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Learning with 450 plus folks on program... What are you up to today?

on Sat, 10/31/2020 - 21:54

Sometimes I sign up for a program and 'forgetaboutit' not because I didn't want to do it, but life gets busy. Thankfully this program didn't get away from me...and the reminders helped!

There's one more day, but so far, it's been enriching and special to connect with people in small groups. We also have a FB page to keep in touch. I'll share something someone posted in our chat...and then get back to the program...

Very moving insights... and I have to read his book Emergence (once I find getting organized is a good goal for this next month.) Best to all for a special weekend and

Lighting Candles of Hope and Wisdom to Journey on More Safely Together Day by Day

on Tue, 10/13/2020 - 16:53

Prayers for the spirit of a young child who crossed over recently due to injuries suffered in a car accident and all of the family, friends and people involved. Let's please all take extra care to  practice safety when driving, being careful of intersections, mindful of children and others near roads, seat belt safety and more, even having sunglasses and making sure people are not tired or under in the influence from substances (legal or illegal.) 

Have designated drivers in place (with back ups) if any concerns...and be ready to delay a trip, give extra time to reach a destination, plan for

First post on

on Thu, 10/08/2020 - 17:42

Here's something that caught my eye last night from my own front yard and now I see it was the moon. Honestly I thought it might be Mars that I saw since I heard it too was in the night time neighborhood. All the more reason to "Look Up" and learn about what's going on up there. Apparently another headline I saw says 'space is getting crowded' (with satellites I am pretty sure...) and that could be dangerous or not good. I'll have to google to fine out more... but one moon at a time!

This is an inaugural post on this site (new from which lives on

Check Out My New site...there's a reason for this new blog forum season for me

on Tue, 10/06/2020 - 15:39 is my new site that I have help forming to save my blog from possibly disappearing (again) in cyberspace. The news from that is upgrading things on the site Oct 19th for a few days with a Chance of Thunderstorms or Complete Wash Out of my site was not heartwarming to read.

At least I had the good fortune to check out the message though, so have to say the angels were on my team.

Learn About How to Earn and Manage Business as Women (and Others) on

on Mon, 10/05/2020 - 19:05

Even though one is not in NYC, the Business Outreach Center Network Model is one that could inspire women worldwide.What drives business? How might one get started, whether moving a hobby to a business or pursuing a bigger business plan?

There is a lot on (Small business Association) in every state to learn about funding sources, having a business plan and getting registered if need be and a federal tax ID among other basics.
