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Remembering Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton's Legacy FB Fundraiser and Important Issues for US-All in 2019

on Wed, 06/26/2019 - 14:44
I hope this outreach can encourage more connection and safety plans (formed and promoted by communities not only schools, faith groups, towns, states, and happenstance outreaches like this one.)
If there are injuries in a workplace setting, full investigation is done. If a minor dies, another serious investigation should be done to help comprehend the various warnings that were not understood or heeded by adults as well as minors (as would be reasonable.)
With the 10th Year Since Kaelan's Passing in 2009 is coming up June 16th, 2019, I have been wanting to mark the time with a bigger

PMH Water offers Inspiring, Amazing Theories, Ideas and Experiences on her site and in books and talks online

on Sun, 06/23/2019 - 12:41 is a talk I heard this Sunday, June 22nd, 2019 at 7 am and shared on Facebook, so of course, want to share with all of you...This incredible woman, PMH Water has had a life 'like few others' that I've heard of in terms of both her experiences with Near Death Experiences (a few in a short span of time) and much more. Dannion Brinkley comes to mind and a few others..

But she does say 'not everything happens by choice', although she says in her book The Challenge of 9/11 from her understanding is that 2000 years of unprocessed pain was moved by that experience (and

Encouraging a FB person who said $100 cash was needed (and had a painting to sell)

on Sat, 06/22/2019 - 15:16
Thanks for sharing this intriguing picture on Northwest Corner Chatter (hope that it is legal to do so..You could describe it or direct them to a site it is posted on officially too.)
Also for sharing your request for your need for cash.. Plenty of people have been in that spot. Maybe you can ask five people for loans of 20 dollars each (and agree in writing as to paying back with money or work etc...maybe help run a tag sale with things from a local give-away spot like a transfer station or ask people for donations.)
Helping move items around and making them available especially locally

Joining in Prayers for the Family of a Wonderful Professional Diver Steven W. , Details Not Clear

on Sat, 06/22/2019 - 01:51

At this time there is news coverage about the untimely passing of a young man from our small town of Falls Village CT passing in strong water near a hydaulic power plant in Vermont. This kind of tragedy hits very close to home for me and the news will likely remind people all too well of the seriousness of a turn of events a decade ago when a group of youths had met with trouble in whitewater near the Falls in the village named for them (the only one in the country it turns out.)

Likely every area has its stories from over the years, particularly if there is a dangerous area for swimming

Driving Safely and Heeding Police Car With Lights for Safety Key. Serious Crash into Police Car with injuries resulting on 1-95 in CT, June 19, 2019

on Sat, 06/22/2019 - 01:28
There is likely a lot to learn about this kind of accident...particularly how to have more 'early signal lights' to make sure the drivers at high speeds have enough time to see and respond appropriately.
Hard as it it, maybe people should be advised to move to a safer location away from their car until a more comprehensive team could work with them regarding the functioning of their car.
