Skip directly to content Has Info about Domestic Abuse, Financial Abuse and Coercive Control

on Wed, 04/13/2022 - 22:20

 By now many people have heard of Jennifers' Laws and Kayden's Law (if not scroll down a few posts.) These cases tragically were born out of the mortal deaths of three beautifu females, two moms in CT and a young girl in PA.

Learn more about the important resources victims of abuse and their advocates can access today (such as The Battered Mothers Custody Conference which runs at the end of the month into May and is held in Albany NY near the airport.

Thanks to all who work tirelessly and bravely in this difficult field.

From Toastmasters District 53 to your headlines...Celebrating Clubs and Inviting More to Join One online or in person!

on Wed, 04/13/2022 - 21:56

 See lots more about and join as a guest to learn more at a club near you (search by zip code, that's an easy first step!)

We can use more members in most clubs, especially The Last Word online (and based in Lenox MA) and Torrington Toastmasters (in CT.) Think of joining now to come to the District Conference too held near Bradley Intrnt'l Airport May 12th-15th, 2022!

The following Clubs Celebrate Charter dates in April!

Pioneer Valley Club..................................................April 01, 1965
Travelers Noontime Toastmasters..........................April 01,

Hearing about IRAs (and can get more info from Suze Orman) and tax day April 18th, Good Luck!

on Wed, 04/13/2022 - 04:45

Suze Orman had some info online about choosing a Roth IRA vs a traditional one. She shared that as long as one spouse had 6K of earned income, both could put that amount of funds away in an IRA (even if both did not earn that amount.) Nice to know. Then there's the pros and cons of which IRA gets taxed Before putting in place versus when it's taken out.

When I was talking over the idea with someone fairly 'in the know' she suggested it wasn't necessary coming into one's 60s with various life goals such as finding more secure housing, transportation and such to sock some money away.

Permaculture Basics and Games (even one on this blog Turtle Garden Permaculture Game) can Help in These Times

on Tue, 04/05/2022 - 00:05

Wishing the world into the way we want it to be (not as it is or one feels it has to be) is part of the wisdom and way forward for our sense of togetherness and team.

I wanted to start on a positive note since so much about climate change and these times with the Ukrainian conflict and the possible spread with more destructive politicians and forces gaining momentum can make us feel helpless and hopeless, like a turtle crossing on a busy highway in the dark or worse being tossed on its back.
