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A Difficult Conversation..But One I Am Sharing to See Where It Goes To Help Each Other Hear 'Both Sides' of the Kavanaugh-Ford Situation

on Thu, 10/11/2018 - 15:44

I posted a video  on Facebook about stopping gun violence in our country at Wilbur Cross High School in New Haven CT (which I happened to go to for my second year of high school..and sadly heard of a teacher being shot, in 1978, by a male student who had told him he would do that someday...and did years later is the story I recall even 40 years later. I will have to research that.) I will look for the link but maybe you will have to look it up to see that. It's worth viewing. This was my intro to that post.

Came across this looking to see if there was an alum page to reconnect with some

Human Rights Campaign PAC at is Getting People Ready to VOTE for Fair Inclusion in Society

on Tue, 10/09/2018 - 13:59

During the Farmer's Market in Fort Greene Park in Brooklyn NY, I saw a person with a Human Rights Campaign (HRC) tee shirt on and inquired. They are working to get people to vote and donate toward politicians who will work for a fair playing field in our communities, states and country for all people, without discrimination.

I thought most of this was happening, but in the Age of Trump progress to allow people to be who they are, love who they want, work and live as they see as mutually fair and agreeable is dwindling.

Check out and pitch in toward the efforts to get involved

Time to Stage Interventions With Abusers of All Kinds, even in Theory, Online, With Letters to the Editors and Some Town Wide Mailings...Why Not?

on Sun, 10/07/2018 - 05:22

I hope Brian Ohler and other advocates can review the latest about primary aggressor laws and see what Troop B thinks... and will do to implement this new standard in CT. I think there's a gap in info and awareness in the public also.

 There seems to be NO ONE in our area, state or country Intervening or Challenging aggressors or their many complicit parties (families, friends, co-workers, counselors, doctors, ministers, 12-step groups or general public friends etc) Understand Boundaries, Types of Abuse and Common Syndromes.

The Lion Has Awoken and Roared...on the White House Steps..."Kava-NO!" Let's pray it doesn't get worse...

on Sun, 10/07/2018 - 04:43

After a busy day learning about NEFF, New England Forestry Foundation ( and sadly hearing of the loss of a wonderful fellow in his 20s in a vehicular accident and sending heartfelt condolences to his family, I visited some folks in a nursing home after doing some shopping at Matrushka in Great Barrington MA, and Tom's Toy's next door. Before I could turn in I wanted to see What Happened with the Kavanaugh vote.

Someone said he was confirmed. I didn't think that could happen on a weekend.

Wow Power Waving To the World from Torrington's Fri. 10/5/18

on Sat, 10/06/2018 - 02:18

Applause, applause for the wonderful gathering of the planning committee of the Wow Forum, headed by Lisa Ferris and Melissa Root with 22 others from businesses, including the head of the Chamber, Joanne Ryan. What a rich experience for the hundred or more in attendance hearing accomplished presenters!

Congratulations to all of the extraordinary women and a few fellas who found their way to the annual Wow Forum,, run by the Northwest  Connecticut's Chamber Of Commerce on this fabulous Friday, October 5th, 2018.

It's a great start to a promising month.
