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Sheri Porter, author of Researchers Make the Case for Home-based Medical Care:Frail Seniors Need Access to Care

on Tue, 02/05/2019 - 19:12

 The next many paragraphs are written by me, Catherine Palmer Paton aka Livfully...summarizing  an article and then putting an extensive quote at the end from the article in the title of this post.

The American Academy of Family Practitioners (AAFP) ran an article in December 2018 with the above title. I found it through a link in an End Of Life Doulas group of which I am a member. There is a free online training for basics at 

  •  If you can access the article it's worth considering the emerging paradigm to encourage more options for people receive care in their homes.

Feb 3rd, 2019 Run for Refugees at Wilbur Cross HS in New Haven CT: Join the Cause!

on Sat, 02/02/2019 - 16:23

Run for Refugees 2019

 · Hosted by IRIS - Integrated Refugee & Immigrant Services Thanks for two FB friends, I heard of this today. I went to Wilbur Cross in 1978 for a year so appreciate the community all these many decades later..
Looking Good New Haven, and the IRIS event to raise funds and awareness for refugees. About 700 are signed up to run and twice that are interested. Let's join in the cause with a donation, sharing the news, or hitting the pavement walking or running.

Nadine Burke's TED Talk on ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) and the link to poor health and shortened life span

on Fri, 02/01/2019 - 18:20

Fasten your seatbelt (or at least read the transcript and let it sink in for a few days...and longer.) Google the TED Talk by Nadine Burke. Some other resources to know about is a CA Protective Parents Association site, The Battered Mothers Custody Conference (which will be held April 26th-28th, 2019) in Albany NY.

Getting curious about one's own life journey, one's health and living environment, and other factors to think about. I am hearing another talk that 'popped up' after Dr. Burke's...Rishi Manchada, What Makes You Sick? Look Upstream.

He speaks about a more holistic view of what is

Great Free Tips on Patty this week

on Thu, 01/31/2019 - 20:53

Sharing a spot to hear some good insights from Patty Lennon who works with entrepreneurs. Many of the tips can apply to anything one is looking to accomplish in life, I find.


Hope you have time to sign up and hear the quick segments and lots of the live Q &A...Using your gifts to help the world, charging what you're worth (and offering nice programs for a bit more rather than one-offs for a small amount can decrease how hard you have to work at selling...and let you work with people in more depth..)

These ideas were primarily for coaches and consultants... My other helpful tip is to get

Looking Forward to Hearing US Rep. Hakeem Jeffries in Brooklyn NY TonightU.S

on Thu, 01/31/2019 - 19:47

Even with super cold temperatures, I anticipate a great crowd turning up at the annual address by US Congressional Representative of NY Hakeem Jeffries. I wasn't sure I'd be able to make it, but so far things look good.

So then I can fill you in on what he shares in his no-nonsense let's get 'er done approach to fixing things locally and yes, nationally. He has a few words to say about what's happened with the POTUS Donald Trump in the White House and actions affecting all the breadth and width of this country..and beyond.

Okay, stay tuned and I'll aim to tune into the highlights and what
