Skip directly to content a nice way to connect, but start with FB and local free sites too for Community Networking! Happy Thanksgiving to One and All this Nov. 2017 too!

on Sun, 11/19/2017 - 16:01

This site is commercial but helpful for schools and alums (maybe students should join while still in school?) to keep in touch..though really FB pages serve the same function and are free.

 I signed up by mistake initially thinking it was a branch of the Blue N Gold (which it is Not). Still, I had always hoped to develop this kind of networking so went ahead and got the lifetime membership when it rolled around as an upgrade for my initial fee. I consider it a business investment too just to keep in touch and see what great enthusiasm can be generated. 

That said, if someone

City Saucery Is The Boss Yes Siree! I will be cookin' in the kitchen with my first batch of their Tomato Sauce shortly!

on Sun, 11/19/2017 - 05:58

New York City is the home of City Saucery I learned today at the Fort Greene Farmer's Market. I almost typed "Famers' Market" and I do hope to applaud all who participate in this stellar event in Brooklyn NY at Fort Greene Park every Saturday, year-round (I also happily learned today.) I will offer at the start of this post now that I wrote it that an overall tip is to be thankful for one's food, where it came from, all who prepared it and transported it, and those who cooked or served it before eating it.

Cheerful topics coming soon, this one has a silver lining but is still foreboding..

on Thu, 11/16/2017 - 04:54
From FB posts I learned that CT has reinstated funds for Renters Rebate that had been cut recently..leaving people in a difficult position through the end of this year. I want to learn more details, but got thinking of whether this was really a 'mistake' initially to cut funds when they did or if there may be some other 'wheeling and dealing' going back on...creating a problem for another group of businesses to have a new set of clients or maybe to encourage them to leave the state for cheaper pastures. How can such 'large mistakes or poorly planned events' be dropped on so many from on high?

Some Towns Share a Common in sHaron, kEnt,sAlisbury (and fAlls village aka cAnaan), coRnwall, and norTh canaan)

on Wed, 11/15/2017 - 22:11

Like the song "You've Gotta Have Heart", when it comes to being part of a small community or even a family, group or larger populace, you may have to dig a little deeper and commit more consciously to being a team player and doing so 'with HEART!' The legacy of a few dozen generations is all most people can begin to tune into..even a few generations..and then we are 'almost before civilization as we know it'. It's easy to take things for granted and expect the never-ending technologies, science and what-not will carry the day.

Recounting the magical sparks of love over a memory of the sweetness of youth, the bravery of a heroic teen and appreciation for our growth as communities

on Wed, 11/15/2017 - 15:35
everyone chiming in here or over the years (and all who attended his Memorial Service graciously held at Sharon Center School)..there is a lot I have explored on and over 30K have seen a post Remermbering Kaelan Alexander...with many other posts referencing aspects of our lives in those times and since
When someone dear to Kaelan took time to share a song I wrote to summarize his last acts of love and courage saving two of his teen friends from the HoUSAtonic River, others echoed their feelings of thanks and admiration for what a wonderful person Kaelan was and how it seems
