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Thanks to Jeff Goins for Inspiring Thousands...for Intentional Blog program talk which is inspiring! Check it out for those on the brink of bloggin'!

on Sat, 02/03/2018 - 02:52

After listening to an inspiring talk about how Jeff Goins got to the top of his game with blogging and writing, I wanted to share the enthusiasm of 'it's not a matter of if but when' one will succeed if you follow his program. The other nice perk from his program is there's a money back guarantee if you do the work and don't get 1000 email subscribers. That's starting a blog and getting up and runnin' fast..and feeling in sync with the process.

I had someone set this up for me (and thanks to all who've helped along the way in various ways.) My hope is to 'monetize' the blog in some respects

When A Friend Asked that We Repost on FB a story about How We've Lost Many To Cancer and How Difficult The Disease Is, Many Showed Support

on Fri, 02/02/2018 - 22:27

Here is my response to our friend and public personality in our small towns of CT who posted that as one commenter shared, #CancerSucks.That is shared in the spirit of digging deep into the miserable reality of anyone hearing the news, getting treatments that have their own side effects and impact, and then sadly for those succumbing to the illness which can seem merciless.

We could share in memory of those who died from it, and likely we could all come up with a list of our top ten people, and another ten and even more if we were in support groups or at events such as Relay For Life to

Good Times at Brooklyn Tech High with Representative Hakeem Jeffries..."Can't Stop, Won't Stop!" Thank G-d!

on Fri, 01/26/2018 - 05:18 is the tail end of a very scathing review of the new Tax Act and many aspects of the Trump Presidency that is rocking our nation's foundation, according to Congressman Hakeem Jeffries. I would love to share more but hopefully one can look up video coverage online. The entire program was riveting and heartwarming even though the prospects of dire situations becoming the new normal were covered candidly by Representative Jeffries.( Thanks to Patrice Halloway who handily captured a nice photo op for me with Rep.

When Public High Schools Raise the Bar for Athletes to Have Good Grades, Some Teams May Be Dismantled...

on Fri, 01/26/2018 - 04:59
The trend to set standards for athletes to maintain good grades to play sports is on the move in some areas..such as in a small town in CT which is regional school, serving six towns. I will wait to name the school..but this FB post was in response to the news that many players will be ineligible to continue playing their sports since new standards were put in place. There does not seem to have been enough input from teachers and parents (and coaches) to help people prepare for the outcome of such a policy taking effect under a new administration.
A passing grade of 70 rather than a "D" (was

We are learning more All the Time about the Kuiper Belt and Inner Oort Experience Possibilities..Nibiru, Planet X, is the Main Stage Event!

on Thu, 01/25/2018 - 01:37

Listening to youtube talks, the discovery of 100 new Brown Dwarfs are 'relatively closer to the earth'. Possibly hiding behind Pluto are two 2012 VP 113 ( and another moves in the outer solar system...) is one take on the situation. Alex Jones has been saying he's sick of hearing about Planet X forever but after a while he says he did research. He uses the terms "Gigantor' when comparing Planet X to the size of Pluto.

There's Lots more online and worth considering that natural disasters or solar system events may deliver to our doorsteps whether we 'ordered it up' on some level or not.
