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Julie Bishop's "Thrive Anyway" workshop to help heal heartache in Great Barrington MA area mid June 2017

on Thu, 06/15/2017 - 01:36

Worth a google and considering finding funders or helping someone you know attend. There just aren't enough meaningful resources to address 'heart ache' and ways to get back on track when 'life happens'.. Here's a comment I shared in the comments. All the best...

Sounds like a very helpful and meaningful program..and happens to be taking place on a 'challenging date of our teen son Kaelan's passing' which was on the heels of other big shifts I wasn't really up for or clear how to handle... yet 8 years later some things have found a way to weave their wisdom into my story and soul...and maybe

When a Kids' Lemonade Stand and Stoop Sale Doesn't Go Over Well With Some Folks in Brooklyn NY, Who Cares?

on Thu, 06/15/2017 - 01:09

There are forums where all sorts of issues can be discussed for parents and caregivers in an area. On one such online group that serves about 4K people, a conflict that occurred drew 25 responses, mainly supportive. In a nutshell, a mom and a pregnant friend had a stoop sale on a block that seemed user-friendly and was within the customs they had practiced earlier in life.

Their kids set up a small lemonade stand and most folks enjoyed stopping by the stand and stoop sale. But not everyone. Someone in the building whose lawn was being used complained from on high, and then in person.

A Media Circus or Set of Concerns about CT's Sandy Hook regarding Meghan Kelly's Sunday 6/18/17 'interview with Alex Jones' which he does not want to air..

on Tue, 06/13/2017 - 17:58

With reverence for losses that took place on December 14, 2012 in CT and the many that have happened across the United States with 'clear and convincing evidence' and far less attention or support for the families affected (as I learned at a CT Peace Conference), we can take a moment of silence and light a candle of hiope and faith that we all will brave the thinking, caring, inquiring and learning whether online or in our discussions to address any wrong doing, deception, or confusion or not understanding the bigger picture.

When looking at Yahoo News after being away from my computer for a

Oscar Lopez Rivera, a person to Learn About (and either honor or be concerned about) this Sunday June 11th, 2017 as he declined to lead the Puerto Rican Parade in NYC even after corporate sponsors withdrew support

on Thu, 06/08/2017 - 13:16

 I was fishing round the radio and went to about 10 stations after hearing some nice Hispanic music. I landed at NPR with the commentator, Amy Goodman, with Juan Gonzalez interviewing Oscar Lopez Rivera who'd been released from decades in jail, many of those years in solitary. "Yikes!" I thought,"I can't miss this." I learned a lot in a  short period of time.

A Letter to Alternative Healers, People of Faith, Hope and Love...Let's Join Together to Help Heal Ourselves, The World and Say Thanks to Source (Yes, G-d, the Divine and be nice in the Universe)

on Wed, 06/07/2017 - 11:22
Hi, (to one Reiki trainer but also to people of faith and humanists, parents, teachers and people the world over... Thanks for sharing your gifts for healing with thee world. Have you heard of The Reconnection? Those 
'newer frequencies' are supposed to be 'even more encompassing than Reiki...' I think the large numbers of Reiki folks could readily accept the Possibility of the RC frequencies.
 If more 'alternative therapy' people join together maybe the world at large will allow for more 'lay people empowerment' and the leaders will come along more readily.
