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Regarding the Idea of Helping Immigrants Avoid Deportation and the Overall Big Issue(s)

on Wed, 03/15/2017 - 22:12
After sharing a friend's post about NY and other places helping Immigrants to not cooperate beyond giving their name and not letting any ICE (Immigration Customs Exportation folks, I think) in their dwellings, a fellow commented that he did not think people doing something illegal should be able to get away with it and needed to face 'whatever consequences' were currently being drummed up in response to Their Actions.

Gigi Young on Youtube full of 'starrific ideas', strange yet important ideas about Who We Are and How We Affect Our Life Journeys..both the one and the many

on Wed, 03/15/2017 - 13:37

Listening to a few 10-20 minute videos by GIGI YOUNG about what we are all about, as people, a part of the universe and more. She has shared that the years from 2012-2015 were times of release and transition to line up with our inner intention. The overall idea is that the world reflects our experiences and intentions (whatever those may be, consciously and unconsciously).

So being honest and doing one's open heart reflections to understand one's emotional and intentional experiences is important.

KIVA raised $3Million Dollars to help over 16,000 women in 62 countries keep or start their businesses! They had a matching grant so make the Six (6) Million Dollars. (Sounds like the 6 Million Dollar Man show of the 1970s only better since it's for real)

on Fri, 03/10/2017 - 17:05

Getting lots more emails than I can keep up means I hardly open ones I havent' taken a keen interest in. Thankfully I got to learn about Kiva's goal to raise lots of money (with crowdfunding donations) for women in many parts of the world, some rich, lots poor (by world standards, yet likely some of the most esteemed folks on plan-it heart.) I wish I could say I donated and basically meant to, but didn't get it together.

I want to do a budget (as in -- you need a budget and plan how much I will donate to all causes combined and make sure it's not more than I earn.) I took a big leap

Celebrating Lots (including visions and programs) on International Women's Day 3-8-17 and Beeyond!

on Wed, 03/08/2017 - 21:14

While Spring is in the air in NYC in wonderful sunny ways today, the growing vibe around the world about International Women's Day is also joined by a Spiritual Progressives Network orchestrated online by and many details how to re-envision America and the modern world.

Ideally we will all benefit from their efforts with a growing awareness of our positive caring connections with one another and the earth we all share.


Who Better to Help You Find Your Sparkle than Kevin Diamond? Free video clip to start polishing your talents!

on Wed, 03/08/2017 - 04:15 is the link to click to learn more from a fellow who knows You've Got Talent and can help you hone how to turn that into a successful business (and likely serve your tribe whose Waiting for You to do so.)

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Download/Watch FREE 5 Min. Video to turn your skills into a sustainable business
Kevin Diamond: Location Independent Owner of Web Design Agency
Business Launch Program 2017:

Don't delay
