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Thanks to All Taking Master Gardeners (and Composting) Classes and Otherwise Sharing the Wisdom!

on Sat, 06/30/2018 - 20:56

As we ready for 4th of July celebrations, a new way to appreciate that

"This land is your land, and this land is my land.

from California to the New York Islands..." is to indulge in

composting (indoors or out) and

sharing the knowledge as well as benefitting from the 'outputs'

of such a system which can be created

on small or much larger scales, for individuals, groups or commercial uses.

For starters let me share the websites

that I learned of at a free workshop sponsored by The Sharon Conservation Committee

About a dozen people

Sizzling Summer Special Events and Support for US-All To Celebrate July 4th, 2018 and Beyond!

on Fri, 06/29/2018 - 21:46
With all the exciting festive events that make the summer remarkable in our tri-corner MA/NY CT area, one of the unique offerings that was attended by about a hundred people was a comprehensive introduction to Domestic Abuse and Violence by Women's Support Services of Sharon CT. The event was hosted by TRIAD and held at the Bitterman Center in North Canaan CT, part of a  series of offerings, the last one on gun violence.
 While the Limerock Fireworks will draw thousands as hopefully the Falls Village Car Show will on Sunday, July 8th, more needs to be done to get the word out about

An intro to More Community Networking Online and at The Falls Village Car Show July 8th, 2018..see you There!

on Wed, 06/27/2018 - 13:47

As for local events we all want to attend so we have a better chance of 'bumping into our neighbors' and seeing amazing cars, put The Falls Village Car Show on your calendar for July 8th, 2018. PM me if you want to help me with my community-networking booth I will have (a place to post community events, with a summarized list to help people remember dates, times and consider inviting friends who may not have time to figure out the deets.) 

Ideally a list of community events resources such as listed in The Hills and in the Lakeville Journal's "Towns and Villages" special sections (with Town

Hello, Join David Adelson on a FREE Call (not a typical offering...) Wednesday, June 27th, of 4 he's offering

on Tue, 06/26/2018 - 23:28

Sometimes you meet unusual people in the Berkshires of Massachusetts. Make that in the tri-corner MA/NY CT and many other places...colleges (some moreso than others such as Vassar, UCONN, Yale and of course any open minded caring, creative community. Plenty of people are full of good intentions and even helpful ambitions (win-win situations and more.) I met someone who knows David Adelson fairly well at a speaking group about ten years ago in the Berkshires of MA.

I'm Jumping Into the Sizzle System Current Coaching...You Can Too!

on Mon, 06/25/2018 - 03:37 is the link to join an inspiring coach in a current challenge. If you 'aren't there yet' just take notes..and consider What IF you had a service or product you wanted to might you go about doing so? I've been Super-Uper Busy but got to see some speical people in my personal social circles, so mostly the world is turning in the right direction for me. I have had time to reflect in the actual set of towns that my late teen son Kaelan lived in and sadly exited the earth from nine years ago.

Not much sizzlin' about
