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A Jog Down Memory Lane and Tips for Modern Day Living With Self-Care too!

on Thu, 10/13/2022 - 13:01

Who grew up with a lot of noise in the house from people, TVs or even a radio blaring music (or a record playing at a danceable level?) I thought that was a great way to be 'tuned into life and get motivated to learn stuff' and could do homework with that racket going one. But by third grade I realized I'd have to have a quieter place to study at my desk and do my homework.

 I took it upon myself to set a bedtime that made sense, get my homework done and keep myself on track.

Listen to Learn About Your Brain with Free Talks and Videos from!

on Thu, 10/13/2022 - 12:39

In the prior post, there are links to use to get a free trial of braintime or sign up for a half-year or year at discounts ! But What is Braintime? What is Going on in the Brain too? How can we learn more about 'what helps and what hurts' when it comes to learning or functioning so we feel as though we are in the driver's seat?

Let's Keep the Links to the Braintime offers handy, some to free trials too!

on Thu, 10/13/2022 - 02:06

Here are my affiliate links to learn more about offerings from There is a new program to help address stroke symptoms... Best of luck finding support and using the program regularly...

That takes discipline and some times are easier than others, but always fine to just start fresh if needing to do so!

There are other links on a recent prior posting..Happy Braintime listening and learning with benefits that are unique to each person! (for a monthly program)

From Getting Rides to Getting Wise, It Takes A Lot of Help and Some Laws to Protect Victims (and others too even not facing abuse)

on Wed, 10/12/2022 - 15:26

When someone was looking on a public FB page on the Northwest Corner Chatter for a ride service in Torrington CT, I heard a heartwarming story of someone being gifted eventually with free rides from a Taxi Service...Incredible and maybe not available to more folks nowadays, but it's good to know people care and many help behind the scenes.

This is what I shared....I know someone needing a ride to work and realize even in Torrington with buses, they don't run on Sundays...I would hope more people who know each others could form networks to help people 'within reason' but know many are worried

Titan Bool is this Marsupial's (Sugar Glider's) Name, Making Moves and Flying Cool is its Game...Nice Role Model for US All!

on Wed, 10/12/2022 - 14:39 is a link to see some magical daring flying by this awesome animal...not a bat but rather a Titan Bool. I will google more about said Bool but will leave you to ooh and ahh...Don't follow suit unless you have a parachute or are just dreaming!
