating surveys or outreach efforts. Email me at and I'll confirm I get it.
