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Helpful "inner healing" (and nice external outplaying as well in many cases) resources and ideas to Tune Into Today!

on Sun, 03/15/2020 - 14:04

After five weeks of travel from the East Coast to the West and back again, meeting many people and being a lovely conferences, thankfully with no sign of COVID-19 and most of the time on my own, I wanted to share a few resources. One coming to mind is an Instagram account called intheback40 which has great nature photography. I met the fellow behind that amazing endeavor and will share more.

Gregg Braden who has his own site and who I got to see in AZ is offering great things on Humanity's Team online with special offers Today (3/14/20.) Lots more I could add but will mention

Notes to Pretty Much Everyone To Consult with Attorneys to Make Legal Plans (now's as good a time as any and to clarify more about medicare, medicaid coverage options too)

on Sat, 03/14/2020 - 18:50
Hello to Everyone... This was a letter I sent to some personal friends but wanted to share the topics with more people. None of this is to be taken as legal advice or my recommendation...just a lot of info to research further with professionals and points to clarify in one's state. Some legal firms are offering consults by phone or online type meetings. One such place may be folks who also have a blog with a lot of helpful information.

A letter to some of my many End of Life Doula Friends (mostly online) and Others who want to Get Real About These Modern Challenges!

on Sat, 03/14/2020 - 17:58
Just letting folks know I had a lovely time travelling to Hawaii and the SouthWest in the past month, seeing family, friends and even awesome folks at a Gregg Braden (and HeartMath Experience, outreach program in Sedona and made it back to CT after being in NYC for a few days to see my family there.
Many people are heading out of the city to avoid being in a big place where some say the virus and death tolls will be high. I was hoping the EOLD community could come out strong with some guidance and support on many I will see the zoom meeting.
Maybe there are things to

To a Wonderful Person Facing A Big Health Challenge and Her Caring Husband and Courageous Kids...

on Fri, 03/13/2020 - 18:51

With the theory of  Quantum Entanglement, the idea that 'what affects one person impacts others in some way' is being experienced by just about everyone regarding the COVID-19 scenario playing out for some who have faced the challenge of having the virus and sadly succombing to it as well as 'everyone else' whose become aware of the possibility of getting sick (even if not morbidly so, possibly facing some breathing challenges and infecting others even before showing symptoms who in turn may have a serious or fatal outcome even if that is a small minority.) 

I will reflect on that more in

Special Time Just Before Outings by and large are being #Co-X'd (Corona Cancelled)

on Thu, 03/12/2020 - 21:31

This post is the first I've had time to do on my computer where my fingers can readily jot down what I'm hoping to convey (and letting 'come through' given what I'm doing as well as hearing on the news and from people around me.) Since I travelled to Hawaii on February 3rd, 2020 (The Big Island called Hawaii as I was quick to learn) after a short jaunt through the airport in Oahu a few days before that became a 'point of concern' due to a Japanese couple being there February 7th, 2020 who were later quarantined in Japan once they returned and had concerns of exposure to the Corona virus.

