Skip directly to content Providing Key Advocacy and Information at this Time in the US of All!

on Thu, 02/17/2022 - 19:30

This post is copied from an email from and shares information about an important meeting on youtube. The point that domestic abuse and violence can be perpetrated by a Mom or Dad or person of any caregiving capacity or orientation, economic or ethnic or cultural or faith group.


"There’s this place around the corner from you, seemingly insignificant, but it hosts a house of horrors.

Tune Into Some Exciting Timely Offers and Events, online and in person in CT!

on Thu, 02/17/2022 - 19:00

  Hello To All and see other posts for other great ideas and ways to connect and support others as well (and maybe find support for yourself  and those in your circles too!)

See the amazing project called In Her Own Words at the Salisbury Association in CT and online that has other stories recorded as well!

We are rediscovering the art of storytelling, sharing, photography exhibits and video sharing anew. We need to know who we are, what we value and want to share and take meaningful timely steps to #DoJustThat!

I'm gaining insight and inspiration from many personal and online folks.

Happy to Have Donated to Studio Lakeville & Green Cafe: A Walk Down Memory Lane and Dreaming for Spring Success for US All!

on Wed, 02/16/2022 - 14:59
Help Studio Lakeville & The Green Café Thanks for donating to an amazing Mom whose led the way for many to stay fit and healthy for years!
"Can't Stop. Don't Stop, Leslie!" See more on to stay in the game of life with good moves! Get inspired by how "neighbor helps neighbor' whether local or the next state over. Lakeville is just half hour or so from Great Barrington and 15 from Ashley Falls, a scenic drive at that.
Stay tuned for what SWSA, Salisbury Winter Sports Association is hosting soon (and online videos of what just launched at the Ski

Helping One Another When the Chips Are Down, The Cow Hurts the Farmer, the Barn Burns Down Holds Wisdom To Help When We Can and Must to Prevent Danger (for the most part, with minors and domestic abuse and more...)

on Tue, 02/15/2022 - 18:01

 Here's the writing prompt for this post: A wonderful set of sharing on a small forum on Facebook about neighbor helping neighbor from Back in the Day when Farmers Helped One Another, Friends Filled in with needs 'no questions asked'. Thanks for pulling back the curtain from yesteryear...It's worth creating a running list of the Big Helps, Medium Helps and Little Helps...and then see how one may inform the other.

There is a kernel of wisdom that needs to be nurtured to clear the FOG (Fear, Obligation, Guilt) about the figuring out ways to help people in difficult situations.

From 10 years ago to Today on FB, How Are Things Developing In Your Life and Community? Got Help When You Need It? Let's Make That So!

on Tue, 02/15/2022 - 16:00
A post I shared a decade ago on FB... what was your life back then and what's it like now (and what might it be in the next decade... for you, yours and your community.)
Has everybuddy wished everybuddy else a Happy Valentine's Day? Thanks if you did, and this can cover anyone who wanted to but didn' economical cyberhug with good wishes for all to feel mellow and loved in that ol'-fashioned "I'm thinking about you..and you and you" way..I come from a humongo family, so the 'one is all and all is one' is the frequency I was tuned into as a number 10 child...I
Of course, thought a lot about
